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LeatherSeats.com Reintroduction 56k Beware

PM sent.

Anyone else interested in pricing or samples please email me at timb@leatherseats.com for the fastest response.


I just wanted to take a moment and acknowledge 2 things:

1. Your product looks truly outstanding. I'll be contacting you in the very near future about a set with alcantra inserts and custom stitching. Fantastic work.

2. I'd just like to offer a sincere "Thank You" for attending to the NSX owners group - while, from a practical perspective, I recognize that it's also a business opportunity for you, I for one still genuinely appreciate the fact that you have taken the time and expended the effort to offer a quality product (and continue to offer a quality product) for such a limited production car - one that's been out of production for 6 years now.

Perhaps if those who continue to address the needs of the NSX community were told more often that we genuinely appreciate their attention to our comparatively tiny market segment, there would be even more quality products offered for our cars. While sales are nice (and, it goes without saying, the primary objective of any business endeavor), I speak from decades of experience as a business owner who has always been committed to going "above and beyond" for his customers that a little appreciation from time to time is equally as important. When you take pride in what you do, it's important to feel like what you're doing actually "matters" to someone, no matter how successful you are.

Thanks again :smile:

Flame suit on :tongue:
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I speak from decades of experience as a business owner who has always been committed to going "above and beyond" for his customers

Flame suit on

No flame suit at all. :wink:
We need to appreciate a member who for decades has been commited to going above and beyond for his customers.:smile:
Who are you and what is or was your business?:confused:
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I just wanted to take a moment and acknowledge 2 things:

1. Your product looks truly outstanding. I'll be contacting you in the very near future about a set with alcantra inserts and custom stitching. Fantastic work.

2. I'd just like to offer a sincere "Thank You" for attending to the NSX owners group - while, from a practical perspective, I recognize that it's also a business opportunity for you, I for one still genuinely appreciate the fact that you have taken the time and expended the effort to offer a quality product (and continue to offer a quality product) for such a limited production car - one that's been out of production for 6 years now.

Perhaps if those who continue to address the needs of the NSX community were told more often that we genuinely appreciate their attention to our comparatively tiny market segment, there would be even more quality products offered for our cars. While sales are nice (and, it goes without saying, the primary objective of any business endeavor), I speak from decades of experience as a business owner who has always been committed to going "above and beyond" for his customers that a little appreciation from time to time is equally as important. When you take pride in what you do, it's important to feel like what you're doing actually "matters" to someone, no matter how successful you are.

Thanks again :smile:

Flame suit on :tongue:

Thanks for the kind words. We put a lot pride in our work so we like to know that people are noticing.

No flame suit at all. :wink:
We need to appreciate a member who for decades has been commited to going above and beyond for his customers.:smile:
Who are you and what is or was your business?:confused:

Well tankyaberrymuch pbassjo - I most soytenly appreciate your appreciation :biggrin:

What I was actually trying to convey (apparently with limited success LOL) was that we need to make it a point to take the time to show our appreciation for the leatherseats.com guy and all of the other vendors who continue to provide cool stuff for NSXes so we can continue to have the coolest cars on our respective blocks, even though we offer a relatively limited financial opportunity as compared to other car owners groups (corvettes, etc.) because of the limited production numbers of the NSX. Imagine where we'd be without the SOS guys and the Downforce guys and the others who continue to support our addiction to all things NSX.

Having said that, I definitely don't mean to suggest that we shouldn't also expect an appropriate level of consistency from these folks in all areas from quality control to service and responsiveness should any issue arise after the sale. Along with any business opportunity comes a certain level of responsibility to provide your customers with a solid buying experience. But I also realize that sometimes "chit happens" and not everyone has a stellar experience with a particular vendor - whether the vendor dropped the ball, or didn't communicate effectively, or doesn't meet the expectations they themselves created - it's perfectly reasonable to call them out when that happens. But if historically they've done a reasonably satisfactory job overall, we should be careful to do it in a way that let's them know they have a hole in their program that needs to be addressed without making them think that, as a group, we're completely impossible to please. If we do that, they're gonna wanna take their ball and go home.

And seeing as how I don't have the skills to do leatherwork, or make carbon fiber parts, or 02+ side skirts and valances, or cool exhaust systems, or most of the other stuff we all love, that would just suck :wink:

By the way (said in my best "person at their first AA meeting voice") my name is Bill, and I'm in the telecommunications business.

Now you all say "Hi Bill!". :tongue:
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Thanks for the kind words. We put a lot pride in our work so we like to know that people are noticing.


You're very welcome Tim.

Thanks again for the lightning fast, thorough, and courteous response. Lookin' forward to doin' business with you :cool:
they look familiar :smile:... i'm fitting them this week, will post pics when I'm done!
Now I have nothing bad to say about leatherseats.com

they shipped me exactly what I wanted. I am not a pro with leather.

puting the skins on wasnt rocket science, my NSX got the new car smell back I loved it.

then I got my 2004 build sat in the OEM seats
way different, hard leather and the skins HUGGS the seats very tight.like high end cars do. Loved it.

then I get my 2002 from Jason. sat in his seats very very soft same perferated leather but the leather hugged the seats better than my NEW leather in my 92

also I have found that the foam Honda used in the different years must have been different. soft to harder to hardest.

sat back in the new leather seats. I didnt like the loose leather on the sides. someone told me you need to use a heat gun to shrink it but I opted to just let the sun shrink the leather naturally still loose.

I would def buy them again, if i needed to
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The listed price on the website, is it for one seat or a pair?
Wow, just checked out your site finally...


That looks awesome and much better than my 91 seats. I will buy from you very soon.
fitted my covers, http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148022

it all went really smoothly, and look great!



Nicely done. I'm not typically a huge fan of two tone interiors, but that actually looks extremely good - compliments the exterior color of your car perfectly. Excellent installation as well.

Bravo old chap :tongue:

And thanks for the photo intensive installation thread - that will be a huge help when the time comes to do mine :cool:
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Would you be able to supply leather covers for a pair of Recaro Pole Position seats?

No, we don't have the pattern for that. Your only option would be for us to custom pattern your covers first, which can turn out to be very expensive.
Another one here interested if a group buy becomes reality.

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