Libertarian Unite!

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if the dude gets elected he'll be assassinated inside of a year... someone thats pulling the strings higher up is gonna pull a Kennedy on the poor guy.
What a nihilistic point of view.
hey i don't like to think like that and I sincerely hope nothing that horrible would happen... but Obama has those Kennedy-like parallels that didn't work out to well for the last guy to get elected.

Too lighten things up a bit... I only think of this whenever I hear that word nihilist...

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Just something to think about.

I don't agree with your statements here. I don't see Obama as being that different from other Democratic presidents in recent times -- I don't even think he's as liberal as Carter, and we survived his presidency. The idea of a fabricated event is just paranoid conspiracy theorist stuff.

But I do see that living in a swingish state like Pennsylvania you need to think more carefully about your vote. The luxury of living in California is that no matter how I vote, the state's going to go for Obama anyway, and so I might as well vote my conscience rather than deciding between the lesser of two evils.
Oh, I think Obama is much more liberal than Jimmy - and I do remember the Misery Index...

And coupled with a Dem majority in the House and Senate well...


And yes, it drives me nuts to think that those who brought us the sub-prime meltdown (i.e. Barney Frank, Dodd, Pelosi, etc) would be returned to office emboldened.
If only Libertarians could field a decent candidate somewhere, somehow, this movement might get some traction. For now, the wheels are just spinning.

I always tended to look at Libertarians as fiscal conservatives but social liberals-- namely pro-choice. It really depends on how you look at it whether they're less like Republicans or less like Democrats in general.
If only Libertarians could field a decent candidate somewhere, somehow, this movement might get some traction. For now, the wheels are just spinning.

I always tended to look at Libertarians as fiscal conservatives but social liberals-- namely pro-choice. It really depends on how you look at it whether they're less like Republicans or less like Democrats in general.

So goes the chicken or egg dilemma for Libertarians. Without support, they will never land a viable candidate. However, without a viable candidate they will never land support. That is why I feel it is extremely important that if your convictions are true for the Libertarian party that you should vote Libertarian regardless of who is running and who is running as a Rep or Dem. I will be despite the fact that Nevada is considered a very important swing state. If we can generate enough support, more people will consider voting for the party or maybe convince a viable candidate to run on the Libertarian ticket. In a way, any Libertarian vote today is a potential new Libertarian vote tomorrow and for me that what's most important.
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