led wing light only half light up

Yes you can replace the LED's. They sell red LED's at Radioshack, and I am sure other electronics suppliers. The LEDS are grouped into four's. I have typically seen a 4 LED segment go out, one LED in the string is open. So you may have a bad connection on the circiut board. If you have a little electronic know how and good with a soldering iron, this is a straightforward repair. Probably hardest is getting the wing off the trunk due to the double stick tape:). Use strong thread or fishing line to cut the tape;).

I think you can remove the LED bar by looking under the wing and removing four small screws. The screws are located under four small plastic covers. You will see them once you look under the wing. Then, find a salavaged NSX and buy the LED bar. The LED bar removal/install is very, very easy...5 minutes max! No need to remove the wing from the car!

I installed a flasher in my LED so the LEDs flash five times when I hit the brakes....very kewl effect! I had to remove the LED bar to install the flasher. Again, it is very easy to remove/install!

Yes you can replace the LED's. They sell red LED's at Radioshack, and I am sure other electronics suppliers. The LEDS are grouped into four's. I have typically seen a 4 LED segment go out, one LED in the string is open. So you may have a bad connection on the circiut board. If you have a little electronic know how and good with a soldering iron, this is a straightforward repair. Probably hardest is getting the wing off the trunk due to the double stick tape:). Use strong thread or fishing line to cut the tape;).

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Lots of them on Ebay for about $20. Do a search for Brake Light Flasher.

where can i get this flasher? I want to try to repair. I had luck repairing the ccu so i hope i can look for the circuits that was mentioned above
hi only one side of my wing leds are coming on . like half of the wing light lights up. any ideas? thanks

Wow, I had the exact same thing happen to me last week... Do you think it's something in the air down here?! I blame BP :biggrin:. Let me know what you decide to do or if you find an easy solution. I ordered a replacement LED strip for now, but planned to have someone replace the LEDs so they would be new again. If it's easy though, I'd like to just do it myself rather than ship the thing all over and have it possibly break.
This guy that fixed my a/c thinks he can fix this wing for me. ill let you know what happens so we can get yours done. yeah man that oil from the gulf messing up our cars lol hey you dont happen to have a radio huh?