Lion strikes back at hunters video

Kroger said:

I don't have the direct fact sheet infront of me but I can tell you how hunting is preservation and is a sport.

I will accept your premise, for the sake of argument, that hunting is a sport. As a sports fan, I always like to root for my favorite team/player to win. With that in mind, I assume that you would not have a problem if I root for that leopard or lion during your next hunt. In the event that my team wins this game, I trust that your friends and family would not fault me for not shedding any tears as to your "loss."

After it, it is just a sport..............isn't it?
Re: Re: Glass houses

steveny said:
Are the coyotes in your back yard OR are you in their front yard.
We can all answer that question as we are in their backyard, depending on your view, and how long you want to turn the clock back. ;) As to my particular case, I view that they are in my back yard because the land is now nothing more than a vaccant overgrown field, where in the past it has been both a golf course and baseball fields.

Are we all on native American land?
Well first I would like to say sorry to Brian to toatly roasting his thread. On what I believe his idea was to show how stupid and careless some people can be...there are quite a few out there and the afternoon talk shows draw them to them...

I respect everybodies opinions I always like a good civil debate because hey I may find out something new, something to change my mind. Yes as a young college student 22 in a few weeks I do find myself learning every day both in and out of the classroom. But for me to go along with something I most always need to see facts. I said most always because faith and religion are purely belief and thats up to each individual. But when a debat is going on facts provide good evidence to who is right and who is wrong.

Hunting for example. Yes it maybe conciderd wrong in some eyes of individuals because of the whole moral standing on killing animals etc. I have nothing against that and its impossible to argue how someone feels. But the concept of hunting is a way of preservation is a fact plain and simple. There is plenty of information out there that can be looked up on this and how regulatory hunting is.

Yes the population of the world is growing and that is mainly a choice upon individuals to control nobody forces (expept china) a regulation to home many kids a family could have. So are we taking over the world and have rule over the animals. YES, why we have one large advantage over "animals" Communication.

I have not been a longtime member on this forum. I do not even own an nsx but did concider it to be a more mature car forum in the aspect that not too much attacking of a individual or to the ludacris point of saying if one were to die than it would not be respected... Is just shocking I guess to me. Than again I am just a young college kid what do I know;)
Kroger said:
Well the lion is one of africa's big 5. That is the 5 dangerous game animals to hunt. Elephant, Leapord, Lion, Rino and Cape Buffalo. That is still how hunting goes in africa. If you got my PM you know im going to africa this summer instead of the rallys and will be hunting in south africa. But typicall when hunting that type of animal there is only 3 or just you and the PH (professional Hunter). You can tell him that you are the only one to shoot or if something goes wrong or gets a lil crazy he can fire also.

Hunting is not the killing of animals. Its actully preservation of them. Farmers and poachers used to be killing off animals but than they decided that it could be profitable and start to regulate animal shooting. So farmers either became or hired PH's to hunt on their land selling a very limited amout of "tags" to shoot the animals each year. SO not that these animals because of "value" to the farmers they began to protect their land from poachers and other things and begin to care for i.e. lions etc... Because they are profitable. This is effective regulation and also INCREASES growth in the wildlife.

Brian has been to my "africa" petting zoo where animals are all around my house over 30 mounts to be in the ballpark...

The hunters were not really that stupid just unimformed about the dangers... I would have to put money on it that that guy was not an avid hunter just wealthy joe who wanted to kill one. Lion tags are sold out for 3 years. We, father and I are going back myself for the first time and pops for number 4... to get a few random animals and another few key ones giraffe, another leapord and I am going to shoot a cape buffalo:cool: either with a 375 or 415... with solids (bone breakers).

ok off to class no time for editing or more typing:p

My contrubution:

Actually, as far as the big 5, if you're referring to mammals, then you're right, but I believe that Africa has a few crawlers that are pretty potent and dangerous...and also, I think it's africa (may be austrailia), but the most deadly, dangerous animal is an ANT!! Actually, it is austrailia and its the Jack Jumper Ant that kills more people than anything there.

Its sad to see such a beautiful, strong animal be brought down. Fight that lion hand to hand and see who wins, or give him some sort of gun and see who wins...THATS hunting...

Standing 200 yards away and shooting a high powered rifle is wimp. As long as you're a good shot, then its all good. To me, thats not hunting. Come wild boar hunting with me and you'll see hunting...nothing but a bow and a 9mm in case the bow doesn't work...tracking through swamps, climbing trees and what not...

