Looking for an NSX

30 March 2005
Chicago, IL
Hey everyone,

I've been lurking for a few months and now I'm getting close to buying my first NSX. I was hoping some of you knew something about these cars or had a carfax for them.

The first one I saw discussed here, but it was in April of last year. I was wondering if it has been on the marked for this long or if someone bought and sold it :confused: . The VIN is

Its on autotrader at

The other car is in Chicago and I was hopefully going to go check it out this weekend. I did a search and it didn't seem like it was discussed before. If anyone knows anything about this one I would appreaciate any info.
The VIN is

Its on autotrader at

Here's another one.

Thanks for any help, you guys are the reason I'm choosing an NSX over a 911.

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pasha2891 said:
Its on autotrader at
The other car is in Chicago and
The first car is a manual and the second car is an automatic. Most buyers really want one, or the other, but not both. Don't settle for your second choice when buying an NSX. I would suggest deciding which transmission you REALLY want, and then look only for those cars.

Once you get it, bring it to one of our local NSX Club events, like the big one we're planning for May 21-23...
Thanks, I'm an idiot :redface:
Somehow I didn't notice that it was an auto. I guess that helps me narrow that down, I definately don't want an automatic.
Paul- before you go and buy that NSX, you should email me about mine. It's a 96 with 25,000 miles. It's been sitting in a garage and in excellent condition. You can email me at [email protected]. Thanks!