March 23 - Eleventh NSXCA Midwest Region Annual Dinner

Hello to all and wish Cindy and I could be there. We tried - didn't work out. We hope you have a nice gathering and meal.
Three of our attendees will not be able to make it. So if anyone regrets not signing up and still wants to do so, please feel free to join us! Just send me a PM to let us know you're coming.
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Thanks for the pic!

Great time like every year. Glad to meet those of you I have not met. I beat the weather home arriving in Cincy around 4:30am. Sorry I kind of rushed out.

HUGE thanks to Ken Sax for continually being a part of the club and organizing this every year. Your an asset to the community.
Yes, thank you Ken. It was great meeting you all.

...and to the waiter who has apparently never used a camera before- nice job, we knew you'd pull through by the 7th or 8th attempt lol.

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