Marin Country Drive 6/24/06

I'd also like to thank Harry for hosting this nice event at his beautiful home, Nick (and his wife?) for the pizzas, and tk for the guided tour thru the twisties. :D
I had a wonderful time, meeting up with some old friends and making some new ones. Thanks to Harry and your wife for being great hosts and putting the whole thing together and Nick for providing the very good pizzas. Tom Pon had a good idea of having a drive and ending up at Nicks pizzera. I think he really likes the pizza, cause Tom is from the Sacramento area.
Thanks to all who attended!! It was a great day and everyone was well-behaved (both on the drive and around the pool :biggrin: )

We'll do it again next year for sure -- maybe another type of event later in the summer.

Thanks all again for coming!!

Big THANKS to Harry and Linda for having us in their beautiful home and for their hospitality. It was surely a blast to have had a perfect day, perfect weather, and perfect companies. Harry's awesome garage sadly inspired me too many expensive ideas and I will have to put off my already remote retirement for another few years.
Thank you! For all the work to organize an event like this and then hosting us at your lovely home. You are a class act!

I had a great time!!


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Hi everybody-

A late thanks to All for a great time. I have been out on vacation and am just now able to reply---I had such a good time that I Drove it Again on Friday 6/30---I missed everyone else--but I DID go much faster this round--HAHAHA...I would like to do this venture another time and was wondering if anyone would be willing to meet and go at it ?--I also took some pics when we were sitting along the resevoir near the end of the drive--I will get them downloaded and posted just as soon as I can....let me know if anyone else cares to give this a whirl as a group ...Rob thebeach96