Lion strikes back at hunters video

I don't know what would have been more frightening, the Lion or the seeming cross fire. :eek:
Too bad they hit it as it was leaping... I'd have rather seen a good mauling. How is that a sport?
Tom Larkins said:
More than likley, a hunting preserve only. A client of mine has several trophy sized big cats. One trip cost him nearly $20,000. Dude was damn lucky IMO !!!

Yes he was Tom. If he had been hit in the head with that paw...
He could have been faceless. I know a few of them filled their pants.
I would have cheered for the lion in that situation.
What a crazy video! That guy was lucky that the lion was weaken and he has some quick reflexes.
What were those hunters thinking? They probably thought the lion is as "dumb" as them....jeez..I can't imagine what would have happen if there are 2 lions...they probably kill each other with crossfires...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Interesting hunting technique..they may not be so lucky next time..:D
I saw that video before and it is amazing that no one got killed by the crossfire. It's too bad that there was no Darwin Award for those idiot hunters.
Well the lion is one of africa's big 5. That is the 5 dangerous game animals to hunt. Elephant, Leapord, Lion, Rino and Cape Buffalo. That is still how hunting goes in africa. If you got my PM you know im going to africa this summer instead of the rallys and will be hunting in south africa. But typicall when hunting that type of animal there is only 3 or just you and the PH (professional Hunter). You can tell him that you are the only one to shoot or if something goes wrong or gets a lil crazy he can fire also.

Hunting is not the killing of animals. Its actully preservation of them. Farmers and poachers used to be killing off animals but than they decided that it could be profitable and start to regulate animal shooting. So farmers either became or hired PH's to hunt on their land selling a very limited amout of "tags" to shoot the animals each year. SO not that these animals because of "value" to the farmers they began to protect their land from poachers and other things and begin to care for i.e. lions etc... Because they are profitable. This is effective regulation and also INCREASES growth in the wildlife.

Brian has been to my "africa" petting zoo where animals are all around my house over 30 mounts to be in the ballpark...

The hunters were not really that stupid just unimformed about the dangers... I would have to put money on it that that guy was not an avid hunter just wealthy joe who wanted to kill one. Lion tags are sold out for 3 years. We, father and I are going back myself for the first time and pops for number 4... to get a few random animals and another few key ones giraffe, another leapord and I am going to shoot a cape buffalo:cool: either with a 375 or 415... with solids (bone breakers).

ok off to class no time for editing or more typing:p

My contrubution:
Kroger said:
Hunting is not the killing of animals. Its actully preservation of them.

Lion tags are sold out for 3 years. We, father and I are going back myself for the first time and pops for number 4... to get a few random animals and another few key ones giraffe, another leapord and I am going to shoot a cape buffalo:cool: either with a 375 or 415... with solids (bone breakers).

My contrubution:

I imagine that your first comment regarding "preservation" refers to the taxidermy advantages associated with the leopard in your photo. Otherwise, your statement that "hunting is not the killing of animals" would hardly appear to be credible.

I would prefer not to use this forum as a "soapbox" but I fail to see how you can justify something as a "sport" with the animals having the distinct disadvantage of being at the short end of the firepower continuum. Why not track and hunt these animals without weapons and then check the Darwinian scorecard to determine the victor of this "sport."

Hunting, except for survival and certain environmentally required reasons, is nothing more than killing to satisfy one's own ego so let's stop pretending that you are doing this for altruistic reasons.
RSO 34 said:
I imagine that your first comment regarding "preservation" refers to the taxidermy advantages associated with the leopard in your photo. Otherwise, your statement that "hunting is not the killing of animals" would hardly appear to be credible.

I would prefer not to use this forum as a "soapbox" but I fail to see how you can justify something as a "sport" with the animals having the distinct disadvantage of being at the short end of the firepower continuum. Why not track and hunt these animals without weapons and then check the Darwinian scorecard to determine the victor of this "sport."

Hunting, except for survival and certain environmentally required reasons, is nothing more than killing to satisfy one's own ego so let's stop pretending that you are doing this for altruistic reasons.

Very well put. I too would also like to see the hunters track and hunt these animals on equal terms :D maybe give them a spear or something and see how well they do.
I can see peoples points on killing animals to kill but don't really see the point about killing to be "macho" or for one's ego.

Ok my own opinion here since I have grown up with firearms and hunting around me all the time. My father owned various gun wholesale distrubuiterships around the nation and also, tho just recently got all out was Sportsmans Guide another nationally distributed catalogue. Hunting has had no affect when I see some "cute" animal get shot or a squirl smashed up on the side of the road because he met MR. Bridgestone

I don't have the direct fact sheet infront of me but I can tell you how hunting is preservation and is a sport. Tho I have not hunted in probaby 4 years because I am always at school and in highschool could never decide on getting up at 4-5AM to go shoot stuff...

Like I stated above i really have no difference in killing a squirl than a lion etc... You can look it up. Some country in Africa had a problem with the elephant population... there was very little! Why? because the farmers were killing the elephants because they would run in heards over the crops. No value to the farmers.... Poachers were also killing the elephants because there was a value to be made with tusk leaving the elephants to rot. Well the goverment thought of a plan. To make all Farmers game wardens and than selling the permits to hunt these animals. Well as soon as this happend since farmers now had a ASSET to protect they than begain to go after poachers etc... that tried to kill these animals. The program was named FIRE i believe but don't quote me on it... Well in a few years the elephant population had doubled because of this very law. There are multiple fact sheets showing this. Also back in the old days when the "white" man killed the buffalo here in the plains states is totaly fiction.... What some books decided to leave out was yes the native americans did use every part from a buffalo but it wasn't from an individual buffalo. There is Factual and documented evidence and some studies done on this

Ted Nugent a wild crazy and very very extremely talented archer I believe went hunting cape buffalo with a X Bow... Insanity i believe. But as for "evening up the game" what about cows who walk into slaughter haven....

