Looking for early coupe, 30-35K$

13 June 2009
Montreal, Canada
After missing out on 2 rather perfect offerings in Quebec over the past month or so, including primer dj_pal's black 1991 (got in touch with him 2 days before lucky buyer picked it up!), I'm trying the 'wanted' ad approach.

Looking for a hard top (no targa please), manual transmission car, mileage is not as important as overall condition and maintenance history, no accident and extra points if Canadian car. Budget is max 35K$, for immediate cash purchase, conditional to inspection. I'm a OEM type of guy, Mr. Honda had it right with the NSX so mods are not the biggest selling points for me; permanent mods are definitely out.

I would rather buy a car from a primer as this ensures it's been owned by an enthusiast, hence my request.

I am located in Montreal and willing to consider buying out of province though Ontario and the maritimes are as far as I'll go.

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If that is the car I am thinking of, it is a rebuilt salvage car.
I'm in Edmonton and looking to let mine go after about 7 years.
Its Canadian car 800045, so one of the first into Canada.
212,000km on car, engine redone a few years ago at SOS, Newer 5 speed transmission, Comptech clutch, Whipple Supercharge, 02 Rear end, Side Skirts, short shift, Newer Drivers Leather, Sos Ashtray delete with wideband and boost, Top Speed Headers (original strong ones), High flow cats from Pro Speed, AEM Fic, about 345 RWHP....Its just right.
I wanted a little more than your asking but if it interests you, just email me to start.
trev (at) etpl.ca
$40k for a stock '92?

Wow, my car is making a better return than most of my other investments these days! :D

I just figured if an identical car ('92 GPW) can sell for a couple thousand less than my asking price, my price is pretty reasonable. Taking into consideration my maintenance is up to date (timing belt, water-pump, snap-ring repaired and new clutch), it'd save the future owner quite a bit of money in the long run.

But then again maybe I'm just another delusional owner who doesn't know what his car is worth :smile:. Like I said in my ad, I'm in no rush to sell. I'm a firm believer in the saying "you get what you pay for".
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my price is pretty reasonable. Taking into consideration my maintenance is up to date (timing belt, water-pump, snap-ring repaired and new clutch), it'd save the future owner quite a bit of money in the long run.

But then again maybe I'm just another delusional owner who doesn't know what his car is worth :smile:. Like I said in my ad, I'm in no rush to sell. I'm a firm believer in the saying "you get what you pay for".

I wish there was a "like" button to click on this post
what are the diff between yours and 8400-russ cars? very curious!

I just figured if an identical car ('92 GPW) can sell for a couple thousand less than my asking price, my price is pretty reasonable. Taking into consideration my maintenance is up to date (timing belt, water-pump, snap-ring repaired and new clutch), it'd save the future owner quite a bit of money in the long run.

But then again maybe I'm just another delusional owner who doesn't know what his car is worth :smile:. Like I said in my ad, I'm in no rush to sell. I'm a firm believer in the saying "you get what you pay for".
I wish there was a "like" button to click on this post

That's an idea. I'd just hope any "like" button is allowed ONLY for sellers who really want to sell and who won't doink the buyer around while looking for the right needle in the haystack at the absolute top of the market and when there's a full moon and in a year that the Detroit Lions win the superbowl. Two buyers accepted my offer at their asking price and then reneged and raised their asking price. One by 32%, and the other eventually sold his to Sliqq :)

- - - Updated - - -

BTW since I've seen the car before Sliqq - it's clean. If Sliqq improved it, then things should be all the better.
im assuming the 'i dont need to sell but will sell for right price' (and keep pushing and pushing and pushing, meanwhile wanting to sell). to be fair, the fishing for suckers tactic happens with pretty much all finer things, nice cars, higher end homes/homes in more desirable areas. its human nature to want to buy for low, sell high so i guess its just the law of the land.

however 32% is just delusional greed imo. esp if you are a serious buyer cash in hand, and both parties had already given their WORD. its the (lack of) principle that irks me.

That's an idea. I'd just hope any "like" button is allowed ONLY for sellers who really want to sell and who won't doink the buyer around while looking for the right needle in the haystack at the absolute top of the market and when there's a full moon and in a year that the Detroit Lions win the superbowl. Two buyers accepted my offer at their asking price and then reneged and raised their asking price. One by 32%, and the other eventually sold his to Sliqq :)
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To that I'd say any member here willing to accept a Prime seller who's looking for suckers and willing to jerk buyers around has a lot more patience than I do and you have lower expectations of members than I do. :)

Mr. 32%'er is a prime member and at the time he raised his price on me, he claimed it's because he had a buyer at $50k and was willing to give me first shot. I kindly let him know where to shoot things, since this buyer must have appeared within 6 hours after I first talked with him, and who was willing to give him 32% more just because.... Guess what, his car never sold and is still for sale today, 15 months later at a price slightly reduced from the $50k he was delusioning for. I whine because that particular day I was heavily involved with something but dropped EVERYTHING to do some quick research and communicate with the seller to nail down the deal, which needless to say didn't go thru, wasted my time, and caused me to need to burn a 1/2 day vaca the next day so I could catch up on the 6 hours I lost the prior day. Another Prime seller whose GPW is still "for sale" (as if) wouldn't return PM's, and when he did, he'd only answer 1/4 of my questions while writing in ALL CAPS AND WITH A LOT OF !!!!!!!!!!!!!'s.

So if any of yinz don't mind chain yankers like that, then God bless ya!

But please realize - I'm not posting to go on about my adventure - I'm just commenting hoping that any pie in the sky sellers who really aren't sellers might learn from this thread to pick a real price and be ready to follow thru. The problem IMHO about not really wanting to sell but claiming you'd take the right offer suggests that you're more motivated to get the highest offer than you are to sell. I'll never deal with a "seller" like that again.

