Locate Speed sensor wire?

5 November 2001
portland OR
Anyone know where else to locate the speed sensing wire besides the back of the speedometer. I looked in the repair manual, I must have poured through dozens of schematics I still didn't find another location. I know there has to be one going to the ECU somewhere. Page number possibly?
The schematics youre looking for are on 23-124 to 23-127.
Is this what youre looking for?

On page 23-124 is the speed sensor, having a 12V a GND, and a signal out on the yel/red, which runs through page 23-125 to page 23-126 (point A), where it goes to the ECU/cruise/AT/EPS.
On this page it also goes to the ODO and from there a signal to the speedo.

Let me know if this is enough.

Originally posted by nsxxtreme:
Anyone know where else to locate the speed sensing wire besides the back of the speedometer. I looked in the repair manual, I must have poured through dozens of schematics I still didn't find another location. I know there has to be one going to the ECU somewhere. Page number possibly?

Your looking for the VSS wire. (Vehical Speed Sensor) That's what the manual is going to refer to it as. You can tap it at the ECU - not sure what ECU pin it is for the NSX without seeing the schematic.

jack of all trades, master of some.

[This message has been edited by true (edited 01 June 2002).]
I believe it is yellow/red. You can find it at both the ECU and under the gauge pod on I believe the right side green connector. Remember to not leave it unplugged, or your mileage will not get clocked

-- Chris


[email protected]
Actually no. I am working I am building a sensor for someone that has a 6 speed in their car, it is for the reverse lockout.
Thanks for the replies.

[This message has been edited by nsxxtreme (edited 08 June 2002).]
Originally posted by nsxxtreme:
I am working I am building a sensor for someone that has a 6 speed in their car, it is for the reverse lockout.]

There was a discussion some time ago about using a SmartShift for this application. If it works out, please let me know and we can create a small installation manual.
Bryan Zublin

Zublin Engineering