lottery or similar scams that promise money?

8 September 2003
Easton, PA
I was wondering if anyone had successfully intervened for a friend or family member to stop the outlay of money to get a promised payoff that will of course never really happen? Especially if the victims refuse to believe they are being scammed!

I would like to hear of any possible solutions that worked? I am starting to think that the only solution is to possibly take legal action against the victims and try to convince the court(?) that they are not mentally capable to take care of their own finances.

Today I found out that a lottery scam from over 4 years ago that I had thought was over with, is actually still being entertained by some relatives and with new monetary loses:frown:
I was wondering if anyone had successfully intervened for a friend or family member to stop the outlay of money to get a promised payoff that will of course never really happen? Especially if the victims refuse to believe they are being scammed!

I would like to hear of any possible solutions that worked? I am starting to think that the only solution is to possibly take legal action against the victims and try to convince the court(?) that they are not mentally capable to take care of their own finances.

Today I found out that a lottery scam from over 4 years ago that I had thought was over with, is actually still being entertained by some relatives and with new monetary loses:frown:

Can't you just show them documentation of these scams from the web? The lottery scam and the 419 scams are pretty well documented.
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What is the relative's phone number? I will gladly introduced them to a new, cheaper scam to keep them pre-occupied. :tongue:

Truth be told - you're not going to stop them. It is basically the same as a gambling addiction. It is an addiction in which they are going to require counseling, long term treatment, etc. And I'm sure that if they are STILL doing it, they obviously don't think they have a problem. In fact - YOU, YOU ARE THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM BECAUSE YOU CAN"T SEE HOW MUCH MONEY THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE. :tongue:

Good luck, and start preparing yourself for walking away because more than likely you are going to have to.
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Sorry to hear it is still going on Tony. I stand by my original advice years ago about going to court to get a guardian appointed to stop the madness.
Sorry to hear it is still going on Tony. I stand by my original advice years ago about going to court to get a guardian appointed to stop the madness.

Bob, I really thought it was over 4 yrs ago when all sources of money were exhausted - no more CC, no more equity, etc. But a phone call today asking me for $10k by another member of the household took me completely by surprise - this brings a whole new source of funds into the picture and it sounded like CCs were already tapped via cash advances. I need to preempt the new potential loss via home equity loans for a house thats been paid off since the late 80's!
I need to preempt the new potential loss via home equity loans for a house thats been paid off since the late 80's!

Wow that is insane! How can they not see through the madness. At least when you legally gamble you have the potential for a payout which is why I can see that being a bigger there is no potential for a payout...just more lies on top of lies. Sorry this must be horribly stressful for you. At least they have someone on their side.
At least they have someone on their side.

I don't really want to be involved, it was way to stressful 4 yrs ago trying to talk sense into someone that has no real reasoning abilities - but is good at mentally weakening people that they live with, I stepped away 4 yrs ago after I thought it was over. It's so hard to convince someone that has already thrown away $100K plus and convince them another few thousand isn't going to get them $850K to $1 million.

This one phone call today has already brought back so much stress and frustration
I was wondering if anyone had successfully intervened for a friend or family member to stop the outlay of money to get a promised payoff that will of course never really happen? Especially if the victims refuse to believe they are being scammed!

I would like to hear of any possible solutions that worked? I am starting to think that the only solution is to possibly take legal action against the victims and try to convince the court(?) that they are not mentally capable to take care of their own finances.

Today I found out that a lottery scam from over 4 years ago that I had thought was over with, is actually still being entertained by some relatives and with new monetary loses:frown:

No, 99.9% of the population has to learn for themselves.
I know this might sound nuts, but if you know you can't stop them, perhaps consider tricking them by either coming up with a similar scheme where you are the recipient of the money somehow or find a way to intercept the money flow from your friend/relative to the scammer, and then properly invest it for them. So when they do blow all of their money and come to you for more money, you just give them back the money they gave to this "scam". Basically, you play along in this "illusion" but you control the strings and steer them clear of financial ruin.
I know this might sound nuts, but if you know you can't stop them, perhaps consider tricking them by either coming up with a similar scheme where you are the recipient of the money somehow or find a way to intercept the money flow from your friend/relative to the scammer, and then properly invest it for them. So when they do blow all of their money and come to you for more money, you just give them back the money they gave to this "scam". Basically, you play along in this "illusion" but you control the strings and steer them clear of financial ruin.

I think this has merit, only down side is you will have to write them fake e-mails etc, phone calls etc. Typically scammers have nothing better to do than scam people all day. Kind of a pain if you actually have a job.
CL65 Captain is probably right - "You" are probably NOT going to stop them. It's best for you to call a gambling intervention hotline and follow their advice. They deal with these psychological addictions all day long and know what works. The same goes for any addiction, get professional help ASAP. As a brother of an addict, I feel your pain and hopelessness. Best of luck to you!
The really sad thing is the odds of actually winning one of these scams is only slightly lower than winning the legal state-sponsored lotteries. I'll bet WAY more money is flushed down the toilet on legal lotteries than scams.

People should be required to take a statistics class before being allowed to buy lottery tickets.
The really sad thing is the odds of actually winning one of these scams is only slightly lower than winning the legal state-sponsored lotteries. I'll bet WAY more money is flushed down the toilet on legal lotteries than scams.

People should be required to take a statistics class before being allowed to buy lottery tickets.

Yes but the difference with a legal lottery is you could in theory actually one wins a scam except the scammer...
Looks like power of attorney over the finances wouldn't actually work. As Bob mentioned appointing a guardian I believe will require conservatorship proceedings. So far it looks like going this route will cost me a lot of money as the lawyers rate is tad over $200/hour and I am not sure what the typical number of hours will be to grant myself or someone as guardian with control of all finances.
Wait, did you read my post above? At that rate of money you can totally set up a fake scam where the money will come right back to you (a la the movie The Game). Basically you will scam your relative with the same scam they are falling for, except you take their money and invest it for them. Of course you'll have to disguise it, but instead of paying lawyers, you could pay a fraction of that to someone else. Hell, I'll do it! I'll charge you 1/2 what the laywers are charging (only $100/hr)! I'll scam them out of all of their money, invest it AND get them a minimum of 4% rate of return on their money!
Yes but the difference with a legal lottery is you could in theory actually one wins a scam except the scammer...
You've got a better chance guessing the combination to the bank vault on the first try. I don't see much difference except one is legal (and the state plays the role of the scammer) and the other isn't. They're both rip-offs.
You've got a better chance guessing the combination to the bank vault on the first try. I don't see much difference except one is legal (and the state plays the role of the scammer) and the other isn't. They're both rip-offs.

However, most government sponsored lotteries put a percentage of profits into funding schools and education or nature preservation projects.

For example, the California state lottery gave out around 1 billion to schools in 2009.

Setting up a fake scam so YOU can be held liable for felony fraud is not a good option, especially for someone that doesn't want to be involved anyway.

A guy in my office went through this with his aging father. Over $100k gone in not much time. Luckily (I guess) the guy was too old to figure out how to liquidate and access his stock holdings. But all the cash in his bank accounts he gave away. Those guys were operating out of Jamaica. Very brazen, some of their tactics. Apparently power of attorney wasn't enough for my coworker to do all that much to stop it.