Mac anti-commercial (warning: language)


All good humor has elements of truth in it and there have been some funny Apple/Mac satirical works out there. The Saturday Night Live commercial comes to mind.

Reliability and stability are things that most people would agree that Macs are known for.

He goes on about weird key combos (Cloverleaf-something) and crashing...hasn't he ever heard of Ctrl-Alt-Del and the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)?

I can't remember the last time my Macintosh froze and locked up. Sure, I've had apps quit from time to time. And I've gone weeks without rebooting too.

But I watched this and it wasn't even funny. There was nothing I could relate to or identify that was uniquely Macintosh. I guess he's never used a Mac.

Now that movie where Ballmer runs around the stage acting like an idiot...that's funny.


Jimbo, I have to commend you on that diplomatic reply you just wrote. You're 100% right, Windows has some seriously weird idiosyncrasies too.

Though, i did love the gag in the Mac clip about it's easy to shut down; just use a program and it shuts down. LOL...

Jimbo said:
Now that movie where Ballmer runs around the stage acting like an idiot...that's funny.

You mean this:
:D (3.1MB MPEG)

Another classic: Bill Gates Demo's Win98 Crash. (Quicktime)

XBOX crash -
That was a pretty convincing photoshop, Neo:

I like Macs, and the Ipod, but I absolutely HATE Quicktime :mad:. I only downloaded it to play some videos, and it keeps prompting me to upgrade. It also installed a resident program (qttask.exe) in my task tray, and the only way to disable it was to delete it through the registry. What an annoying POS! At least Media Player doesn't bombard me with this kind of crap everytime I run it. Needless to say I uninstalled it from my system. :mad:
PHOEN$X said:
That was a pretty convincing photoshop, Neo:

:D That's why i only linked the picture: not the page. :D

If you have Quicktime, what you need is <A HREF="">Quicktime Alternative</A>. Plays Quicktime without the crap you were describing. :cool:
NeoNSX said:
:D That's why i only linked the picture: not the page. :D
Sorry, Neo. Sometimes poor Bill unfairly gets a bad rap, although I'm sure he's laughing all the way to the bank.. ;)
NeoNSX said:
If you have Quicktime, what you need is Quicktime Alternative. Plays Quicktime without the crap you were describing. :cool:
Hey Neo, what is this alternative? I only got a page with an ad about a free screen saver (and I need one of those like I need a hole in the head). Is it the same thing as this? Sometimes I feel like a computer novice compared to you! ;) Thanks.

EDIT: found free alternatives to both QT and Real. Finally, no more nagging/bloated players - yay! Open source software rocks! :)
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That is an absolute riot !!! And I'm a hardcore Mac guy !!! You need to change the post to: Mac fans click on this - MANDATORY !!! Only many many Mac hours logged can make you truly appreciate it.
Lud, i've shown three other system administrators today and they loved it. One even cried laughing.

That is the funniest PC-thing I've laughed at since the last time I saw Bill Gates. Even the fact it's in Windows Media Player format is amusing. Absolute Classic!!!
Very humorous. It was fun to watch. But, I've never come across any of the problems this guy seems to be whining about. Using the Mac since 1984, I love this platform.

About two years ago I got a PC laptop (Fujitsu) running Win2K so I not Windows illiterate. Having used it for over two years, Windows is like a "sea of preferences." Just trying to find a setting leaves you wondering where it's buried. That's why shows like The Screensavers on TechTV are useful. Once Leo, their Mac user, demonstrated how deep one had to go to find a preference pane to change a simple setting. It was mind boggling. I'll use Windows for the sake of knowing my way around but it's not intuitive compared to the MacOS.

I've got a G4 DP500 but will get a 15" Powerbook and a 20" Cinema display to replace it in the near future. Yeah, I'll still keep the PC laptop too.

That was my take as well.

His antics were kinda funny but I just couldn't connect with his complaints.

I guess I kind of felt like he was a (insert your favorite NSX competitor) owner ranting about the NSX and how the NSX is unreliable, poorly designed, keeps breaking down, etc.


That was excellent! I only do Windows / Unix, so when I have to help somebody with one of the three Macs in the building, it never goes smooth.

That had a few of the folks I work with cracking up as well! Must send that to a few more people...

I assume those Macs aren't running OSX?



