I'm down here in LA for a convention and decided to head out to some clubs in town. A year in norcal in my DD with tinted windows but driving 1 hour in LA lands me a ticket. no big deal its a fixit ticket. The big deal is just having my car broken into and my stuff stolen a few hours later luckily I had a bad feeling about the parking area and hid my gps and radar detector stuff in a secret spot. They popped the trunk and stole my skateboard and an expensive bottle of cologne. I wasn't too pissed until I just noticed my skateboard was missing. WTF? I'm so glad I left the laptops in the hotel. It was a semi pro as they used a slimjim or key to get in, but they didn't find my amps or eq's as they are mounted under the trunk liner. My civics been broken into so many times that I disconnected the trunk release for the last few years and just decide two weeks ago to reconnect it. This sucks, Thieves must has some universal honda key. And I was thinking of taking the nsx down here, glad i didn't do that. well guess i gotta call the cops now. - end rant. btw the only clue I figure is the car parked behind me had a sunscreen over the front window and it was 11:30 at night.(non residential area) but when I came back at 2:00 the car was gone. I figure some guys were waiting in that car next to a spot they figure would get filled.