Lance Armstrong

Incorrect. In addition, you cannot sue a governmental agency. There are situations where the loser pays the winner's legal expenses but it is not a general provision.
I understand the part about not be able to sue the Fed Gov.

That is why I'm so against Obamacare because you can't sue them for malpractice.
I understand the part about not be able to sue the Fed Gov.

That is why I'm so against Obamacare because you can't sue them for malpractice.

That's an interesting point. I know we've gone way off topic here but anyone familiar enough with the UK's system to know how they deal with those issues?
This is just my humble opinion, and I confess I don't know all the evidence there is against him. I have read that he did not fail any drug tests and the evidence is testimony from former teammates and a blood profile.

In all racing, the goal is to seek every competitive advantage you can get, right up to the limit. In auto racing, that means studying every rule and designing your car to exploit every loophole to the best advantage. In sports medicine, I would think this means studying a list of banned and tested drugs and using everything else that does not cause you to fail the test.

What it seems like is the rules for Lance seem to be enforced in the absence of concrete evidence. If he did take banned substances and still passed the drug tests, I would fault the testing and the way the rules are applied, not the competitor. It was his doctor's/coach's job to give him the nutrition/supplement program to win, and the one of the criteria was to pass any tests, which is what he did. I can't fault him for that.

I have to admit my view is influenced by a book called "Cheating" which chronicles the creative ways NASCAR racers have cheated and how the organization got better at policing. What NASCAR doesn't do is retroactively take away titles many years later. You win in the environment and situation that was present at the time.

Cheating is normal in sports, I'm not say it's the right thing to do but it happens. Look at Michael Schumacher's first championship in 1994. Benetton was caught cheating at the end of the year and while others were trying to catch up to them, drivers died. They were never penalized.

Someone ask me today if I think he was doping, I told him the only person that will ever know will be Lance himself, and he is not making it easy for doubters by not protecting his legacy.
That is why I'm so against Obamacare because you can't sue them for malpractice.

You just lost all credibility and threw this topic under the bus.

If you assume that Armstrong is guilty and strip him of his 7 TdF titles, who do you give them to? Everyone he beat is a confirmed cheat. Pantani? Guilty. Ulrich? Guilty. Basso? Guilty. Belocki? Guilty. Thats the crux of their case; If everyone is doping and he still dominates, he must be dirty.

The whole thing reeks. Complete and total bullshit.
You just lost all credibility and threw this topic under the bus.

If you assume that Armstrong is guilty and strip him of his 7 TdF titles, who do you give them to? Everyone he beat is a confirmed cheat. Pantani? Guilty. Ulrich? Guilty. Basso? Guilty. Belocki? Guilty. Thats the crux of their case; If everyone is doping and he still dominates, he must be dirty.

The whole thing reeks. Complete and total bullshit.

Did you even read the previous posts? That was a response to a law suit example given by sahtt. It has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

I'm not to condem him but his action speaks louder than words, if he stop fighting for his legacy, what's the point of winning the 7 TdF titles?

I'm a person believing truth, if he said he is innocent, he needs to fight to the end to clear his own name. Regardless of his innocence or charges, it changes nothing in my life.
My stance is: I can't believe we are wasting tax dollars on this. The very fact that we have an agency that is dedicated to this type of investigation is an outrage.
My stance is: I can't believe we are wasting tax dollars on this. The very fact that we have an agency that is dedicated to this type of investigation is an outrage.
The USA ratified the International Convention against Doping in Sport,
an agreement notable for how quickly and widely it was adopted by
countries around the world. Contributing to funding the USADA (not
a government agency although it does get public funding) is part of
how the US fulfills the promises it made by adopting the convention.

Instances where the USA sets an example of ensuring and promoting
fairness (in general, I don't just mean in sport) are things to be proud of,
in my opinion.
The USA ratified the International Convention against Doping in Sport,
an agreement notable for how quickly and widely it was adopted by
countries around the world. Contributing to funding the USADA (not
a government agency although it does get public funding) is part of
how the US fulfills the promises it made by adopting the convention.

