PM sent.
Anyone else interested in pricing or samples please email me at for the fastest response.
I just wanted to take a moment and acknowledge 2 things:
1. Your product looks truly outstanding. I'll be contacting you in the very near future about a set with alcantra inserts and custom stitching. Fantastic work.
2. I'd just like to offer a sincere "Thank You" for attending to the NSX owners group - while, from a practical perspective, I recognize that it's also a business opportunity for you, I for one still genuinely appreciate the fact that you have taken the time and expended the effort to offer a quality product (and continue to offer a quality product) for such a limited production car - one that's been out of production for 6 years now.
Perhaps if those who continue to address the needs of the NSX community were told more often that we genuinely appreciate their attention to our comparatively tiny market segment, there would be even more quality products offered for our cars. While sales are nice (and, it goes without saying, the primary objective of any business endeavor), I speak from decades of experience as a business owner who has always been committed to going "above and beyond" for his customers that a little appreciation from time to time is equally as important. When you take pride in what you do, it's important to feel like what you're doing actually "matters" to someone, no matter how successful you are.
Thanks again :smile:
Flame suit on :tongue:
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