Looking to buy home, but it has a gravel driveway. Is this a deal breaker?


Legendary Member
26 July 2010
Wildwood, MO
We love the house, but it has a 200 foot gravel driveway.

Is this a deal breaker with the NSX?

Paving it will be a fortune, so that's out of the question. Anyway to treat it so it's not too dusty? :frown:
what is your specific issue,dust?
Can you get an estimate to have the driveway paved in advance and when you place an offer on the home, ask for the seller to give you a credit of half of the costs to pave the driveway?
There are numerous spray treatments that can be applied to the gravel to keep dust down. Lot cheaper than paving.


Drive slower on the driveway too!

what is your specific issue,dust?

Dust is my only issue.

I can always install that adjustable suspension on the NSX that synth has.

I'd hate to let my NSX keep us from buying our "Dream House".
Pave it and build one of these:

My house is 400feet from the road and the only reason I'm not paving yet is I'm not finished with all the big projects. I would hate to pave and then have concrete trucks or delivery trucks drive on it. I will tell you I have recieved quotes from 25-35thousand to do 400feet. So your looking at about half of that. Be very picky at who you hire to do it bc some of these guys are butchers and cut corners.
My house is 400feet from the road and the only reason I'm not paving yet is I'm not finished with all the big projects. I would hate to pave and then have concrete trucks or delivery trucks drive on it. I will tell you I have recieved quotes from 25-35thousand to do 400feet. So your looking at about half of that. Be very picky at who you hire to do it bc some of these guys are butchers and cut corners.

How is the dust etc etc with the NSX?
If you go slowly under 5mph its not dusty at all. But its still one of
the biggest pains trying ro keep it under 5mph if you have a performance or stiff clutch. It's been 2 years and about 5k in miles on the nsx and absolutely no damage done to rims or rock chips. Once in a while when you pull out on the road and start going faster you'll hear stones coming off of the car like they are hitting something. Stones that got stuck on your tire, but they are small and never did any damage. I am very very anal and meticulously inspect my car after driving.
I grew up in a house with a 1/8th mile gravel driveway. It really wasn't much of a problem besides a little dust. The biggest issue was after it was plowed in the snow. I was the one who had to shovel the gravel once the snow melted which really sucked.
How is the dust etc etc with the NSX?

dust can be washed off, I'd wonder how the oil treatments or other binders to keep dust down would do with the paint,that should be your main concearn.
Lets see pictures of this mansion!
I definitely understand. We actually found a house and then didn't buy it because of the dirt road. We actually had a friend of ours investigate whether the county was ever going to pave it and then we even discussed with other future neighbors about going in and paving it ourselves, apparently no go according to the county. Found another house and currently adding on to make it our "dream" house. .
Dust is only an issue with the electric fans if you enter and exit the drive slowly. You can rig up a switch to turn them on and off if it bothers you. If you love your car and drive it often, do not worry. Unless of course it is a 10 point car that stays in the garage and in that case, you will be cover-trailering on the driveway.
At least you don't have sharp angles, humps or holes to deal with. Don't pass up your dream house for this. You will endure more dust and stone issues out on the highways when you must pull over for phone calls!
If I understand the above, you can have the driveway paved for about $15K. If you would absolutely love the home even if it were priced $15K more than you're expecting to buy it for, then buy it. Then if you go ahead and spend the $15K to pave the driveway, the purchase still makes sense.

To put that concept in another perspective, $15K is probably less than 10 percent of the value of the home, and maybe even less than 5 percent. An item that costs such a relative small percentage of the purchase price should not be a deal-breaker.
If I understand the above, you can have the driveway paved for about $15K. If you would absolutely love the home even if it were priced $15K more than you're expecting to buy it for, then buy it. Then if you go ahead and spend the $15K to pave the driveway, the purchase still makes sense.

To put that concept in another perspective, $15K is probably less than 10 percent of the value of the home, and maybe even less than 5 percent. An item that costs such a relative small percentage of the purchase price should not be a deal-breaker.

Agreed. And it's not like you have to do anything right away either.

I have ~100' of gravel (river rock I think) and I don't know the size (smaller packs better I'm told)...and I live in North Carolina (in case that matters-climate)...and I actually like the fact that I can't "stain" it and the water (when washing) goes right away.

That being said, almost everything I own leaks SOME fluid...so epoxy garage floor with gravel drive is probably right for me.