  • jimsmac.gif
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Ahhh, the BSD based version, I wish. Some of the windows systems here are just getting off of '95. Not much a big rush to upgrade things around here :)
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Saw that earlier today. Once again the better part of my evening will be spent patching machines :mad: I wish folks wouldn't work so late so I could get to this stuff earlier!
Another reason I use Mac is also the beauty of not dealing with constant barrage of security alerts as noted by Neo. I won't go online with my PC laptop and go everywhere with my Mac not having to worry about any virus attacking my computer.

In my opinion, the XP in Windows stands for eXtremely Patched, an OS with lots of bandaids. Just to be fair though, Mac OS X had some patches as well on some vulnerabilities but nothing on the scale of XP which can be very serious.

Mac OS X is like an NSX. It's clean, smooth, polished, refined and very reliable. Not everyone owns it but it's nice to have something that's not a dime a dozen. XP is like a Ford Escort. Everyone has one and it's really nothing special. Mass produced it a has all the problems and is unreliable needing a fix on a weekly basis. Which would you own? :D

Once I was talking to a new NSX friend of mine and in the short time he got to know me he said, "You must own a Mac!" All NSX owners should own Macs. :D
Vytas said:
Mac OS X is like an NSX. It's clean, smooth, polished, refined and very reliable. Not everyone owns it but it's nice to have something that's not a dime a dozen. XP is like a Ford Escort. Everyone has one and it's really nothing special. Mass produced it a has all the problems and is unreliable needing a fix on a weekly basis. Which would you own?
Cars are not computers. If I had to trade parts all the time with all my friends, there is a big advantage to having something that a lot of other people have, instead of the one oddball on the block.

I used to think of the Mac as the perfect PC for people who bought a Betamax VCR - it may have some technical advantages, but when it comes to trading files and buying software, I want what everyone else is using. Nowadays, I don't even bother with these discussions. The "war" is over. Mac lost.
Vytas said:
Another reason I use Mac is also the beauty of not dealing with constant barrage of security alerts as noted by Neo. I won't go online with my PC laptop and go everywhere with my Mac not having to worry about any virus attacking my computer.

In my opinion, the XP in Windows stands for eXtremely Patched, an OS with lots of bandaids. Just to be fair though, Mac OS X had some patches as well on some vulnerabilities but nothing on the scale of XP which can be very serious.

Mac OS X is like an NSX. It's clean, smooth, polished, refined and very reliable. Not everyone owns it but it's nice to have something that's not a dime a dozen. XP is like a Ford Escort. Everyone has one and it's really nothing special. Mass produced it a has all the problems and is unreliable needing a fix on a weekly basis. Which would you own? :D

Once I was talking to a new NSX friend of mine and in the short time he got to know me he said, "You must own a Mac!" All NSX owners should own Macs. :D

This is a strange philosophy though. It's kind of like protection through obscurity. As someone who has been a technology professional for 12 years and has worked fulltime on everything from IBM 3090's to Macs, trust me when I tell you that ANYTHING can fall victim to exploits. All it takes is ONE small hole and you will have a problem since the exploiters have all the time in the world to find it.

The issue with Windows is that since its the dominant platform, it is the number one target of vandals and criminals. Just like a graffiti artist wouldn't bother painting a wall in the middle of nowhere, a virus writer won't waste time on a platform that represents less than 10% of the desktop market.

The thing that's a little scay is that Mac users seem to be in a state of denial thinking that the Mac has some inherant, genetic, resistance to these problems and would never have any need of virus protection, firewalls, spyware scanners, etc.

If the hardcore Mac community ever got its wish and the Mac did become dominant, you'd be in for a rude awakening, I'm afraid. Take a look at the CERT advisory center and just look at all of the FreeBSD advisories there have been recently. Those ALL have the potential to apply to OSX.

Oh, and as a true Windows expert, I haven't ever had an unstable PC system and certainly haven't even had to reboot any of my PCs due to a software failure since Windows 2000. Most Mac users have a lot more experience than their PC counterparts and are more saavy at setting up and running the machine. As a result, PC problems tend to be blown out of proportion while Mac problems are swept under the rug. I've supported as many as 1000 Mac users at once and I saw a big difference in the quality of the user. Mac users are zealots (sorry to say it), and as a result they are obsessively into it and fix a lot of problems themselves. PC users treat the thing like a phone or stapler (which is correct, I think). As a result, if it breaks, they expect someone else to fix it.

Add to this the fact that the PC is a multi-manufacturer, wide open standard from the hardware perspective and you can forgive it for having a slightly tarnished reputation for stability. Personally, I kind of like the freedom of not having a single vendor monopolize the BIOS, system board, part integration, APIs, and OS!