Looking for a good welder in NY/NJ ?

18 October 2005
Alpine, New Jersey
I wonder if anyone can help me locate a good welder in the NY/NJ area who would cut the off the old and weld new tips on my exhaust? I would remove the exhaust and bring it with the tips to their shop, no lift required.

I do want a nice job (appearance wise). I have found many that many welders do not draw a good looking bead around the joint thinking it will not show anyway. To me, the NSX underside is as almost as pretty as above and I want to begin detailing its belly.

Thanks in advance for any "tips" ......... no pun intended. :smile:

Just from the quality of collision repair work I've seen them do on a number of cars in my family, I would call Robbie's on Rt 46 in Dover, NJ. They handle a lot of Mercedes, Audis, etc and even have specialized equipment for welding and bending aluminum.

It couldn't hurt to ask them.
