learn to play the guitar?

Wow, I remember seeing this on "Beyond 2000" way back in like 1995 or something! I have no idea how well they are constructed. Looking at the price I'm guessing it's a Korean guitar. Doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, just an observation.

I would still suggest a good chorde and guitar theory book no matter what. That way you can gain an understanding of WHAT you're playing, not just WHERE you're playing. Admittedly, it is a neat idea.
thx for the good suggestion wrt chord / theory books.

according to my friend, the guitar (at least the neck) is synthetic / molded material, which makes sense since they have to embed the led's in the necks.

i just won a new, factory-warrantied blem unit on ebay... film, errr, youtube, at 11 :)
as a guitar player, i wouldn't recommend this as a learning tool. keep in mind that you are not looking down directly at the frets when you play the guitar.... you look at it in a steep angle. the lights will blend from one string to the next.

reading guitar tabs (a popular alternative to tradtional sheet music) is very simple.... you can pick up the concept within a day. unlike piano, reading the music isn't the hard part in playing the guitar... it's getting your fingers to go where your brain tells it to go.

thx for the feedback... i wondered about the angle issue as well and will let you know of my experience when i receive my unit next week.

in the meantime, here's what my friend emailed me this morning (he plays a bit of guitar already and picked this up for one of his boys who wants to include guitar in his skill set):

"received mine (white/white) yesterday. Loaded the software, tuned it and started going through the lessons so I could gauge how it would work for the boys.

Guitar quality is better than expected and the software is really good so far. Installation was a snap, USB connection to guitar could not have been easier. The lessons seems pretty good (I got about half way through last night). rock on."
It doesn't seem like a bad guitar lesson tool but really not that necessary. It's pretty easy to learn the main chords and once you learn them it's easy to change the key as the chord forms themselves do not change. For example, you can play F major and G major chord with the same fingering but the fingers rested on different fret. But anyway, I don't see it as a bad tool, but probably not going to decrease or add the time for you to learn compared to learning on conventional guitar. At the end, more practice results in faster learning. I'm not sure if any amount of practice will get you to this point tho. check it out :eek:

It doesn't seem like a bad guitar lesson tool but really not that necessary. It's pretty easy to learn the main chords and once you learn them it's easy to change the key as the chord forms themselves do not change. For example, you can play F major and G major chord with the same fingering but the fingers rested on different fret. But anyway, I don't see it as a bad tool, but probably not going to decrease or add the time for you to learn compared to learning on conventional guitar. At the end, more practice results in faster learning. I'm not sure if any amount of practice will get you to this point tho. check it out :eek:

thx for the feedback, much appreciated. if i'm not mistaken, that guy learned his licks from the brian may matchbook series ;)

Update: Fretlight

thought i'd make a separate post rather than "reply".

materials arrived on time, complete and in great shape.

the guitar blemish appears to be a bit of adhesive on the neck, doesn't appear to affect my (limited) playing @ this point - no harm, no foul. software installed in 1 minute and i was off and strumming.

the guitar has the appearance - slightly diff headstock - and ~ weight as my strat, though no whammy bar. the neck is wood but the fretboard is matte finished synthetic material. unless the guitar is plugged in to the computer and program is activated / in use, you can't detect the LED's. guitar is made in china.

so far, the lessons are easy to work through and, personally, i find the combination of integrated online / instrument <neck / fret lights> / instructor audio sound bites to be extremely intuitive and easy to follow. in fact, i'll probably begin downloading fretlight-enabled songs next week.

an interesting thing about player / fret light view angle... once i got the hang of things, i've been able to play in a normal holding / viewing position - the led's create enough light / reflection on my finger tips that it's no sweat.

so far, i think it's great and money well spent.

UH-MAZING Fretlight guitar lessons

<snip> in fact, i'll probably begin downloading fretlight-enabled songs next week.<snip> so far, i think it's great and money well spent.
i've now got ~30 fretlight-enabled songs and am competent on ~10 after ~15 hrs practice. (coupla 3 hr sessions, remainder have been 1-2 hr sessions). encouraged by such quick progress, i've opened my song fakebook and started working on songs not available from fretlight.

i've gotta say if you've ever wanted to learn how to play guitar and couldn't sit still for standard lessons or don't have access to the "right" instructor, fretlight may be a great alternative for you to consider... what it's done for me is nothing short of amazing.

(before anyone else says it, as the father of two musicians, let me say that i appreciate and recognize the value of lessons and guidance provided by a professional music instructor. we paid for - and enjoyed the benefits of - them for years. unfortunately, some of us haven't found the right instructor to match our learning behavior and it's for folks like me that the fretlight may be a successful learning tool.)

fretlight love fest now over. rock on.
update (for anyone interested :)

i was able to spend beau coup hours playing until the oct / nov time frame, when i experienced severe numbness in my left arm after aggravating an apparent congenital defect in my neck. x-ray and mri identified the problem and i've been able to manage the issue with meds and have been back to practicing (though for shorter periods than before) and life is good :)

in fact, i've solicited a few neighbors & friends (musicians, all) to create a neighbor / friend "just for fun, backyard bbq" group and we've begun practicing for our memorial day gig for our families and extended friends :)

what fun - i'll play my first gig with all of my closest friends either in the group or in our audience just 3 weeks before my 55th birthday :) :)

did i mention life is good? it rocks ;)

(forgot to mention, i've set aside the fretlight and use either my (new) gibson les paul, strat or 64 rick.)