Kid's Day Alert 7/14/2010

Our room reservation at The Falls (arriving 7/13) has been confirmed and the FAX sent off to Trackmasters. So, Jan and I are in.

As the time gets closer, we should think about possible mini-caravans. Jan and I will probably leave mid to late morning. We toured the state park last year, but wouldn't mind doing that again. And there are plenty of wineries to tour in the area. We found the reds are usually awful; whites range from drinkable to quite good. We are willing to give all those wineries a shot at changing our opinions. :biggrin:

Hey Frank, if you give all those wineries a shot (with one arm), I may join one of the other mini-caravans.

Maybe the one with the 18-wheelers or the cops, for that matter. :eek: :biggrin:

I was reading the "response" thread on Kids Day and not this one, and so missed your comment.

1. Touring the wineries is after we get to The Glen, not enroute. :smile:
2. Some unexpected appointments may affect my joining a caravan. I'll know more in about another 10 days.:frown:
3. I reached a critical phase in my rotator cuff surgery recovery about 2 weeks ago when I could raise a glass to full mouth height without having to lean over. :biggrin:
Hi Guys & Galls Im all better .. Roger I got 2 new Chromium Colbalt Stents
last Friday the 16th.. So I was unable to make Kids Day.. But I feel like new
Had really felt under the weather at River Run.. See you all soon ..
Regard Clem :smile:
Hi Guys & Galls Im all better .. Roger I got 2 new Chromium Colbalt Stents
last Friday the 16th.. So I was unable to make Kids Day.. But I feel like new
Had really felt under the weather at River Run.. See you all soon ..
Regard Clem :smile:
Glad you're feeling better, we did miss you, thought that you just took a wrong turn and were still lost. If you leave now, you'll make it on time for next year!!!!
Hi Guys & Galls Im all better .. Roger I got 2 new Chromium Colbalt Stents
last Friday the 16th.. So I was unable to make Kids Day.. But I feel like new
Had really felt under the weather at River Run.. See you all soon ..
Regard Clem :smile:

Chromium Cobalt Stents? Wow! Hey, those are better than Titanium Connecting Rods.
Glad all worked out and you are feeling better for our Vegas drive. Check my post. We are leaving on October 23rd.

Should I change the leave date to August 23rd to allow enough time? :biggrin::biggrin: