latest transportation revolution!....not!

Actually I think the Segway is the neatest thing going. It's a brilliant idea.

If you read the company's vision, it's not about "replacing cars" at all.

I could definitely see taking one to any number of locations. It would be great at the track, huge flea markets and a wide-variety of auto-related activities.

It will have to get a bit more affordable however, but it seems that they're working on that.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords

[This message has been edited by Jimbo (edited 03 December 2001).]
Ginger is the coolest! I want one. It would be perfect if it was small enough to fit in the NSX trunk -- I could drive into the city, park someplace secure and cheap, and use the Ginger to run around and do errands.

-Bob ('87 CRX, '94 NSX, hopefully '02 Segway)
I agree with Jimbo, on it's likely markets/applications, but I disagree that Kamen is not touting it as a replacement for cars. That is exactly what he is suggesting - that people use this device instead of cars for short trips in cities and around their neighborhoods. He's made that quite clear both in his interviews and on the segway website.

The thing can't negotiate a curb, would be useless and dangerous in heavy pedestrian traffic, has no environmental protection, etc. It will never be heavily used in major cities. It is too heavy for most people to easily move up or down stairs of any kind. The battery run-time is too short for most people to commute to work even if they had a bike path or something to use, which most do not. Sure the segway offers more technology, etc. but as a practical commuting matter, if people wanted to take an electric scooter device to work, they would already be doing it for $600 instead of $3000

The real markets are corporate and government - factory floors, large warehouses, amusement parks, at the track, maybe some shopping centers/malls, airports, sports arenas, vacation spots, tours, museums, apartment complexes, office and maybe some government mail delivery, couriers within large buildings, heck even large car dealerships.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 04 December 2001).]
"IT" is neat, but I don't think the automotive industry has anything to be afraid of. The cost is too high, and the applications too limited.
City users already have Subways, Buses, and Taxi's, who wants to shell out 3g's for a scooter? From the intro film, it looks like this is ment more for SUBurban use.
Why must the design incorporate the gyros at all? Granted it looks cool, but why not integrate the battery powered technology into a cycle (two tandem wheels) design as well? What about safety? If the gyros fail while traveling at 12mph, the rider eats the asphalt. At least a cyclist (motor, or otherwise) can coast. Will there be a helmet law?
I hate to be the wet blanket I like the thing, and I am a fan of technological advances, but one ceturies old invention does "Gingers" work just fine, it is called "The Bicycle".
Think about it... You can get some exercise too.



[This message has been edited by H-carWizKid (edited 04 December 2001).]
Am I the only one who saw the recent episode of "South Park" that had a satirical version of "IT"? It was shown the week of November 21, with the episode title "The Entity".

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 04 December 2001).]

Agreed. Kamen's saying that Segway could be an alternative to a car in crowded urban areas and certain settings. It's certainly not going to replace the car in any real total sense. It was designed to fit in a trunk of a car.

It's not going to easily navigate stairs but it is designed for sidewalks and pedestrian areas. It's an alternative to walking. Or at least it could be.

It's going to depend on the locale but I could see this thing in a number of cities.
As more and more places become handicapped accesible, this device could fit right in.

In addition to the venues you mentioned I also see this thing (once the price comes down) being very hot on campuses.


The reason for the gyros and the wheel arrangement is so that it can fit on a sidewalk and not have the awkward footprint of a bicycle or a wheelchair. It's really compact having a total footprint not much more than a person. With the wheels as they are now you have a zero turning radius. You can't use a bicycle effectively indoors or on a sidewalk.

Regarding failure...If you go to their web site, read about the redundant systems and failsafe modes. Multiple gyros and multiple sensors and computers. The computers "vote" on a course of action much like the shuttle. Very impressive design, IMHO.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords
Thanks Jimbo, I have been doing some research since the last post, and I can agree wholeheartedly with you. Ginger is cool. Now when will there be hopped up versions available?
Check out this rendering of the origional concept...

Common Dean, give us some cool wheels, and carbon fiber trim, not to mention some additional top end. I would love to ride one of these things, and I have a feeling that I will.

Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Am I the only one who saw the recent episode of "South Park" that had a satirical version of "IT"? It was shown the week of November 21, with the episode title "The Entity".

They finally got the downloads of that episode available on their website. Check "IT" out here.
I never wanted to be a lawyer, but if this thing ever gets started… just imagine the law practice you could build in lawsuits. "someone ran over my toe" Did you say A COMPANY with deep pockets and unlimited (in my wildest layer dreams) liability.

Many products don't get made or go out of business now-a-days because of liability. (try to find a company that still wants to manufacture child's vaccines).