When evidence from PITA or any of the other organizations show that how hunters have began to reduce a species than I'll begin to sway sides. Q
Glass houses

Hunting does serve a purpose in controlling over population of wildlife, as well as damage to other things we value. Does it with Lion's in Africa, I don't know. But, I would have to believe that someone who does hunt there knows a bit more than I.

What about fishing for that trophy catch?

What about all the deer hunters that take to the woods each fall? Each state harvests around 50% of the population. Ever been a farmer to know what kind of harm deer can do to a crop?

I have seven coyotes behind my house (I don't live in the country), and they are having a hey-day on pets in the neighborhood. Some would say leave them be. Lately, as the food supply becomes scarce, I have watched them venture into my back yard where my children play, and I can't do a thing about it.

Glass houses, we all have one.
Your veiled efforts to justify an activity that obviously does nothing more than help you validate your sense of self-importance are truly illogical.

On the one hand you suggest that farmers were over-killing to avoid crops being trampled and in the next breath you claim that the "asset" of being named a game warden actually increases the herd. If the problem of crops being ruined by herding elephants resulted in harm to the farming communities then that problem would be compounded by the increase of the herds. The only difference in licensing the hunting of elephants is that the farmers now get paid for each kill and have an incentive to continue the destruction of the herds.

Whether a species is reduced significantly by hunting is irrelevant to the focal point that the proud display of a variety of killed wildlife and your desire to also add giraffes and cape buffalos to your "collection" serves no purpose other than a purely narcissistic one.
RSO 34 said:
....I fail to see how you can justify something as a "sport" with the animals having the distinct disadvantage of being at the short end of the firepower continuum. Why not track and hunt these animals without weapons and then check the Darwinian scorecard to determine the victor of this "sport."

Since when does a "sport" require the playing field to be equal?? If that's the case then whenever an NFL team plays the Detroit Lions (hehe.. lions... funny) then football should no longer be considered a sport.
RSO 34 said:
Your veiled efforts to justify an activity that obviously does nothing more than help you validate your sense of self-importance are truly illogical.

how is killing animals for sense of self-importance worse than killing animals for leather interior?? in fact i'd argue the 2 are one in the same.

edit: i re-read your message... i misunderstood the first time. yes i agree that trying to justify killing animals with altruistic reasoning is plain silly.
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>>Some country in Africa had a problem with the elephant population... there was very little! <snip> Well the goverment thought of a plan. <snip> in a few years the elephant population had doubled because of this very law.

You seem to miss the point that the population would be even larger without the sport killing you support. By your own logic, the government reduced the number of kills to increase the herd. So reducing the number further by completely banning killing would increase the herd number even more. Your argument makes no logical sense, it's an emotional one based on your desire to collect dead figurines for your home.
Take it easy guys, alot we don't know on this subject, myself included. Its difficult to explain such things over the internet and the young college student has tried. I think what he's saying is that the farmers have been asked to quit farming in order to increase population. Seems foolish, but even with permits to shoot elephants the losses to poachers are reduced and herds are increased b/c these governments are looking more at these situations as wildlife management.

The client of mine that goes on these trips told me the you just can't go into certain countries as shoot whatever you want and the laws/fines are strictly enforced, some punished by significant jail time. Yes there are places where these animals are being killed w/o any logical explaination. He often applyies for a permit years in advance and often is rejected depending on population of that animal. In the USA they call this harvesting b/c overpopulation spreads disease, sickness into other populations if not controlled. He even mentioned something about SARRs that jumped the cat population in SE Asia into humans. Granted, I think that is a extreme case and doesn't fit, but it is something to think about. Anyway, before I blast hunting these animals I would want to objectively know more w/o getting emotional. I suspect that alot of improper methods are advanced in 3rd world countries and even here in the USA, any of which can be seen on TV, however I doubt any of us know as much about animal populations as we know about the NSX.

FYI-This client of mine is not a macho type as was stated earlyer. One of the nicest men you will meet. You can't put a tag on all hunters guys.:)
Re: Glass houses

KGP said:
Hunting does serve a purpose in controlling over population of wildlife, as well as damage to other things we value. Does it with Lion's in Africa, I don't know. But, I would have to believe that someone who does hunt there knows a bit more than I.

Then the hunting of people should be legal then. I bet I have done more damage to this plant than all the lions put together. Besides we need to control the population of humans soon before they damage other things we value.

KGP said:

I have seven coyotes behind my house (I don't live in the country), and they are having a hey-day on pets in the neighborhood. Some would say leave them be. Lately, as the food supply becomes scarce, I have watched them venture into my back yard where my children play, and I can't do a thing about it.

Are the coyotes in your back yard OR are you in their front yard. Where your house is use to be the country at one time. If you were hungry because all the grocery stores were closed you might look for another source of food too.
Really when it comes right down to it I am a hypocrite because I eat meat and sit on leather seats. I guess that makes me an accessory to the crime.