Los Angeles Politician Warren Furutani Wants to Raise Gas Tax!!!

8 October 2008
Orange County
In the midst of sky high gas prices, this politician, Warren Furatani, has the audacity to suggest increasing the tax of gasoline 25-30¢ per gallon. Unbelievable


Los Angeles politician Warren Furutani’s AB 1326 is a shakedown at the pump

Los Angeles politician Assemblyman Warren Furutani has introduced a bill to impose a $1 billion oil severance tax that analysts estimate will kill 10,000 jobs, cause further devastation to the transportation and construction industries and harm everyone who drives. AB 1326 will raise the price of gas by approximately 25-30¢ per gallon and will raise the price of diesel slightly more.

California’s current 66¢ per gallon gas taxes are already the highest in the nation. With gas prices at record highs we do not need even higher gas prices.
The amount of tax you pay per gallon will go up if gas prices continue to rise because the tax is a percentage imposed directly on the price of crude.
Gas taxes are regressive taxes that harm those who can least afford them the most.
Prices on things you buy every day will go up because of higher transportation costs.
Our oil fields produce a lower grade of crude that is more expensive to refine. The oil severance tax could force the shutdown of California oil wells and increase our dependency on imported oil.
But you can take action to help stop the shakedown at the pump!

SIGN the petition to the California Legislature and sign up for updates as AB 1326 moves through the process or until we put it to a halt.
CONTACT Warren Furutani’s office and demand he withdraw AB 1326 for the reasons stated here.
WRITE a letter to the editor to your local newspaper opposing AB 1326
TESTIFY at the upcoming hearings on the bill. If you sign up for updates you will be notified when this bill is heard in Capitol policy committees.
High gas prices are already hurting working people at the pump and putting jobs in jeopardy. AB 1326 is a bad idea at the worst possible time.
