Lime Rock Event Caravans MA- NH- VT-ME

Yes, I am planning to attend rain or shine.
If you are traveling from the Eastern MA or NH, we will be meeting at the Exxon/Mobil gas station (the first one after 495 and I-90 intersection) on I-90 at 6am as planned.

My cell phone number is 617-901-7710.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

P.S. The weather forecast says that the probability of rain is about 90%. Nevertheless, they'd better be wrong this time as usual. :o
I am going rain or shine :).

The damn car is Aluminum. No excuses LOL............

allright, i was up in the air about going in the rain, but you guys have convinced me, definitely count me in!
Great Mike!!

Looking forward to meeting you. Look at it this way, you will receive a complimentary "undercarriage wash" for attending. We will fill you in on Saturday :).

Glad you are coming.
