Looking for a new Camera

Here's what I REALLY want. A basically ZERO shutter lag, point and click, economical camera and even 5 mp is over kill for my basic usage. I hate taking pics of moving objects just to see nothing.

Suggestions? Don't need a SLR, even though those are really cool
Here's what I REALLY want. A basically ZERO shutter lag, point and click, economical camera and even 5 mp is over kill for my basic usage. I hate taking pics of moving objects just to see nothing.

Suggestions? Don't need a SLR, even though those are really cool

You are going to have to compromise on something here my friend. You can't have no shutter lag and p&s at the same time. That's kind of like saying you want an NSX with a V8. :biggrin:
You can't compare a p&s to an SLR. The shutter lag on a p&s camera is pathetic. They are only good for casual picture taking at picnic's. Furthermore, the MP has nothing to do with the quality of the picture. I have a 2.0 MP Nikon that take pictures just as well as my 8MP camera. The primary advantage of higher MP's is that you can print larger pictures without losing fine detail. If you are only taking pictures to email and print 4x6 prints, any camera under 4mp will do just fine.

Correct on all accounts. I just got the impression from his initial post that he was a rookie and wasn't looking to spend much. SLR's are much more expensive than their P&S couterparts and they are also more complicated. And you can't put an SLR in your pocket.