Kid's Day July 27, 2011


By way of background, this year's program at the Camp is called "Doing a World of Good". The children we will be taking around the track are part of a residential camping program hosting children with cancer from around the world, along with American adolescents with cancer or sickle cell anemia, ages 8-12.
should I bring my "pup" tent?
Last year it was cold and the rain that morning stopped shortly before we were allowed on the track. Another year it was very hot.

So, for newbies, bring clothes for all four seasons.:biggrin::wink:
Last year it was cold and the rain that morning stopped shortly before we were allowed on the track. Another year it was very hot.

So, for newbies, bring clothes for all four seasons.:biggrin::wink:

unless you are Gary.....:wink:
Something people should know regarding this event - If you want to attend Kid's Day only, you can do so and just show up on July 27. Last time I went it was $60 a car. You get an hour or so on the track by yourself, then an hour or so taking these kids for 1 or 2 laps rides. They really get alot out of it, and so will you. I don't have an NSX now but am thinking of coming up in my Volvo C70 just for the fun of it. I would suggest you at least have a convertible if you don't have a sportscar, but even that is not mandatory.
Great time was had by all, good NSX showing, even an "interloper" from the NSX group (actually 3 of them, 2 porsches and a Ford!) The kids were as usual a delight, I had 3 campers and 2 counselors as passengers. They were falling all over each other trying to get a ride in "the Beast". We had a couple of "close calls" on the way home, but made it safely both ways. On the way up, we did encounter a couple of "typhoons", you couldn't see 5 feet in front of you, but they were brief. I can't repeat enough how this is a must event. Great seeing some old friends and some new ones as well. Many thanks to the NSXCA for their support of the event, and a special thanks to RSO for arranging a great dinner. I think that if he was to figure in "billable hours" for the amount of time that he had contact with the restaurant, he could retire!!!!
miles of smiles:biggrin: Thanks to Bob for a private and satifying dinner! The weather could not have been better for kids day.I even got the brief chance to hang off the back of a couple of active nascar drivers in a grand am mustang...barely...:cool: