LED Conversion with Hyperflash and Brake Lamp Failure Solution

I just did this on my flasher also. Works great with the LED conversions front and rear conversions from BLT. The hyperblink has been bugging me for years!



  • 2016-05-06 15.18.57.jpg
    2016-05-06 15.18.57.jpg
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Tonight, I removed the T1 and I have no hyperblink with my Arc-Light rear LEDs. My front bumper LEDs are in the mail, so now I'm ready. Now to fix that brake lamp error...seems a lot simpler than removing the blinker relay!
Darn I tried this last night. I started with led tail light bulbs, plus the same grounding mod Teej has shown in this thread which worked with no problems for months. I then added arc light front corner lights. I had hyper flash with turn signal only, no issues when I turned on hazards. Then I modified the flasher relay as shown in the thread, I removed the black module (t1) reinstalled and had hyper flash with both turn and hazard lights on. Tonight I removed the ground in the tail lights and no change. Any idea what I should try or might have done wrong? Did I break something in the relay when I removed T1?I do have arc light led tail lights I haven't installed yet. Should I wait until I install those? Should I order a new relay and try again? As far as I know the relay was original to the car (a 1992).Thanks in advance!
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You should check your ground point. I recall I tested that location and it was not a good ground. If the multipin connector in the photo is the same as in my write up, the black wire is a good ground.
I am not sure why or how, but when I used the jumper method to disable the brake light warning light from coming on my cruise control would shut off when headlights were turned on. I since removed the brake light jumper and ran the green white wire to ground on the taillight mounting pin and all seems to work no brake light warning and cruise control works with headlights on. Maybe I installed the jumper wrong, green white to black spade.
I just fixed the LED hyperflashing problem with a simple mod to the Mitsuba FR-3501 flasher relay.

Instead of messing with the shunt resistors (marked RS on the board) I disabled the lamp-out sensing altogether. It's easier to just take a part out than to fiddle with getting the right resistor values.


Just remove the transistor marked T1 as shown above.
With a fine soldering iron and some solder wick, remove solder from the three leads of the transistor on the bottom of the circuit board. With needle nose pliers, grab the lead sticking out of the board and wiggle it to break loose the last of the solder. The transistor practically fell out of the board for me.
Put it back in the car and your flashers should operate at normal speed no matter what combination of LEDs and incandecent bulbs you use.

Truth in advertizing, I did this to my '93 Honda del Sol, not my NSX...oh wait, I don't have an NSX...but I wish I did. At least I have the same overpriced flasher relay!

Thanks, works perfectly.
Yeah after swapping taillights 50 times my brake light out is lit again and I haven’t had a chance to mess with it. I’ll do this relay fix the rest of you did.

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Having LED rears causes both of these issues? I have LED rears (ARC) and OEM front turn signals. I hope that the transistor removal + groundwire taillight mod do the trick to my issue (hyperflash fronts + taillight warning.
I just fixed the LED hyperflashing problem with a simple mod to the Mitsuba FR-3501 flasher relay.

Instead of messing with the shunt resistors (marked RS on the board) I disabled the lamp-out sensing altogether. It's easier to just take a part out than to fiddle with getting the right resistor values.


Just remove the transistor marked T1 as shown above.
With a fine soldering iron and some solder wick, remove solder from the three leads of the transistor on the bottom of the circuit board. With needle nose pliers, grab the lead sticking out of the board and wiggle it to break loose the last of the solder. The transistor practically fell out of the board for me.
Put it back in the car and your flashers should operate at normal speed no matter what combination of LEDs and incandecent bulbs you use.

Truth in advertizing, I did this to my '93 Honda del Sol, not my NSX...oh wait, I don't have an NSX...but I wish I did. At least I have the same overpriced flasher relay!

To be clear, this is modifying the stock flasher correct?

Will it be ok if I only have LEDs in the front and incandescents in the rear? then later on change the rear to LED as well?
This mod allows the flasher to operate at normal speed no matter what bulbs are installed. Any combination should work.
I'm having a hard time removing the relay from the kick panel. I can't seem to figure out how to address the "slotted clip" cited in the original instructions (pdf). Any tips or pictures that may help?
So was able to snap a pic of the clip but still can't seem to get the relay out. The instructions say to pry the metal tab up while pulling horizontally, but it's not working for me. I'm also afraid to pry too hard and snap something. IMG_20180707_180500.jpeg
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Let’s call the side of the relay with the writing the “front”, the opposite side the “back” and the side with the tab the “top”. Stick a screwdriver between the back of the relay and the bracker as close to the top as possible and twist it. To remove the relay it needs to slide forward and this is the best way I’ve found to do it.
Yes that did it - thanks! The original instructions are a bit mis-leading because the relay is held on mainly by friction. The tab holding it place doesn't lock it in place and doesn't need to be lifted. Also despite the instruction saying otherwise, it was easier to remove the padded lower panel to see what you're doing and to access the relay from the side.
Some extra pics I snapped that others may find useful.

this is the bracket with relay removed:

what the top of relay looks like:

what I used in between the back of the relay and bracket to pry it off, just twist:
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I just did this mod today; worked like a charm! I don't think I've ever been so excited to make turns from a stoplight.

I previously had mild hyperblink on my left turn, strong hyperblink on the right turn, and normal(-esque) hazard flash. This was a sad, sad cry for help. If it can work for a sad sack like me...

Thank goodness for our '90s Honda cousins, to save us from ourselves! WB9RKN, I salute you!
I just did it as well. I now have LEDs everywhere except the tail lights. I ordered the following for the rear stop light, turn signal and reverse lights:


Pilot Automotive (IL-1157R-15-AM) Red 15-SMD LED Turn/Tail Light Bulb - 2 Piece
[COLOR=#555555 !important]Sold by: BulbConnection

I hope these work for the brake lights -
Built-in CAN bus technology mitigates bulb out / error messages



AUXITO 2600 Lumens 1156 LED Bulbs BA15S P21W 7506 LED Light Bulbs Replacement for Backup Reverse Light Bulb Tail Light 6000K White
[COLOR=#555555 !important]Sold by: AUXITO

[COLOR=#B12704 !important]$15.99



Phinlion 3000 Lumens 7506 LED White Bulb Super Bright 3030 27-SMD BA15S 1003 3497 1156 LED Bulbs for Back Up Reverse Lights, 6000K Xenon White


I hope these work. The transistor on the front flash worked like a charm. I am hoping that the stop lights will not give me a brake light failure warning!
I found the pdf. It seems very simple to put a jumper in the back of the wiring harness from the White/Green wire to the black wire. I guess I am all in at this point since I already have disabled the transistor on the turn signal flasher.

Keep you posted!


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