Libertarian Unite!

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13 April 2005
Libertarians Unite!

So I just wanted to see who here on Prime is a rational thinking American? Every since I learned about the Libertarian party I've learned a few things:

1) Most people are Libertarian in their views, but just don't realize it. (which leads me to...)
2) It's amazing how little people don't know about the Libertarian party and dismiss it altogether (I was guilty of this myself).
3) You are going to get people that vote Republican because that's all they know and they don't know any better. You are going to get people to vote Democratic for the same reasons. You are going to get people who will absolutely not vote for Obama just because he is black and you are going to get people who will vote for Obama just because he is black. However, nobody who is voting Libertarian is blindly voting Libertarian "just because" or uninformed. Anyone who is wiling to vote Libertarian is probably very well informed of not only the Libertarian party but the Reps and Dems as well. I would argue that someone voting Libertarian is more informed of the Reps and Dems then their own party and because of such is the very reason they aren't voting Rep or Dem.
4) I believe Libertarians know they will lose this years election but will still vote Libertarian because they either need to build this momentum somewhere or are casting a vote as a non-vote for the Reps and Dems.

I hope we can use this thread to not only see who the Libertarians are out there but to spread word of the only current rational thinking party and to clear up a lot of mis-information about the party. I've been spreading the Libertarian view like crazy in my office and it's amazing how much people think the Libertarian party either is super liberal (uber Democratic, I think they hear "liber" and think "liberal") or some compound dwelling, gun wielding cult. Bu as I describe Libertarian views to them, they really come around.

So fellow Libertarians unite! Let's get this party train a'rollin'!

Any curious pepole that would like to know more about the Libertarian party go here:

I recommend clicking on the "platform" and "issues" links.
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I was talking to a guy a few weeks back (Obama Delegate) and he said he was a Libertarian....I laughed... I then had to explain to him that Obama is the Exact opposite of a Libertarian...and that Libertarians at the core just want the Government to chill out and quit taking over everything.

He still didn't get it...but it's OK he is really not that smart, just another sheep blindly following the heard.

Someday when people get fed up with the corruption that power brings to humans when they lord over each other, then the Libertarian party will really gain speed....I just hope it happens before we are all living in a completely government controlled state and have to eat breath and sleep when they tell us to.

Wasn't until a few years ago that I realized conservative != Republican, conservative == Libertarian. And the more I have realized how I really feel about personal responsibility and liberty, the stronger my belief in libertarianism is.

Definitely +1 from me, too.
conservative == Libertarian
Not exactly, but there are certainly aspects of libertarianism that are much closer to traditional conservatism than the current Republican regime.

There are also many aspects of libertarianism that are at odds with what is usually thought of as conservative. Gay marriage, for example -- the thinking libertarian does not have a problem with gay marriage, while the reactionary conservative will usually be against it because it's not what God intended or somesuch nonsense.
Not exactly, but there are certainly aspects of libertarianism that are much closer to traditional conservatism than the current Republican regime.

There are also many aspects of libertarianism that are at odds with what is usually thought of as conservative. Gay marriage, for example -- the thinking libertarian does not have a problem with gay marriage, while the reactionary conservative will usually be against it because it's not what God intended or somesuch nonsense.

It would be a mistake to confuse today's republican party with true conservatism.

In most ways, the Libertarian party follows true conservative doctrine.
Not exactly, but there are certainly aspects of libertarianism that are much closer to traditional conservatism than the current Republican regime.

There are also many aspects of libertarianism that are at odds with what is usually thought of as conservative. Gay marriage, for example -- the thinking libertarian does not have a problem with gay marriage, while the reactionary conservative will usually be against it because it's not what God intended or somesuch nonsense.

Exactly! And in a way it's the best of both worlds. It's got the market sensibility of the Republican conservatives, but the common sense freedoms of the Democrats. Let's let capitalism do it's thing, but let's not ram our religous beliefs down your throat at the same time.
I would agree with Da Hapa, and say that folks that consider, for example, religious beliefs as the basis for government regulation would be their own category. Although current Republicans seem to be appealing to that demographic more and more.
It would be a mistake to confuse today's republican party with true conservatism.

In most ways, the Libertarian party follows true conservative doctrine.

I'm my opinion the difference is very simple

Liberal democrats want to legislate your money.

Conservative republicans want to legislate your morality.

Libertarians want to legislate as little as possible.

Seems like a no brainier to me....who wants the government taking your money and telling you what to do and not do?

I'm my opinion the difference is very simple

Liberal democrats want to legislate your money.
Conservative republicans want to legislate your morality.
Libertarians want to legislate as little as possible.

Here's another one:

Democrat = tax and spend

Republican = don't tax, but still spend

Libertarian = don't tax and don't spend

Which of those three do you suspect is the least economically viable?
also a libertarian.
when I lived in the US, I got a friend (who didn’t vote himself), to vote for me. Did so for many years.
Shows my age but after getting out of school and voting for reagan's first term I have only voted libertarian since.
Can I write in Ron Paul on my ballot?
You can, and it's better than voting for the duopoly, or even worse, not voting at all, but I think the LP is better served by a vote for Barr and the LP platform.

I would prefer Ron Paul to Bob Barr any day of the week, but it's Barr's name who's on the ticket, and that's where my vote's going.
yesterday a prime member sent me an unsolicited spam pm to check out the libertarian platform.

so i clicked the link and read through the platform as listed on their web page. to be candid, it seems pretty warm and fuzzy to me, i mean, what's not to like about:

smaller government. lower taxes. more freedom.

i've read through the platform a number of times and while the great majority of it rings true to me, i'm skeptical... so i'll keep researching.

spammer: thx for the pm :)

Shows my age but after getting out of school and voting for reagan's first term I have only voted libertarian since.

For 3 elections I have been eligible to vote for I thought I had to choose the lesser of two evils, now I finally feel like I have a choice that makes sense to me.

I learned about the Libertarian party during the last election. I was complaining about lack of real options and a coworker suggested that my sentiments sounded "very Libertarian". After a little research I discovered that this party does in fact reflect my views more strongly than either of the more established parties. I have considered myself Libertarian ever since, and I know a number of other people my age that count themselves in the party as well.

I consider myself a libertarian but since they are not viable I haven't voted that way because it would be wasted right now.

The Libertarians are what the Republicans should be...or used to be...but aren't.

Maybe if Obama wins big it will open the door a bit.
I consider myself to be more Libertarian than Republican and I never consider a vote to be "wasted".

But you have to admit that if Obama prevails and gets elected with a majority in the House and/or Senate, the changes we will see, like the Fairness Doctrine, will effectively kill off any dissent from the Republicans, Ron Paul supporters and especially the Libertarian party.

I believe an Obama presidency will be one of those watershed events like 1933 and 1965. Only this time, it seems people are much more willing to consider a Socialist-Spread-The-Wealth government.

I have no doubt that in the first year of an Obama presidency, we will see some event (either real or fabricated) where Obama will say it's necessary for the government to take over even more control. Just read what Biden had to say about this...

Just something to think about.
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