And if any of yinz have $43-$48k burning a hole in your pocket and want a 92 GPW, they're around! :)

Time for dinner. Where's that tabasco sauce? :)

myw: btw, love that avatar.
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Very entertaining! I'm pleased with myself! :)

I'm just commenting hoping that any pie in the sky sellers who really aren't sellers might learn from this thread to pick a real price and be ready to follow thru. The problem IMHO about not really wanting to sell but claiming you'd take the right offer suggests that you're more motivated to get the highest offer than you are to sell. I'll never deal with a "seller" like that again.

You are correct, hence why I no longer expect much to come out of this thread of mine. All I'm doing is asking for the kind of people you describe to get in touch with me, and they have in surprising numbers saying they're not really looking at selling but could be persuaded to let me have their cars if the price was right.. of course, I should only blame myself since serious sellers don't actually wait for threads like mine to announce privately that they're selling their cars, they simply advertise to the wider public. I guess I had to go through this to figure it out, I now get in touch with sellers who are ready to sell, and politely decline the offers of those looking for a desperate buyer ready to overpay. Of course, every owner is free to ask whatever they like for their beloved cars, I would do the same no doubt, but after 2 months of shopping and nearly buying on 4 occasions now, I think I have a good feel for how much NSXs sell for, or more importantly, how much they don't sell for.

The coming months/years will tell whether or not the spreading belief that the NSX is an investment will turn out to be true, I'm not making predictions, but buyers will be needed to support the growth factor that some are counting on. I'm an honest buyer with great passion for the NSX but I'm just not a gambler. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for desperate sellers either, but as is often said in "for sale" ads: dreamers need not apply.
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$h!tty karma begets $h!tty people.

thanks for the love! ill always live the nsx dream though you guys.

Mr. 32%'er is a prime member and at the time he raised his price on me, he claimed it's because he had a buyer at $50k and was willing to give me first shot. I kindly let him know where to shoot things, since this buyer must have appeared within 6 hours after I first talked with him, and who was willing to give him 32% more just because.... Guess what, his car never sold and is still for sale today, 15 months later at a price slightly reduced from the $50k he was delusioning for.

myw: btw, love that avatar.
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Very entertaining! I'm pleased with myself! :)

You are correct, hence why I no longer expect much to come out of this thread of mine. All I'm doing is asking for the kind of people you describe to get in touch with me, and they have in surprising numbers saying they're not really looking at selling but could be persuaded to let me have their cars if the price was right.. of course, I should only blame myself since serious sellers don't actually wait for threads like mine to announce privately that they're selling their cars, they simply advertise to the wider public. I guess I had to go through this to figure it out, I now get in touch with sellers who are ready to sell, and politely decline the offers of those looking for a desperate buyer ready to overpay. Of course, every owner is free to ask whatever they like for their beloved cars, I would do the same no doubt, but after 2 months of shopping and nearly buying on 4 occasions now, I think I have a good feel for how much NSXs sell for, or more importantly, how much they don't sell for.

The coming months/years will tell whether or not the spreading belief that the NSX is an investment will turn out to be true, I'm not making predictions, but buyers will be needed to support the growth factor that some are counting on. I'm an honest buyer with great passion for the NSX but I'm just not a gambler. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for desperate sellers either, but as is often said in "for sale" ads: dreamers need not apply.
Don't feel too bad.. two months isn't a very long time to be searching for the perfect car. Once two years approaches, then, maybe, just maybe, you need to adjust your search techniques and/or price.

I was told that the most expensive NSX you can buy is a cheap NSX.
have patience! I've been looking for about a year and have come close to buying 2, before deciding that they weren't quite the car for me and that I should keep looking for "the one"

I have a feeling I'll know it when I see it.
Don't feel too bad.. two months isn't a very long time to be searching for the perfect car. Once two years approaches, then, maybe, just maybe, you need to adjust your search techniques and/or price.

I was told that the most expensive NSX you can buy is a cheap NSX.

We all agree on this paramount of wisdom, but I suggest you read my original post on this thread. Am I looking for a cheap NSX? 30-35K$ for a factory original, well maintained, no accident early coupe isn't cheap. Am I looking for a neglected NSX in need of expensive repairs for a good price? I specified exactly the opposite.

I don't feel badly! If I can't find a good candidate within the budget I already established by Spring, I'll seek alternatives.
I don't feel badly! If I can't find a good candidate within the budget I already established by Spring, I'll seek alternatives.

Alternatives other than an NSX? Or alternatives to your original musts/wants in an NSX?

Keep looking and don't worry - IMHO the longer you look, the more you learn about your musts/wants & preferences and the more you save to put towards one - both of which result in you being able to quickly recognize & pull the trigger when you see the right one in front of you.

I think this article is a good instigator to convince you & NSX shoppers to stay the course and jump when you know you should, as long as your NSX won't keep food off the table or a cold shoulder on the wifey. :)

Page 32 "The one that got away"


The coming months/years will tell whether or not the spreading belief that the NSX is an investment will turn out to be true, I'm not making predictions, but buyers will be needed to support the growth factor that some are counting on. I'm an honest buyer with great passion for the NSX but I'm just not a gambler. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for desperate sellers either, but as is often said in "for sale" ads: dreamers need not apply.
There isn't a whole lot of depreciation that's for sure. Really, it comes down to how motivated you are to sell. As someone looking to buy an NSX it's a near perfect scneario. You buy a car. Drive it for as long as you want/can or until it no longer fits in with your lifestyle. You have the experience of it. Make new friends. Meet new people and it's great! In the end you sell the car and it's cost you hardly anything for the whole experience.

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