Martha's Show (Teaser)

25 March 2005
Randolph NJ
Let me first say this....I have not watched a show and go to my self, wow this killed an hour of my life and killed my day untill now. I am not a critic but this show sucks. And I mean SUCKS. There isnt a You're Fired good bye...HORRIBLE...I think this is more scripted then Trumps show, HIS is fun to watch becuase it IS a reality show...people wanting a job, Martha's....I rather STUDY, then watch her bullcrap on how to "connect" to things and all that K-mart s***. For the futire all you NSXers....DONT WATCH IT...Spend time with your loved ones (not just your cars people) and hope something like this show never happens again.

PS. Jeff was kicked me it doesnt matter if you find out now anyway, I know your not going to watch it

2 Thumbs down
unfortunately I too watched it.
It's basically an exact copy of Trump's show where Martha tries to act like Trump. I don't even know if that's how Trump really acts in real life but at least with him it seems more natural.

What is up with that creative team? Not to knock "creative" people in general, but those guys are a mess. Talk about some quirky people. How the hell do people like that become successful?

They shoulda done something different with Martha's show to differentiate it from Trump's. For example, they could task the teams with "do the most insider trading w/o being caught", or "break out of prison as fast as possible" or even "maximize your return on recent media attention because u just got out of jail" :biggrin: :rolleyes:
I watched America's Next Top Model, two chicks made out..although one wasn't very 'chick' now that I think of it.

Then I watched so you think you can dance..which is actually really entertaining. And Lauren Sanchez is rack-tacular.
satan_srv said:
I 'Lost' interest in the show after like 4-5 episodes..when absolutely NOTHING interesting happened...

agreed!! I hear such good things about that show, but I watched a bunch of episodes and after every episode I'm left with this uneasy feeling of nothing being accomplished. Very fustrating imo.