Instances where the USA sets an example of ensuring and promoting
fairness (in general, I don't just mean in sport) are things to be proud of,
in my opinion.

I don't disagree with you that fair play and anti-doping are good ideals. That is not my point. I want those things.

The problem is you have an entire agency that receives public funding to investigate a SPORT--a leisure, a form of entertainment. Something we can do without in a society filled with economic crisis, war, etc. If there is to be an agency that investigates these things, it should be PRIVATE. No tax dollars should go into this. No tax dollars should go to attorneys billing out at hundreds of dollars an hour.

We are in the midst of an economic CRISIS. We do not need to fund an entire agency dedicated to investigating whether or not Lance Armstrong shot himself up with performance enhancing drugs to ride a bike faster.

He rides a bike. That's it. Spending money investigating whether or not he deserved 1st or last place is completely irresponsible in our economic condition.

You ever walk into a federal courtroom? The walls are solid marble, and the statues and eagles on the wall are made of solid gold. It's absolutely disgusting.

What would be the best case scenario for this agency? Millions of dollars spent to result in what? Armstrong being stripped of his medals? Millions of dollars to representatively strip a man of his medals...some ROI.
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It would appear that professional cycling is a dirty sport. ~10 years ago team Festina was banned from the tour for doping, perhaps the sport decided to make the a sacrificial lamb. The sport is dirty, LA is dirty.
Is the USADA doing the right thing on the basis that it is right to play legal? I can"t answer that. Where their money comes from is not relevant, in my opinion. It is no more fair to cheat during tough economic times than in good economic times.
The only time its ok to cheat is in wartime.
You ever walk into a federal courtroom? The walls are solid marble, and the statues and eagles on the wall are made of solid gold. It's absolutely disgusting.

Just wondering where are you seeing these solid gold eagles and statues? I worked in the federal court system for several years specifically in budget and procurement and never saw such a thing. Some of the older courtrooms can be quite ornate but that is more a product of the times it was built decades ago.

Can't recall marble walls either but wouldn't surprise me if some old one had them. Most I saw were wood panelling of some sort or wall paper.
I'm laughing as I type because if you really think about races like the normal human even a well trained average human could do what these guys are doing...i mean maybe we are all being niave to think that the "drugs" are giving an unfair advantage.....if there were truely no questionable enhancements,the race would be very different,with frequent rest stops,ambulance/ER visits, guys holding on to the team cars...for miles:tongue: ,short cuts, disguises, you know stuff the average person would want to do.
The insurance company who was successfully sued in the past by Armstrong for performance bonuses is yet another side of the story......

When Armstrong was suing them, he was insisting he was clean,
he was pretty much calling the people who challenged him scum,
how dare they question him, and so on. And when he prevailed,
the agreement he got said it's a done deal, he gets to keep the
money no matter what comes to light in the future.
Whether that will hold up, I can't say. But we are talking
millions of dollars that he lied and cheated to get.

The Sunday Times is looking into whether they can get
back money they paid when Armstrong sued them for libel:
So he's confessed (although I have not seen the interview yet). What do you guys think now? He cheated. He cheated in a sport where everyone is (was) cheating. I think that way the media is vilifying him is wrong. He may not be the cookie cutter role model anymore but he sure did a lot for cancer research. Did Michael Vick raise over 470 million dollars for the ASPCA? No one is really talking about him anymore (except to say how great a football player he is).
Why doesn't this class A azzhole just go away? LA is like herpes. He keeps coming back for more attention. What a douche.
I say give the dude a break...... he is just a UNI -BALLer

I really didn't see that as a secret that he doped.

People like to focus on the negatives.

How many more lives was positively effected and more $$$$ was collected/donated towards his cancer charity, etc.

And how many more Americans started to give a shit about biking, improving their health and boosting bike sales (more jobs = stimulating the economy)?
guy is a tool and the current storm is simply about taking his cash away and leaving him without all the wealth that was wrongfully generated.

Additionally, where he was previously a beacon for cancer survivors to show them a lesson of what they can achieve, he is now a beacon for sports cheaters to see just how far they will be dragged in the mud.