LoveFab LF-3 BUILD

:redface: I'm stupid.

So it's tuned for both 8 and 12 psi?

No worries, simple mistake. low boost is set for ~ 8 PSI / 400 whp. High boost is activated by a switch at ~13 PSI / 500 whp.

-- Chris
I want your center console!

I can't wait to see you smoke Alex at the go fast events :biggrin:
Sorry man, but those AEM gauges look terrible. It's not your fault, but their gauges do, and have always, looked like a byproduct of a McDonalds Happy Meal. They cheapen everything they touch. This has been an ongoing rant of mine since the day I got the AEM EMS myself. Couldn't bring myself install them even though they were much needed. :(
hahahah Lol ,I don't often post those "thats funny" responses...but happy meal gauges.......thats some funny shizat......:biggrin:
Sorry man, but those AEM gauges look terrible. It's not your fault, but their gauges do, and have always, looked like a byproduct of a McDonalds Happy Meal. They cheapen everything they touch. This has been an ongoing rant of mine since the day I got the AEM EMS myself. Couldn't bring myself install them even though they were much needed. :(

I'm working on getting them flush mounted when car gets back, otherwise I can live
with my happy meal.:smile:
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After only four weeks in our shop, we're happy to report that the car is back on its way to the customer. The engine was rebuilt to ScienceofSpeed stage 1 spec, and is now making 500+ whp. It was a pleasure to help you with your project, thank you for the opportunity!

-- Chris
After only four weeks in our shop, we're happy to report that the car is back on its way to the customer. The engine was rebuilt to ScienceofSpeed stage 1 spec, and is now making 500+ whp. It was a pleasure to help you with your project, thank you for the opportunity!

-- Chris

That's an impressive turn around time. I look forward to seeing the car next time I am in the atl.

Ps. Todd, I think your gauges look fine.
After only four weeks in our shop, we're happy to report that the car is back on its way to the customer. The engine was rebuilt to ScienceofSpeed stage 1 spec, and is now making 500+ whp. It was a pleasure to help you with your project, thank you for the opportunity!

-- Chris
I appreciate the service, communication, consultation and quality assurance rendered by you guys. I haven't "driven" the car yet, still getting damaged sidestrakes resolved thanks to transporter ,but overall car looks good. After a little cosmetic attention, I will make some current updates/images & video.
Your the best Chris & Bryan, true standard setters.
That's an impressive turn around time. I look forward to seeing the car next time I am in the atl.

Ps. Todd, I think your gauges look fine.

Yes, very impressive turn around time and yea I missed you last trip. You were leaving when I arrived late.
As far as guages, you can't please them all and out of all the positive or advice some could give, their focus gravitates to the negative. I'm sure they could go to Hulu and catch some old episodes of Jerry Springer or Maury 4the drama fix. lol. :smile:
Anyway, I look 4wrd 2seeing u2 Bro.
I want your center console!

I can't wait to see you smoke Alex at the go fast events :biggrin:

1st - I can't wait to hear these ripping next to each other on the streets of Atlanta, then to see them on the 1/2 mile... Life is Good :smile:

Looks, Performance, Sound... you really did it up right T!!! :smile:

My 'ol Yeller cant even sit in the same town :frown:
They're covering it I hope?

SideStrakes are finished:




Waiting on response for resolution. I refused too pay being that to replace and/or repair strakes was as much as I owed. It got kinda ugly but it will work out. I will place another order with Bryan 2moro. These are 4sale if any1 is interested.
1st - I can't wait to hear these ripping next to each other on the streets of Atlanta, then to see them on the 1/2 mile... Life is Good :smile:

Looks, Performance, Sound... you really did it up right T!!! :smile:

My 'ol Yeller cant even sit in the same town :frown:

Thanks T!! But U always get the most attention. "ooooh the yellow1...":smile:
hey OKI just to be clear juice was poking fun at aem for the toy like appearence of thier gages,not you personaly for using them...and I was laughing at his statement not at you.

anyway back on the subject, great job and i can't wait to hear her again!

I will get blake to comp his next event for you!

thanks. Blake gave me credit on the 13th 4both events.
Hopefully 4-5 deep we will beat all odds.

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