Looking for advice

AU_NSX said:
Do you know if power steering was an option at all?
It was never an option in North America. However, (a) it could have been an option in your market, and/or (b) anyone could replace the various components to install power steering on a car that didn't have it from the factory.
nsxtasy said:
anyone could replace the various components to install power steering on a car that didn't have it from the factory.

Well well well... Look what I just found Ken!


Looks like a completely self contained unit... Doesn't look like it would be be too hard to install at all!..

Having said that, "Its heavier then it looks"... Obviously not for those on a weight loss programme!

I might have to reverse engineer a removal for my car :biggrin:
Maybe it’s reverse alien technology. :smile: Whatever the case this thread has been educational for us potential owners. My preference is a 94 black, I believe it’s the lights year, note: color does not make the car lighter :rolleyes:
wanttobeansxowner said:
My preference is a 94 black, I believe it’s the lights year, note: color does not make the car lighter :rolleyes:

Actually '91-92 are the lightest (not counting Zanardi/Type-S/Type-R). As for colour, certain pigments do actually weigh a bit more than others....but we're splitting hairs of course...
Casper91 said:
That's why I drive without socks. Makes up for the weight difference.

Yup, helps to have a bowel movement first also.