Landmark experiment could cause end of the world

"And though the holes were rather small They had to count them all..."

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The Sacrificial Ring

Something incredible is going on. Scientists on the wild edge of high energy physics at labs in Illinois and Geneva are racing to see who will be the first to enter the ‘Burning Bush’ and to de-cloak a fundamental, but elusive, sub atomic particle that is given cosmic or divine proportions by its, some say absurd, moniker, the God Particle (which particular god is unknown – let’s just pray it’s not that jealous one).

If all goes as planned, sometime in 2008 the heads of state of governments around the world will climb the mountain at CERN, the particle physics lab/stargate near Geneva to light the flame of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN a 17 mile ring; the most expensive and sophisticated machine on earth.

When it’s fired up it will begin smashing protons moving at 99.999999% of the speed of light into each other and so recreate the conditions a fraction of a second after the big bang.

Dr. Michio Kaku calls it “the Genesis Machine.” It is hoped it will complete the revelation of the greatest secret of all time, and will take us out of cosmic kindergarten and into first grade, cosmically speaking.

Far from being a genesis machine, others see the LHC at CERN as a doomsday machine.

They worry that CERN is the name on the sign at the last exit we’ll take as humans before we going flying off into oblivion.

If this Bush bears fruit a remarkable particle called the Higgs Boson (H) will be discovered.

The Higgs is better known by its flashy name the God Particle. It’s called the God Particle, says physicist, Leon Lederman, in his book of the same title, because we couldn’t call it the Goddamn particle. It’s been that frustrating to find.

The God Particle is thought to exist in an all-pervading cosmic field, a sort of invisible lattice or matrix, referred to as the Higgs Field, that filled the universe after the Big Bang, imbuing all other particles with their mass (including the ones that form your body). It’s never been seen, but our understanding of the universe and its creation relies on its existence. It holds everything together. (Invisible. Mysterious. Enables life. Hey, sounds like love.)

First imagined (in the modern era anyway) in 1964 (Beatlemania) by British physicist, Peter Higgs, the discovery of the God Particle will complete our physics kit, called the Standard Model. Humanity will have earned its ‘H prize’. As happened with Abraham, who was given an ‘h’ on the end of his name after his initiation by the immortal Melchizedek, things will be different for humanity with its H in place.

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No longer will we be teething on Einstein. Those born after the year 2008 will be Jimmy Neutrons, ready to make Star Trek, possibly even Stargate, happen. That’s right. We’re talking about opening wormholes.

This is all mighty interesting, especially in light of the timing.

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. According to the Mayans this date will mark the end of one world and the beginning of another.

This rare galactic alignment is referred to as the Cosmic Cross. It’s considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered as sacred in all the world's spiritual traditions.

Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.

Stargate 2012, the Mayans say from out of this tree/star alignment comes a serpent rope with an enlightened being named Nine Winds or Quetzalcoatl riding upon it and a blessed substance’ or ‘sap’ the Mayans called itz (literally ‘the blessed substance’) apparently spewing from it.


Usually, when one thinks of ‘sap’ they’re thinking of a watery liquid nutrient that circulates through the conducting tissues of a plant or tree (that or a person who acts like an idiot). However, when I Go(ogle)d, excuse me, Googled, ‘cosmic sap’ I found that ‘sap’ is also an acronym for ‘sub atomic particle’ (or sap).

Hmm. Are the Mayans describing a ‘blessed sub atomic particle’ that will appear in 2012, give or take year or two? Is this the same as the God Particle?

Even more intriguing is the picture that developed when Mayan scholar John Major Jenkins replaced the Mayan term “serpent rope” with the appropriate modern word “wormhole”. Will Quetzalcoatl return like a time-traveler through a wormhole?

I find it highly interesting that this ‘wormhole’ he is emerging from is an 8-rayed symbol (the galaxy) that precisely matches the 8 rayed or 8-spoked Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the behemoth designed to search for the unseen, unknown God Particle.

Is the LHC a stargate device capable of creating wormholes for time traveling beings?

In The God Particle, Lederman says the search for the Higgs is actually a recreation of the Tower of Babel incident recorded in the Book of Genesis.

There’s your trouble.

In the 23rd century B.C. the Sumerian king Nimrod built a ladder (symbolized by an H) or Tower (actually a gate) that reached from Babylon into the stars. The jealous Israelite god Yahweh got nervous about humankind ‘making a Name or Renown’ for itself by building this Gate. If successful, says the Book of Genesis, “nothing we can imagine would be impossible for us.”

Biblical scholars say Nimrod was known as Osiris, the Egyptian god of resurrection, in Egypt. Both are associated with ladders or stairways to heaven. This is key. Inside Sety’s 14th century B.C. temple at Abydos, in the Osiris Chapel, is the magnificent depiction of Osiris as a pillar or tower. In fact, the Egyptians called this Osiris pillar the Ta-Wer or ‘bond between heaven and earth’. Sounds like Babel to me.

On the opposite wall of the Osiris Chapel at Abydos is the Osiris Device, enhanced, I noticed, with the ship of eternity upon which the king will sail into eternity as a star. This ship resembles a modern drawing of a wormhole. Pay particular attention to Sety who appears to have transformed his body into the Osiris Device… or is coming out of it. This is a wonderful moment of transformation and resurrection.

The addition of the wormhole-shaped ship to the Osiris pillar/Tower of Babel suggested to me that this ladder or stairway to heaven is either some form of ancient particle accelerator for opening wormholes or a scanning device that scanned Sety atom by atom and fed that information through the wormhole with instructions to reconstruct, reconstitute or “re-member” him ala the re-membered Osiris on the other side.

So, when one of these Towers was potentially going up in Babylon Yahweh got nervous. He launched a pre-emptive strike, smashing the Babel Tower/(Star)Gate and separating humankind by language. After cleaning up the debris His scribes changed the meaning of the word ‘babel’ from gate to ‘confusion’, ‘nonsense’. Get it? Humankind make a Name for itself by opening a Gate to God? That’s nonsense! Impossi-babel!

For the last 4,500 years or so we’ve been waiting for another shot at opening the Gate.

I’ll explain why the God Particle might as well be called the Christ Particle (Christ = the universal and life-giving consciousness of the cosmos) and how it fulfills Messianic, and indeed, Mayan prophecy momentarily…

In case you’ve been cooped-up in the dark with other concerns (perhaps watching Lost) let me shed a little light for you. Humankind is a species on the brink of either extinction or cosmic exultation.

While the War on (T)error commenced and has pushed us to the brink of WW III, and the long-anticipated Armageddon battle that triggers the return of God to some Christians, scientists have been busy proving just how dark and ignorant our warring minds really are.

Astrophysical observations of galaxies and supernovae have shown that visible, ‘solid’ matter (knock, knock) accounts for a miniscule five percent of the entire energy and mass of the universe. All the people, stars and billions and billions of galaxies we can see account for only 5% of all that is out there.

Who’s there? Additional invisible “dark matter” we know virtually nothing about influences the motion of galaxies, and “Dark energy” speeds up the expansion of the universe. We are created from this Dark Matter.


Scientists with increasingly powerful and intelligent computers capable of crunching the new data propose the Universe is constructed like an oversized spider web. All visible material is arranged along the filamentary structure of the Dark Matter. These dark matter filaments are likened to the “Fingers of God”. On its threads and knots, this unseen cosmic web holds seeds or pearls known as galaxies.



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