Lombard Street Photoshoot

We've got routes planned that seem to be NSX friendly and we're going to do a dry run of them this Friday. I'm preparing a detailed itinerary to post here, but basically, we're meeting at Fort Mason. We have a route planned to get us to Lombard safely. It will be escorted by PD. We're going to load up the street and then have any that don't fit (but with the numbers we have, we'll likely all or almost all fit) stage on the "flat" part of Lombard. This not only helps out with our clutch, but keeps us off the street where the cable car goes.

We have one camera guy and we're negotiating with another for the "unofficial" shots. The one will be stationary and will only shoot from the jib while the other will be "freelance" and able to shoot things of interest and other points of view. The second will also be with us all day, while the first will shoot the main shots then leave.

We've taken a lot of care and time to plan this, and I'm confident we'll all be pleased with the end result.

We've got routes planned that seem to be NSX friendly and we're going to do a dry run of them this Friday. I'm preparing a detailed itinerary to post here, but basically, we're meeting at Fort Mason. We have a route planned to get us to Lombard safely. It will be escorted by PD. We're going to load up the street and then have any that don't fit (but with the numbers we have, we'll likely all or almost all fit) stage on the "flat" part of Lombard. This not only helps out with our clutch, but keeps us off the street where the cable car goes.

We have one camera guy and we're negotiating with another for the "unofficial" shots. The one will be stationary and will only shoot from the jib while the other will be "freelance" and able to shoot things of interest and other points of view. The second will also be with us all day, while the first will shoot the main shots then leave.

We've taken a lot of care and time to plan this, and I'm confident we'll all be pleased with the end result.


What time today were you thinking of doing this dry run? Or has this happened already?
What time today were you thinking of doing this dry run? Or has this happened already?

We got in to the city at around 4:00P and ran a few errands then did the dry run(s) at around 6:00P-7:00P. It was tough finding a good route but we have one preferred and two backups to propose to PD for approval (they'll be escorting us).

Can someone please layout the scheduled for the photoshoot. My car turns into a PUMPKIN :rolleyes: at 1:30p. Gotta do the school parent event stuff :smile:
I know we are meeting at Fort Mason but will anyone be providing a route from the Bay bridge to Fort Mason that is NSX friendly?
I know we are meeting at Fort Mason but will anyone be providing a route from the Bay bridge to Fort Mason that is NSX friendly?

Roger, not sure how often you go to SF or your stick shift driving skills but...

I suggest everyone just take Van Ness (101) straight up to Fort Mason - it seems the easiest route with the least amount of extreme hills. Maybe someone who lives in SF can chime in but I find it the most relaxing way to the bridge unless you guys want to take the Great Highway / Sunset all the way down to Clement and then go downhill from Point Lobos.....

I know we are meeting at Fort Mason but will anyone be providing a route from the Bay bridge to Fort Mason that is NSX friendly?

Roger how about this route..?
Roger how about this route..?

That's actually a very good route. I thinks it's actually quicker and less harsh than Van Ness because of some rough spots along the way. There is only one hill to contend with as you cross Columbus Ave. from Bay, but it's not really all that bad. After that you're pretty much home free from any steep hills.
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Roger, not sure how often you go to SF or your stick shift driving skills but...

I suggest everyone just take Van Ness (101) straight up to Fort Mason - it seems the easiest route with the least amount of extreme hills. Maybe someone who lives in SF can chime in but I find it the most relaxing way to the bridge unless you guys want to take the Great Highway / Sunset all the way down to Clement and then go downhill from Point Lobos.....


Roger how about this route..?

Hey thanks guys. Good ideas. I kinda like the Embarcadero route cause Van Ness is always crazy crowded with cars and the Embarcadero route might be a nicer scenic route.
I'll be coming from novato, 101 south. anything I should avoid.

Yes, avoid on coming traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge and Marina Blvd. If you come down Marina Blvd from the GGB, there are some nasty railroad track by Beach/Buchanan & Marina where the pavement supporting the railroad tracks come up (above street level) and the track are below street level.

You should be fine if you come off the GGB and down Lombard (try to stay in the center lane, I believe the 2 side lanes are crowned), right on Gough, left on Greenwich, and then turn left onto Franklin (no left turn from Lombard onto Franklin).
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For those who are interested, we're planning to have lunch at the Beach Chalet restaurant on Hwy 1 after the photo shoot. I need a firm headcount for the restaurant. The menu and pricing is available here

I need this information no later than Tuesday, May 26 so please let me know as soon as you know by posting in this thread.

Thanks, and I'll be posting our agenda for the day shortly.

For those who are interested, we're planning to have lunch at the Beach Chalet restaurant on Hwy 1 after the photo shoot. I need a firm headcount for the restaurant. The menu and pricing is available here

I need this information no later than Tuesday, May 26 so please let me know as soon as you know by posting in this thread.

Thanks, and I'll be posting our agenda for the day shortly.


1) Mike
1) Mike
2) Dhalsim +1

Hay Roger, put my name on there, but promise not to sit near me. On the other hand I would like to hear about your Laguna driving days.

No problem Doug.....make sure you bring your Miracle Ear so you can hear my stories.......:tongue:

1) Mike
2) Dhalsim +1
3) Chuck
4) Dtrigg
I can't wait to this shoot, gonna be nice surrounded by nice NSX's and the owners. After the Lombard St shoot are you guys going to any other locations to take more pics? Like Golden Gate background or Coit Tower? Just wondering...
I can't wait to this shoot, gonna be nice surrounded by nice NSX's and the owners. After the Lombard St shoot are you guys going to any other locations to take more pics? Like Golden Gate background or Coit Tower? Just wondering...

hey your PM box is full - can you remember to bring the cupholder you want to sell? :)

For those who are interested, we're planning to have lunch at the Beach Chalet restaurant on Hwy 1 after the photo shoot. I need a firm headcount for the restaurant. The menu and pricing is available here

I need this information no later than Tuesday, May 26 so please let me know as soon as you know by posting in this thread.

Thanks, and I'll be posting our agenda for the day shortly.


I'm in for lunch.............:eek:
1) Mike
2) Dhalsim +1
3) Chuck
4) Dtrigg
5) Bill aka racer-ex