Legal Extortion (funny)

13 January 2005
Dallas, Texas
When I went to the City of Dallas to pay a ticket today, I decided to make a statement by writing "Legal Extortion" in the memo section of my check. The funny thing was when the cashier/clerk was reviewing the check she told me that I cannot write anything on the check other than what was required. I told her that the memo section is for me to maintain my records and that they do not have the right to decline accepting my check. She went and got her supervisor, and to my surprise he told her the same thing in front of me and then smiled and said "thats a good one"... So, It would be pretty funny if everyone starts writing that on their checks from now on whenever they get a ticket.
I used to write: "for sexual favors" on my friends checks and half the time they wouldn't notice and the teller would say something to them.