Lotus' Mini-NSX coming to the states... in 12.0 sec 1/4 mile trim.

which model did you testdrive? how much hp did it have? was it the 120hp one? it's light but the performance should be around 5.6sec for 0-60...putting it in par with the subaru wrx. i'm sure the one coming to the US is a bit quicker.

which state are you in? know if it will come into CA?
It was the Euro 120hp version with the Rover engine. It was light but with two adults in the car, it was pretty slow. I think it might have already been through CA and made its way east. I'm in Maryland. You can probably call your Lotus dealer to find out when it will be there. Good luck.
thanks...i'm going to call them. it's still better than nothing. it'll be nice to see it in person and sit in it to see how well it fits people.

anyone know any dealerships that sell at msrp? there are not many lotus dealers in america so i'm sure most of them will stamp a hefty premium....
matteni said:
The article says the 1/4 mile time should be around 12 seconds - hardley scientific.

I sat in one at the St. Louis European car show (they were taking orders too). Not a very comfortable place to spend some time IMO. Still should be a hell of a performance car for the money.

I had the chance to sit in a prototype that was going from dealer to dealer around the US. Myself being 6'1-6'2 I actully fit quite well into it just a lil awkward on how to "jump" in and out. The seat travel is huge and driving position is seemed good. One thing I did not like is that there is NO STORAGE and my foot, size 12s was unable to compress just one pedal at a time...too close and definate need of driving shoes...Hope they changed that part.

Overall a very nice concept by lotus. A new 'revamped' Esprit is also goign to come out. Get those tranys updated.
If anyone is in the Gaithersburg, MD area, you might want to check out Criswell Lotus/Lamborghini. They had a dark blue/black Elise there. I was just there a few days ago checking out a Lotus Esprit.