Kids' Day - July 25, 2012

28 March 2002
Never too early to start rallying the troops for our Annual Kids' Day adventure at Watkins Glen with Camp Good Times. This summer it will be on Wednesday July 25.

Each year we try to come up with out largest group so lets' see if we can break the record this time around. It is such a great cause and everyone who has ever attended has come away from the event with great memories of these brave children.

As a sad aside, 4 campers passed away last year: 16-year-olds Jimmy and Lydia died within hours of each other, Amber, 18, and Jackie, 24, all lost their battles with cancer.

Despite their struggles, these brave kids all have ear to ear grins when they take rides in our cars so let's make sure we leave them smiling again this year.
You know that I'm there, the question is which car do I bring, and just for Bob, I have a few friends that want to bring their Fords this year!!!!:biggrin:
are we soon going to be the nsx club in spirit only:eek:
Hey, they want to hang with the cool guys and for this event I say let them.:smile:
Udder den dat. NO WAY JOSE.:biggrin:
Never too early to start rallying the troops for our Annual Kids' Day adventure at Watkins Glen with Camp Good Times. This summer it will be on Wednesday July 25.

Each year we try to come up with out largest group so lets' see if we can break the record this time around. It is such a great cause and everyone who has ever attended has come away from the event with great memories of these brave children.

As a sad aside, 4 campers passed away last year: 16-year-olds Jimmy and Lydia died within hours of each other, Amber, 18, and Jackie, 24, all lost their battles with cancer.

Despite their struggles, these brave kids all have ear to ear grins when they take rides in our cars so let's make sure we leave them smiling again this year.

I'll be there for sure:biggrin:
Oh boy! If Passline brings HIS car the kids will flip!
He can hang out with Tytus and his flappy machine:wink:
are we soon going to be the nsx club in spirit only:eek:
No, I still have and love to drive my NSX, and Rich is looking to pick up another!!!!:biggrin:
Hey, they want to hang with the cool guys and for this event I say let them.:smile:
Udder den dat. NO WAY JOSE.:biggrin:
Yes, we want to hang with 'da kewl guys, and hope that we can be kewl 2!!!:biggrin:
Just got a call today from the manager of a local Honda dealer that I'm friendly with. He's a young kid (they're all young to me!) that just traded in his Gallardo and got a Scuderia, he wants to join us this year!!!
we will try to do our usual ......all in:biggrin:
I'll be there as well as the following day track event.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend Kid's Day this year because we will be at the 2012 Olympics on these dates. KD is one of my favorite events of the summer and was hoping to light up some kids smiles with the bright orange outer-space looking vehicle. Next year, will be there in a LBBP NSX.

Have fun guys. :smile:
Hey Folks,
Sorry if I missed it but can someone post the link to the details of this event.
It sounds amazing and I'd like to attend if I can work it out.

Thanks very much!
Hey Folks,
Sorry if I missed it but can someone post the link to the details of this event.
It sounds amazing and I'd like to attend if I can work it out.

Thanks very much!

Here is a link to last year's event:

We will go up tuesday night, have a group dinner (usually at a local winery) and then everyone will be at the track on Wednesday to take the kids on spirited laps around the track in the morning before having lunch with them. There are a number of us who are Open Trackers/Instructors and we will be able to take those of you brave enough for actual hot laps (helmets required) during the afternoon.
I am already registered, paid for and Falls Motel booked.

In the process of making the reservation at The Falls, as everyone who knows me knows, this is an event that you need to do each and every year. There is no better feeling than putting a smile on the face of a child that has known more pain and suffering than any child should. Sharing your pride and joy with them, can do this. Plus you get to hang out with some incredible people as an added bonus!!!
Thanks for the information!!
I have sent email to The Falls Motel and submitted the vacation request at work.
Where do I find the actual registration information so I can officially sign up once my vacation request has been approved?

Can't wait to do my small part for these incredible kids!!

Where do I find the actual registration information so I can officially sign up once my vacation request has been approved?

Can't wait to do my small part for these incredible kids!!


Unless you are also going to do the hpde school too you can register the day of the event when you get to the track. Dinner RSVP will be in a different thread when plans are made.