Although I would love to hunt Africa! :D
Lions are NOT gazelle's. They are very rare, and I only wish that we had more of them. It urks me to see people kill for a mount of rare animals. I don't mind deer, fish etc, cause they are plentiful and plenty more are born each day. I have seen many wild animals in my life, and it took me 33 years to see a wild Cougar north of Indy this past Wed after midnight in a ditch near a woods. It was the most awesome thing I have ever experienced in the wild in my life. In this era of easy extinction, get your adrenalin rush from killing a white tailed deer, and shoot the lions, bears, tigers etc with your digital camera!
T Bell said:
Lions are NOT gazelle's. They are very rare, and I only wish that we had more of them. It urks me to see people kill for a mount of rare animals. I don't mind deer, fish etc, cause they are plentiful and plenty more are born each day. I have seen many wild animals in my life, and it took me 33 years to see a wild Cougar north of Indy this past Wed after midnight in a ditch near a woods. It was the most awesome thing I have ever experienced in the wild in my life. In this era of easy extinction, get your adrenalin rush from killing a white tailed deer, and shoot the lions, bears, tigers etc with your digital camera!

Thats one thing I could never this day and age, you can make a beautiful full sized taxidermy statue with a simple picture!! Why do we still feel it necessary to KILL these animals? As mentioned, kill the animals that are quick to reproduce and abundant. Lions are an amazing animal and somewhat rare...why kill them?? Please tell me you at least eat the lion? I can't imagine Lion tasting very well...I prefer my feline served with Lo Mein and Won Ton Soup (j/k...not meant to be offensive).

With animals like the Blue/White Marlin, Grizzly Bear, Lion, Elephants, panthers, cougars falling in numbers, why do we feel it necessary to kill them?? In order to get a good picture you must track them the same as you would if you were hunting. So please don't give me the excuse you actually like the hunt. Lets face it: sport hunters were scrawny little kids that got picked on and could never kick an ass of their own, so now they take it out on little animals with big guns :) If the animals attack you, carry a side-arm to take em down, or a rifle, but don't kill them just to stick them in your trophy room and say "Look, I spent $20,000 to go hunt this Lion in Africa" :rolleyes: You coulda supercharged, dropped, reupholstered, and custom everything else'd your NSX for that price! ;)

It just doesn't make sense...

read it all i found an article that talks about... giving farm owners "ownership" of the elephant..and sale to hunters. Hmm the elephant population has increased! how intresting

Once again people miss the facts about hunting. Its preservation why because a while back farmers and poachers were both killing the animals becaue of distruction or profits. Now the goverment has regulated the number of animals to kill and sells "tag"s for them. The POPULATION will rise because of this because there one is a marked value on these animals so that the professional hunters, or whomever gets profits from selling the tags. I am stating everything factual here nothing of the "well...this" There is only 13 leapord permits for all of south africa for this year alone... 13 only 13 of our poor helpless leapords will be shot, and yes the food is given to natives and actully cooked for meals...except zebra i have heard that the natives don't even eat it. Those 13 im betting that poachers will kill more thats the problem... why the ph's and other land owners actully protect the animals because they are of a value to them...

Hunting in africa and other places varies on to the degree of difficulty. The people in that hunt like I said were probaly some wealthy guy who paid a ton of cash for that hunt why there were so many people typically its just YOU and the PH... and your tracker. no video no nothing... most of its walking looking and following what the tracker says.

Now heres my non factual assumption - If hunting was outlawed and nobody was able to hunt these animals meaning the goverment didn't license hunting Tags... Than the economy of those countries would be even more in the crapper. This is a large source of income for these countries south africa a different story but still struggles... The goverment would have to spend money to protect these animals from the poachers because now the PHs and game wardens are sol because the animals have no value to them anymore so they are out of work... So what would they care if the animal gets killed by a bunch of poachers...

