Yesterday I took the NSX out to spectate at a car show. Drove about 5 mins to a highway, drove about 3 miles at 70mph, then again on side streets.
After I got off the highway I noticed the car felt as though it had a boat anchor attached. Would not accelerate normally. I'd then press a little harder on the gas and it would then accelerate normally. Seemed to have a problem with part-throttle load.
I pulled over and looked around (I thought maybe it had a flat and there was drag). The exhaust smelled awful, as though the fuel was not being combusted correctly. Almost like when you're behind that 25-year-old poorly-running lawn maintenance pickup truck. Didn't smell like raw fuel, just smelled like very poor combustion.
I parked it, walked around the car show about 15 mins, then drove it home. Behaved comletely normally.
I consulted with my son, who says that Hondas often have a problem with either sticking fuel injectors or bad temp sensors. Either would explain how it felt: it definitely felt as though it was running way rich and only cleared when I opened the throttle significantly more. BTW, it was at RPM's less than VTEC actuation.
Any ideas on where I can look? The 'puter threw no codes, no CEL.
Could this be lack of use issue? Sticking solenoids and / or relays in the fuel system? Sticking injectors?
After I got off the highway I noticed the car felt as though it had a boat anchor attached. Would not accelerate normally. I'd then press a little harder on the gas and it would then accelerate normally. Seemed to have a problem with part-throttle load.
I pulled over and looked around (I thought maybe it had a flat and there was drag). The exhaust smelled awful, as though the fuel was not being combusted correctly. Almost like when you're behind that 25-year-old poorly-running lawn maintenance pickup truck. Didn't smell like raw fuel, just smelled like very poor combustion.
I parked it, walked around the car show about 15 mins, then drove it home. Behaved comletely normally.
I consulted with my son, who says that Hondas often have a problem with either sticking fuel injectors or bad temp sensors. Either would explain how it felt: it definitely felt as though it was running way rich and only cleared when I opened the throttle significantly more. BTW, it was at RPM's less than VTEC actuation.
Any ideas on where I can look? The 'puter threw no codes, no CEL.
Could this be lack of use issue? Sticking solenoids and / or relays in the fuel system? Sticking injectors?