local street racing death

My daughter is six and very little would stop me from killing someone who ran over her. I hope they put him down.
I live near a high school and see my share of reckless behavior. It's a constant source of frustration and worry.

Their are several folks in my neighborhood with exotics and I am pleased to see most of them driving their cars through neighborhood in a civilized manner. Sad to say I can't say the same about the minivans driving past the house!

It doesn't take much to snuff out a life..

We never think something like this could happen to us.....(as a victim or perpetrator).

Take a minute and think....

How "would" your life be altered..?
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This sucks. What also sucks is a recnt story where a cop runs a red light at 90mph (verified) T-bones 2 or 3 young 16 year olds in their car, and kills them. Of course, sicne teh cop car is built like a tank, and a Civic is not, he walks away just fine.

The guy is facing manslaughter charges but if it wasn't for the video by his partner car, I have a feeling he'd get off with a reprimand. If he faces any jail time at all it will be a miracle.

/end rant

Real sad to hear a young child die :(
Does that imply that there is a "time an a place" to street race?

You just don't get it. :rolleyes:
People engaging in these cowardly street racings likely have very low self-esteems. They constantly feel the needs to prove SOMETHING to someones including themselves. Real racers race in the tracks. The stupid wannabes do that on the street. Got no brain or skill to compete with the big boys in the right place.
I think its pretty easy to demonize these people if you look at it through the lens of a successful mature adult that knows better.

The fact is that most of the street racing accidents I see reported on are caused by kids. Kids are dumb. Kids don't consider consequences of their actions. Throwing a bunch of years at this one isn't likely to change the behavior of anyone else, however good it might feel to say it.
I think its pretty easy to demonize these people if you look at it through the lens of a successful mature adult that knows better.

The fact is that most of the street racing accidents I see reported on are caused by kids. Kids are dumb. Kids don't consider consequences of their actions. Throwing a bunch of years at this one isn't likely to change the behavior of anyone else, however good it might feel to say it.

So "dumb" kids don't need to be responsible? Youth gives you the right to disrespect other's lives or welfares? So it is excusable for "dumb" kids to gang rape or set their neighbor on fire? Now, a few innocent people got killed by these "kids", in fact young adults, while doing their reckless deeds to fulfill their inferiority complexes, you can just say they are just dumb? How about holding these "dumb" criminals to just a little higher standard so that they can peacefully live with the rest of the society instead of ruining people's lives? You simply don't get it.:rolleyes:
So "dumb" kids don't need to be responsible? Youth gives you the right to disrespect other's lives or welfares? So it is excusable for "dumb" kids to gang rape or set their neighbor on fire? Now, a few innocent people got killed by these "kids", in fact young adults, while doing their reckless deeds to fulfill their inferiority complexes, you can just say they are just dumb? How about holding these "dumb" criminals to just a little higher standard so that they can peacefully live with the rest of the society instead of ruining people's lives? You simply don't get it.:rolleyes:

If you can find where I said that "dumb kids don't need to be responsible" I'd happily consider your counter to my argument.

setting neighbors on fire?
gang rape?
where are you coming up with this stuff?
This is crap.

I went to nsxpo Oregon last year. Between the stops on the poker run there were several that were doing in excess of 130mph.
A Cop was coming the opposite direction and got them on Radar. He turned around but did not catch them.

Later in the day I was pulled over and asked to tell the group to slow down. I was not cited. I was not speeding.

Irony... The last 2 days of the nsxpo there was a track event.
The moron who was doing 130 on the highway did not go to the track event.
His excuse is he may damage his car.
I think its pretty easy to demonize these people if you look at it through the lens of a successful mature adult that knows better.

I'm sure unproductive inexperienced individuals can also recognize the horror this behavior can result in.

Kids are dumb. Kids don't consider consequences of their actions.

Not all kids are dumb.
If you accept the premise that kids are not able to take into consideration the consequences of their actions then we are all doomed.

Kids will make mistakes...but this behavior isn't a mistake it's negligence.

Is it the parents fault???? Is it the schools???? Society???

The buck has to stop somewhere....

Throwing a bunch of years at this one isn't likely to change the behavior of anyone else

I agree with you...

I propose we influence behavior with the resumption of summary public executions.
Unfortunately it's not only kids but it's even adults on this site. Go back to the top of this thread and read it from the beginning. We've all seen this too often. It's so sad to hear about that poor little six year old child, that young lady in her 20's the other day in San Jose and all of their families and friends. What a waste. Now those drivers have ruined their lives and the lives of their families as well.

I am mystified as to how someone can justify this. I guess I just have to consider the source.
What also sucks is a recnt story where a cop runs a red light at 90mph (verified) T-bones 2 or 3 young 16 year olds in their car, and kills them. Of course, sicne teh cop car is built like a tank, and a Civic is not, he walks away just fine.

