Lake Geneva breakfast and drive - June 23rd

We just returned home. After leaving the group we explored a few other roads in the area and made a stop in Burlington for frozen custard. It was a great time and look forward to another one very soon. Thank you to all that came from near and far to make it a big success! If we should do another visit to Yerkes we will arrange for a tour of the inside.

Phill & Krista
Made it home just before the rain hit! Thanks again Phil, Krista, and Paul for organizing this get-together. The stops and driving scenery were amazing. It was really great meeting all of you and finally putting faces to usernames haha. Please let me know if I can be of any help in planning/arranging another event. Hopefully I'll see some of you at Supercar Saturday in Bolingbrook.

Thank you so much for putting this event together. The event was meticulously organized which was very nice.

I unfortunately had to separate from the group after the Observatory, I would have loved to say goodbye but I didn't know where everyone went after the individual shots:(

It was really nice to meet everyone and I look forward to next time.

(black NA1 w/black wheels)
Had fun,nice meeting everyone.Will pictures be posted in this thread or somewhere else?Thanks for setting this up. R.
Hey guys, I had a great time, thanks again for putting this together. Looking forward to the next one already:eek:

Black 95 from Madison

Simply spectacular -- on all levels. Thanks Paul for initiating and coordinating and thanks to Phil and Krista for the great planning and logistics. Great seeing everyone and looking fwrd to the next one! -joe
I'm glad at least some of us got home bofore the rain, I guess today I wasn't the luckiest when it comes to that :).

Thank you to all of you that came, please remember that this time it was Phill and Krista that did all the work. Thank you for the Senna poster, I already have something I will be giving away the next time we meet but I will keep it a secret :).

Some of the pictures I took are not as good as others, unfortunatley I still have a long way to go untill I will be able to say that I know my camera well. Sometimes, or most of the time my settings were not ideal but I hope you will like at least some of them. I also hope that some of you will share your files here so we can stick to our plan and make those that didn't make it more jealous! Hi resolution are on my flickr page:

See you next time!














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^ Very cool shots, Stanley. Is that Midway in the first one? See you in 2 weeks!
sorry that is Pruhnke one the end