Looking for someone to host my NSX movie

Thanks for all the positive comments. I spent many days mulling over the music selection, it was a tough choice. I finally chose what I did for a number of reasons:
1. I wanted the song to have references to driving
2. I wanted some originality and not to just completely copy TOP GUN
3. Steve McQueen was from the Ventura area
4. The quiet refrain worked perfectly with the combustion sequence

I'll admit the techno - country transition is a hard sell. I'll also admit that I am one of the world's worst spellers. I ran spell check a number of times, but I guess some things slipped through during last minute editing.

Rubber chicken-
The rotation is one of the best ideas that I have ever heard...I will defiantly try it on the next movie.

Also for anyone wishing to play it on a Mac, I thought QuickTime would play MPEG's but I guess I was wrong. I attempted to rerender it in QuickTime but the quality was bad and the file size was huge. I'm guessing maybe the QT codec I have is old. I don't have QuickTime Pro (218 is on a tight budget) so I can't convert it that way either. Maybe somebody could help out?

Oh yeah... Ken, I was driving with one hand to demonstrate how superb the NSX's steering is and how light of a touch you need

So much for all those claims that Mac can handle all the file formats used by the 95+ percent of the world that's on Windows...
Originally posted by NSXPERT:
Also for anyone wishing to play it on a Mac, I thought QuickTime would play MPEG's but I guess I was wrong.

I also thought recent versions of Quicktime were supposed to support MPEG4...but I don't have a Mac, so I could be wrong.
It may only play MPEG4 wrapped in Quicktime.

Look for a DivX player. DivX is a form of MPEG4, and there are several variants of both, so most players that play one will play any MPEG4-based file.

BTW, anyone else have issues downloading? I either get the first 25-50K and the download hangs, or I get the entire file except the last 25-50K, and the download hangs.

Just curious: when the camera is mounted near (or on?) the antenna, it rotates around to face rearward. Was that on purpose, or did your mount slip?
I thought it looked pretty cool.
Very nice! I finally got access to high speed internet tonight to download it, totally worth it...Good job!!

<font size=1>

[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 11 February 2003).]
So much for all those claims that Mac can handle all the file formats used by the 95+ percent of the world that's on Windows

I believe that's a pretty reasonable estimate. However, the problem is that in some cases, Microsoft doesn't exactly adhere to industry standards and they play games. Of course, that's been known for a long time and it's one reason that they got into trouble with the DOJ.

The latest MPEG4 standard and the latest version of QuickTime (6.x) are simpatico. In fact, the industry ISO standard for MPEG4 (which is pretty amazing, btw) was in fact based on Apple's QuickTime. In many ways MPEG4 is QuickTime.



QuickTime can play nearly every file it comes across, including non-Apple formats such as AVI. However, the files do need to conform to industry standards and not just Microsoft's own view of the world.

You don't need to post movies in QuickTime, I wasn't asking that, but an industry standard MPEG would be great.

QuickTime Pro is only $30. The regular QuickTime is free.


PS: Just about every automotive manufacturer (including Honda) uses QuickTime...and for good reasons too.

[This message has been edited by Jimbo (edited 11 February 2003).]
Quicktime would have been the king of video on PC's if Apple hadn't introduced the annoying 'upgrade to pro' on the regular version.

Many CD-ROM developers used Quicktime 2.1.x but had to look for other alternatives just to avoid the banner.

u mention the music is girly? exactly how girly? (not britney or spice girls? *puke*)

Question - how did you get the video footage from all those angles?

Did you create some camera mounts, have a chase car, all of the above!
The camera spin was COMPLETELY planned. What do you think I'm some sort of hack that just randomly clamps a camera to any open spot he can, then drives around as fast as he can taking pictures? All the physics of the shot were carefully analized before filming. Taking into account the friction of the clamp on the antanna, the wind speed, the NSX's speed, the turn radius and the weight of the camera, I knew exactly how fast to take the turn so that the wind pressure combined the the centrifical force would upset the polar moment of the camera allowing the antenna to spin to the rear facing view.

Was it just one camera mount for all the angles or many?

Did you fabricate the mount(s) or buy it/them? From where?

Do you have a remote for the camera or did you have to press and hold the button?

I was really impressed - you have a real gift for this.
The server hosting my movies (and this one) will be down tonight, as I'm moving it to one of my new boxes in Texas. The movie will be back up there tomorrow morning!


NSXPERT: i bit the bullet and downloaded it (46MB is big) ... and i wasn't disappointed!! Very cute movie!

Some comments:

* Some very unique angles; and nice short edits... i like it.
* Beautiful scenery to match a beautiful car.
* Nice bit of rubber you left behind

* love the 'drive over camera out' and then 'in' at the end. cute.

Was the explosion about half way from a James Bond trailer?

top stuff... hope u make some more movies.
Originally posted by NeoNSX:

Some comments:

* Nice bit of rubber you left behind

Was the explosion about half way from a James Bond trailer?

The explosion was done In Particle Illusion and I hate to admit it but so was the "nice bit of rubber". 218 Productions didn't have the budget to replace the tires.
So it was just added digitally later.

Originally posted by VampNSX:
The video was to big in size and long. I was expecting allot more action for all that time I downloaded it and looked at it.

I thought the action was terrific!! And the 46MB size pales in comparison to the 100 - 200MB files that are out there.

Keep up the great work NSXPERT -- we look forward to seeing more videos like this one. Love the Top Gun theme in the beginning!!