Go read the facts than come and present a valid argument once one is presented I will respect it... But I have yet to see one, rather just personal attacks on individuals which is just childish. I would have thought that civil individuals that are actully quite affluent have somewhat of a brain, ( I sure hope so) and do not go jumping to assumptions till facts are read....
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It seems to me the "Big Game" hunting is more or less a reflection / extension of the generally delusional sense of self worth that is a part of our society these days. I just don't see why people need guns to make themselves feel macho. Don't get me wrong, I own and enjoy guns ... but only for target shooting and the enjoyment of that being an actual sport.
You can "gift wrap" the basics of hunting with a rifle in any words or angles of preservation and protection you'd like ... when it comes down to it you are not strong enough to go out and take on that Big Game with your hands, or hell ... even a knife, I know they have big claws and teeth and all. You need to safe behind a gun ... and all the stuffed animals in the world hanging on your walls wont change that.
Gang mentality is based on the same BS ... everyone is a hard ass when they can get a gun. Not enough people are getting their asses beat with fists anymore, to understand what tough is, and to see you don't need to hide behind a gun to be tough or macho.
You want to fight ... do it with your hands, you want to hunt ... do it hands on. At least then you could mount your "trophy" on the wall and have it reflect something instead of being a ridiculous facade.
Brian2by2 said:
So please don't give me the excuse you actually like the hunt. Lets face it: sport hunters were scrawny little kids that got picked on and could never kick an ass of their own, so now they take it out on little animals with big guns :)
I hunt for sport, although not for Lion or such. Like it? I love it. Have you never spent a day in the field with good upland dogs in pursuit of Pheasant or Quail? Have you never shared a duck blind with three good friends watching the magnifigance of a well trained retriever? Ever sat motionless in the woods and had a covey of quail walk over you, all the while in hunt of deer? Is it sport? While I will consume if I choose to harvest, it most certainly is sport. To not consider it sport would mean I have no other means to put food on the table. What about fishing? Sport? It most certainly is for me. Although I practice catch and release 95% of the time, I will occasionally keep some catch. Little and got picked on? Not when younger, and hardley scrawny now. I'm not sure where you get the supreme knowledge to draw the conclusion that sport hunters were scrawny kids that could never kick an ass of their own.
J. W. Bush should invade and bomb Africa for that they violate various animals' right to life. Those animals have no say in the African political processes. They're murdered and used merely as profits. As Immanuel Kant puts it; one should treat others as ends in themselves and not merely as means. You may say that animals aren't capable of self-legislation, and can't possibly participate in the political processes, but be careful with that because if you head towards that direction you're choosing to traverse on a slippery slope. Some human beings like a new born or the severely retarded can be and probably are less aware of their environment than say a wild turkey. Is it right to say that these individuals (new borns, severely retarded) are fair game and can be shot with a 20 guage shotgun without condemnations? Either we should include or consider animals as beings that deserve equal considerations or that it's just for one to shoot your new born in the head without ramifications... :D :p

Ok, it was meant to be a joke but I guess I went a little too far... :o
Zuerst said:
J. W. Bush should invade and bomb Africa for that they violate various animals' right to life. Those animals have no say in the African political processes. They're murdered and used merely as profits. As Immanuel Kant puts it; one should treat others as ends in themselves and not merely as means. You may say that animals aren't capable of self-legislation, and can't possibly participate in the political processes, but be careful with that because if you head towards that direction you're choosing to traverse on a slippery slope. Some human beings like a new born or the severely retarded can be and probably are less aware of their environment than say a wild turkey. Is it right to say that these individuals (new borns, severely retarded) are fair game and can be shot with a 20 guage shotgun without condemnations? Either we should include or consider animals as beings that deserve equal considerations or that it's just for one to shoot your new born in the head without ramifications... :D :p
Ok, it was meant to be a joke but I guess I went a little too far... :o

Excellent post. I agree with you 100%!
So much for objectivity with this thread!!!!


Gutless, scrawny, whimpy, unwilling to fish w/barehands non-hunting, non-darwinest lacking self confidence in my own abilities single minded advocate of Ted Nugent, guns, football and the USA:)
I knew a guy in high school that thought you should only hunt with a knife and your hands. He jumped out of a tree on a medium sized doe and ended up in the hospital for three weeks! I don't think a human would have much chance messing with anything larger than a rabbit with our bare hands.
autobody tech said:
how many nature abusing morons

Lets not get out of hand and start calling names. I thought the link to the video was amuzing for its content but like usual in the off topic forum these things grow a life of their own. I have hunted for two years now, twice for dear and twice for javelina. Do I use a rifle, yes. Would i want, if i could afford it, to have the head mounted yes. Do i hate nature, no. I hunt in southern Arizona where i see more illegal immigrants then game. I have even taken the time to pick up their trash, and there is a lot :( because i respect nature and hate when people trash it. I hunt not for trophy but for the meat. Dear tastes great and javelina in a soup is too. I see how both sides have there different views and i respect both. I just dont like it when just beacuse i hunt i am labeled anti-nature, anti-animal, anti-earth and above it all somehow a supporter of crime because of guns. I recycle, have drip irrigation for my plants, own pets, love animals and respect the environment. I find hunting enjoyable and way to bond with nature in an innate sense. Keep debating but keep the name calling out of it, it is much more intelligent.
nik3sgte said:
Lets not get out of hand and start calling names. I thought the link to the video was amuzing for its content but like usual in the off topic forum these things grow a life of their own.

The life of these thread has went off the deep end. I should have known better to interject a differing opinion as it was a complete waste of time!

Keep debating but keep the name calling out of it, it is much more intelligent.
Unfortunatly when emotions take the lead it over-rides logic as its easy to call names b/c you can't defend a position.