The guy is facing manslaughter charges but if it wasn't for the video by his partner car, I have a feeling he'd get off with a reprimand. If he faces any jail time at all it will be a miracle.

You mean this incident here in Connecticut -

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q58qdx9CzWA&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q58qdx9CzWA&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

The cop was arraigned today ,He is facing manslaughter charges. The lawyer in the video is well known and charges A LOT of money. The police are going to spend a huge amount of money with this guy. I don't know how much this lawyer charges but I bet he is in the top 5 most expensive in the state.

Reading some of the comments left by others about the video , a couple of people had posted that this was no different than a street race. A street race with two cops. They were on their way to a medium level call , not an all out emergency.
You mean this incident here in Connecticut -

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q58qdx9CzWA&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q58qdx9CzWA&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

The cop was arraigned today ,He is facing manslaughter charges. The lawyer in the video is well known and charges A LOT of money. The police are going to spend a huge amount of money with this guy. I don't know how much this lawyer charges but I bet he is in the top 5 most expensive in the state.

Reading some of the comments left by others about the video , a couple of people had posted that this was no different than a street race. A street race with two cops. They were on their way to a medium level call , not an all out emergency.

Hard to tell from that tape but was there a left turn signal for the young couple? Don't you have to give the ride away for a vehicle before you turn in front of them? Didn't help that the police officer didn't seem to have his emergency lights on. No sound so we don't know if the siren is on or not.

Convicted or not, I would imagine he'll suffer every day of his life.

Bottom line is two young people lost their lives. Was he driving out of control. I don't have a clue. Do street racers drive out of control? You bet ya.
Hard to tell from that tape but was there a left turn signal for the young couple? Don't you have to give the ride away for a vehicle before you turn in front of them? Didn't help that the police officer didn't seem to have his emergency lights on. No sound so we don't know if the siren is on or not.

Convicted or not, I would imagine he'll suffer every day of his life.

Bottom line is two young people lost their lives. Was he driving out of control. I don't have a clue. Do street racers drive out of control? You bet ya.

You really can't fault the teenagers in this.
With it being Night and the rate of closure of the patrol car at 90MPH.... they never saw him....guaranteed. Pray they didn't feel any pain.:frown:

Any skid marks from the patrol car? I realize it had ABS.

BTW in the San Jose death... the car that hit the young girl was only traveling 76MPH.

Yesterday a 60 year old woman was killed after she side swiped a parked truck, pulled over and went back to look at the damage. The vehicle that struck and killed her was traveling approximately 10MPH. It doesn't take much to snuff out a life.

When will the knuckleheads get it!

You can kill more people using a car in a given time than with a gun.

There is no respect for other people lives any longer. You should forfeit yours if you kill someone negligently.....

Which fear would you rather live by?? Where you might get killed by some A-hole or one where you are accountable for.
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Hard to tell from that tape but was there a left turn signal for the young couple? Don't you have to give the ride away for a vehicle before you turn in front of them? Didn't help that the police officer didn't seem to have his emergency lights on. No sound so we don't know if the siren is on or not.

Convicted or not, I would imagine he'll suffer every day of his life.

Bottom line is two young people lost their lives. Was he driving out of control. I don't have a clue. Do street racers drive out of control? You bet ya.

Cop ran a red light. Couple had a green light. I don't know if the turn signal was on or not.

Police car did not have siren or emergency lights lit. This was a medium level assistance call which did not require siren or lights. I don't think it is legal for a police officer to cross an intersection with a red signal unless their lights are on. I have seen several police come up to an intersection with a red light , turn their emergency light on to cross the intersection and then turn them off.

Was this cop out of control ? I think so.

The road where this happened is the Boston Post road ( also known as US 1 ). This is a very , very busy road. Quite possibly the busiest road in the state. There is always traffic on this road even late at night. IMO , doing 90mph at the slowest time of night is dangerous even with emergency lights on. There is just too many intersections , side roads and parking lots to pull out of into traffic. It is just impossible to watch out in all the places from which someone can pull out.

As it has been said , there is a time and place for everything. This would be very far down the list of any street racer as a place to run. It is just too congested.

Unfortunately , most of the street racing crashes come from places just like this road.

Just the wrong place for anyone driving fast , Even the police.
The few times I've been at a NSX meet, the majority of NSXs were breaking the law, starting with going past the speed limit up to racing each other or other cars.

I suspect everyone posting in this thread have occasionally gone past 65MPH on the freeway.

Wasn't there was story about the first man that hasn't sinned, can cast the first stone?
The few times I've been at a NSX meet, the majority of NSXs were breaking the law, starting with going past the speed limit up to racing each other or other cars.

Really?:confused: Which ones were those meetings? I've been to tons of NSX meeting both in Northern California as well as Southern California. I can't recall anyone speeding or racing much less the majority. I've also attended meeting where you were in attendance as well. Who was doing the speeding or racing?