Maserati Coupe/Convertible

30 April 2003
Indianapolis, IN
Anyone know how well these are holding up? I was never really impressed with the car until I went to the NAIAS on tuesday and sat in one for awhile. Now, I think my feeling may have changed. I just wonder how well they hold up, and if they have Ferrari-like maintainence, now that they are owned by Ferrari.

On a side note, the 4 door Maser is very cool, but I spent about 45 min just sitting in a new NSX. Oh how I love that car. And the HSC was cool too, but it was locked, so I was unable to get inside.

Anyway, what have you all heard about the new Maserati's?
I don't really like the look of them, generally nice details but from certain angle it looks wrong... there are atleast 10 of them within 100m radius of my home. Sounds quite nice though. May be get one for my girl friend, will be worth a shopping car. So, I'd be interested in knowing about the maintenance costs too for everyday use.
I had a 2002 Maserati Coupe Cambiocorsa (paddleshifters). Too much power to the rear wheels. Very hard to take off...even when you are NOT trying to burn the tires. That being said, once you get going and step on the gas, 390hp going to the rear wheels feels really good.

Maintenance is not bad at all on Maseratis. I think it is about the same as a Porsche. Much cheaper than a Ferrari...I cant remember the reason why...but it was. And they come with 4year 50k mile warranties which was a big plus for me.

One warning though, thus far, the prices seem to drop like a rock and never seem to stop. I once thought NSX depreciation was bad in the first year or two. After owning a Maserati, the 20k drop for a new NSX (or 30k drop from MSRP) seems like nothing compared to the Maserati. In this category, I think Maserati even beats out Jaguar and that is really hard to do.

Rare car though....I think I have only seen one other one on the roads.
I agree that the new Quattroporte is AWESOME looking!

Probably the nicest limousine in the world! :D



For the Coupe, I liked more the "Old" 3200 GT because of the very nice rear taillights:

