After 12 years and ~95,000 miles one of them finally started to leak from the top adjustment. After procuring a new set with which to replace them (less down time than a rebuild, though that's still going to happen), I figured I'd see how worn out they actually were and did something of an exhaustive review for YouTube. The TL/DW is that with the possible exception of the one that was leaking, they were still doing "damper things" though they'd become less consistent, but I'd give them a 9/10 for physical condition other than the one actual leak. I could tell the bushings were definitely wearing some, so might have become problematic in another year or few, but otherwise they were in pretty good shape. I also had our local shock shop throw both old and new KW V3 on the dyno and the old ones "averaged" about where the new ones were but did not hold their profile as well as they got hot. The adjustments seem to work as designed on the new ones, and they got a "not bad" from a guy who rebuilds Ohlins for racecars, so I'll take that and not regret buying more KWs to replace these.