Low-Carb Diets

9 February 2004
Orange County
All these "low-carb" diets and new menus are making me paranoid to eat carbs! Each time I eat something like bread, I think about how many carbs I'm consuming. I just want to eat in peace. :( I have heard that the Atkins diet followers are beginning to decline.
well it's just about being smart. You don't have to not eat carbs if you are healthy... just only eat them earlier in the day and make dinners that don't have a lot of carbs...

Dreamfield's pasta is pretty good if you can get it. It has 60g of carbs per serving but your body only absorbs 8g and it tastes great. :)
OK Karen....

YOUR THIN AS A RAIL and your worried about carbs??? My laptop is thicker than you!! Calvin, dont you agree??

Diets such as Atkins lessen your carb intake so it starts to use (burn) fats and sugars that have been stored. If your active, you NEED carbs, no way around that. Thats why athletes dont go anywhere NEAR carb diets, there body has to take in carbs to fuel it.

Eat moderatly, EXERCISE and you wont need carb diets or any other diets.
satan_srv said:
well it's just about being smart. You don't have to not eat carbs if you are healthy... just only eat them earlier in the day and make dinners that don't have a lot of carbs...

Dreamfield's pasta is pretty good if you can get it. It has 60g of carbs per serving but your body only absorbs 8g and it tastes great. :)

Just curious, how do you know how many grams of carbs your body actually absorbs?
You have to match your diet with your lifestyle and in the end be happy with how you look.

I have a saying for Atkins followers, 'calories are calories'. I usually get weak arguments/statements so I counter with the Arnold defense, 'You follow your method and I follow mine. I look much better than you, yet you still argue that your method is better. So how do you like me now?'. ;)
MsKadyB said:
All these "low-carb" diets and new menus are making me paranoid to eat carbs! Each time I eat something like bread, I think about how many carbs I'm consuming. I just want to eat in peace. :( I have heard that the Atkins diet followers are beginning to decline.

Its just common sense... I like the low-carb phenomemon. Basically its telling people to just eat less calories... of course you win that way. There is absolutely no need to eat extra bread sticks, 32 ounce coca-cola and cheese crust pizza. Anyone who eats like that regularly deserve to get a heart attack early in life.

Atkins is overkill, but minimizing intake is far easier way to maintain proportional shape rather than doing crazy amounts of excercise.
very low carb diets have been shown to be more efective than other diets in the short term say within 10 months but after that there is no significant difference.What hurts the low carbers over time is the craving for carbs and our boddies own defence mechanisms to preserve body fat.The best diet is a well ballanced low callorie diet for the long haul.
NemesisX said:
OK Karen....

YOUR THIN AS A RAIL and your worried about carbs??? My laptop is thicker than you!! Calvin, dont you agree??

Diets such as Atkins lessen your carb intake so it starts to use (burn) fats and sugars that have been stored. If your active, you NEED carbs, no way around that. Thats why athletes dont go anywhere NEAR carb diets, there body has to take in carbs to fuel it.

Eat moderatly, EXERCISE and you wont need carb diets or any other diets.

I'm not on a low-carb diet. I actually try to have a well-balanced diet paired with exercise, but seeing all these "low-carb" ads everywhere is making me so much more conscience of carbs. Don't get me wrong, I love to eat! But I know that certain foods should be eaten in moderation. One thing I do that most people probably don't, is eat a larger lunch than dinner. It just doesn't seem healthy to eat a large meal at the end of the day when you're much less active and then go to sleep.
docjohn said:
very low carb diets have been shown to be more efective than other diets in the short term say within 10 months but after that there is no significant difference.What hurts the low carbers over time is the craving for carbs and our boddies own defence mechanisms to preserve body fat.The best diet is a well ballanced low callorie diet for the long haul.

I should have noted that I'm no doctor, listen to this guy instead. ;)
satan_srv said:
well it's just about being smart. You don't have to not eat carbs if you are healthy... just only eat them earlier in the day and make dinners that don't have a lot of carbs...

Dreamfield's pasta is pretty good if you can get it. It has 60g of carbs per serving but your body only absorbs 8g and it tastes great. :)
Total non-sense!
The entire diet thing is made much more complicated than it is. In fact it is a very simple concept. It is about input and expenditure just like a bank account. Calorie is a Calorie just like a dollar is a dollar. All these "special" diets are just way to make money, nothing else. It saddens me that people don't use any common sense and just blindly believe what they read. Looks like EVEN a radiologist knows a thing or two about diet and it shows. ;)
I'm glad to see Atkins has peaked out if in fact that is the case. There may be some temporary benefits, but i think it's mostly marketing to get people to spend money on the latest fad. After Atkins there's South Beach. After South Beach there'll be another. Look at the new fast food chains' salads. You think they're healthier for you. They're low carb, but once you put the dressing on them there's more fat than in a hamburger! They're misleading uninformed people imo.

American's just eat to much. If they cut back on meal sizes that in itself would cut back on calorie intake. Sure you'll feel hungry while your body adjusts to small portion sizes, but after a while your body adjusts and it's fine. It's been said before, but in America bigger is better. You feel like u're getting a better deal for your money if you get more food even though it's not good for you.

Also if you switch from white breads to wheat breads and from white rice to whole grain rice it's a lot healthier for you. Less sugars and i believe the complex carbs in whole grains are better for you.