Kids' Day - July 25, 2012

Joe and Janet Lomoriello
Don and Carla
Pete and Sylvia
Johnny +3
Frank and Jan
RSO 34
RSO 34 Cousin Reggie (from Alan's walk) +1
We are going to do a "car show" and will be dining with the children at Camp Good Days on Keuka Lake on Tuesday night instead of going to the winery.

Please confirm in this thread ASAP since we need to give the camp a headcount.

After quite a bit of arranging and work, I am very sorry to say, but "Kid's Day" has been cancelled for July 25. We are working with Trackmasters to see about the possibility of a reschedule, we will see about that and keep you informed.

I was informed just one hour ago, that Watkins Glen has a requirement to have the track closed that day. For any of you who were scheduled for the school or open track time you will be informed about the cancellation by Trackmasters directly.

Both Trackmasters and NSXCA are extremely disappointed about this turn of events and we are doing everything we can to create a "rebound".

Regards (but not Happy)

Very Bummed about this, make sure that you all cancel your hotel reservations ASAP, so you're not charged!:frown:
this is a major suck......thanks watkins glen and nascar:mad: You had to work on the track on those two lousy days :mad::mad::mad:
Larry why don't you suggest to Bill to have it at the next open track day august 27/28.I could swing that.
Just cancelled my Falls Hotel reservation. :frown: Keep us posted on a possible re-schedule.
That really is a bummer! Mary and I were VERY much looking forward to joining everyone and seeing all the smiles as we shuffled the kids at 'highway speed' <wink-wink> around the track. Had a little something glow-in-the-dark special made up for all the kids and adults this year, too. If anyone has a sling shot project currently underway just let me know... could maybe use them to hang tools in the garage... mount a go-pro to the headrest... hold keys to the water bottle while at the gym... snug a double half-caff latte against the gear shift during the morning commute....</wink-wink>


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And I had finally convinced Don to go to the track portion of the event. Darn, darn, darn!

Joe, I wonder if Bill Shultz and or the track could have some influence on the Longhouse as it wasn't just the Trackmaster event that was canceled, but a PCA event was canceled for that weekend as well. Can't imagine them really wanting to get a lot of bad press on that.

Might be worth checking to see if they have a facebook page you could post on or post on yours (well, maybe Janet's as I'm not seeing you with a facebook page :) )
at the very least as many of us as possible should voice our displeasure with the glens chamber of commerce.
at the very least as many of us as possible should voice our displeasure with the glens chamber of commerce.

I agree with John. I understand how this was a business decision based on upcoming NASCAR revenue, but many of us with NSXCA and MANY other people are out hundreds of dollars on an individual basis as a result of this last minute cancellation. Worse yet, the local hotels and businesses are not standing behind the poor decision made by the primary revenue generating entity in their area. The best way to project an understanding of the ramifications of this unacceptably poor decision is for NSXCA, Trackmasters, Camp Good Days, RTR Porsche Club, and all others would be to reach out to the WG Chamber of Commerce and express discontent.
I just checked my email and Crap Crap Crap....I still didn't get notified by Trackmasters of the cancellation! This happened about 3-4 years ago as well but with ample notice.

This really sucks...oh well I'll see y'all at the next event I can make...I am soooooooo pissed!!!! Argh....I was so looking forward to this.

The Longhouse has very graciously refunded folks dollars due to the Kid's Day cancellation! Please continue to support this establishment!

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"Falls" got a few more reserved days from me [I've never been up near Watkins].
I cancelled the Kid's Day booking but re-booked for three nights over Labor Day
because I'm signed up for Chin Motor Sports at Watkins on 9/3 and 9/4. Are the kids back home by then?
The owner of the Longhouse Manor just got off the phone with me.
He apologized and was quite upset. Apparently he has not been in town and when I called the manager to cancel. She had put me on hold and unbeknownst to me, tried to reach him to see if considering the circumstances they could have some flexibility on their policy.
Being that she could not reach him and not having his blessing to do otherwise, she stuck to the letter of the agreement.

He said he realized this situation was out of my control and he would refund me my money. He also told me that this was the second time Watkins Glen had done something like this. The last time they cancelled the day before another club event, again to repave the track that time for the Indy cars. He was booked with the club solid and suddenly zip, all gone. He said he gave them a refund as well.
This type of stuff kills his business I'm sure. Just wanted you folks to know.

When I booked my room I gave my business number and he called there three time since last night. I called my service to check and of course they would not give him my home number. How I found out he was trying to reach me was via e-mail where he asked to give him a call. I've been out since 10am and just got home and saw his mail and called.

He's really a nice man who just like us got a kick in the pants with this cancellation as well.
Hey Joe,
That's great that they're refunding your $'s (too bad about the miscommunication/missed msgs). Facebook has been updated with a request for everyone to support the local businesses in Montour Falls and Watkins Glen as they rely on the track for a large part of their customers.

Go visit the wineries, go for a hike around the falls and visit the Corning Glass Museum. All very worthy of your time.