Ken is out as Treasurer of NSXCA

I'd be surprised - ken hates the frogs!

This is unfortunate if true but at some point in anything it is time to let go, turn the page, and say goodbye. It is a natural part of life.

Ken - for all the times you have helped me, coached me (instructed me for many on track miles), visited, listened to my baby cry so loud people thought we should take him to the hospital (he is 10 now and the easiest kid you could ever meet and loves the NSX!), etc - thank you.

Thank you for all you do. Can't repay you for your generosity but know regardless of what has happened or will happen you have been a big part of the NSX experience for so many of us.

*IF* this is true, I hope you find the same love and passion in the next adventure you choose for yourself. Whatever that group is - they will be very lucky to have you!
I for one am sad to see what has happened. Ken has always been helpful to me and I hate to hear that he won't be helping out with the club. I must say that I would be surprised if these people that are cheering that Ken has stepped down, knew half as much about the NSX as Ken does. Larry B and Ken have helped me so much over the years. They have the right spirit for the NSXCA they give from the heart and not looking to make a buck, they just want to help others. Let me say thank you Ken for all the help and I will miss you at Portland. Good Luck and hope to hear from you in the future
There was a big fight the other day in the nsxpo thread and somebad things where said and some people should have been just ignored.
Text is a bad form of communication.
I read most of those unfortunate posts prior to most of them being purged from that thread.:mad::frown:

I will also miss Ken's presence at NSXPO2008. I think this image from NSXPO2006 is a perfect example of the enthusiasm that Ken brought to all past NSXPO's
Dont let the door hit ya on the way out! :mad:

Swiftvision, I don't know you, and with your 763 and April 07 join date, it looks like you're active on Prime, but quite new.

I actually don't want to make any specific assumptions about you, or come to any conclusions - instead, I'd like to speak as a guy who works with a small group of people to create, organize, manage and account for events designed to involve, include, and be for the enjoyment of, others.

Regardless of what you think, there is an ENORMOUS amount of personal time and commitment involved if one is to do the job properly - I, and the organizations I volunteer for, regularly suffer from 1/2assed volunteers who do more harm than good. We also occasionally get criticized for not doing things "good enough" or making mistakes.

Quite honestly, any insult to any project that a volunteer is involved in - remember the NSXCA Board is NOT paid, (nor is the NSXPO planning/organizing committee) - is truly in bad taste and a far deeper personal insult than any person "spit balling" from the outside realizes.

Ken has been an active, 23000 posts since 2000, contributing member of our community and he has acted selflessly for the benefit of others. The thought that you, and others, could disrespect his contributions so publicly, and so violently as to make him want to quit is truly disgusting and I view it as a black mark on the character's of all the "contributing" posters.

You should be ashamed of yourselves - shitting on people who selflessly gave so much of their time so that others could enjoy - they knew they weren't getting paid, but they assumed their efforts would get respected - that truly was the LEAST you could have done.

Every year approx. 100 NSXs get together for NSXPO, and everyone has a great time - if people like you shit on the 3-7 people who do all the work to organize them (if that is how you "pay" them for their volunteer effort) then there will be no more NSXPOs since nobody wants to work for insults - then 100 people+++ will suffer because you are not mature enough to understand how to be diplomatic (which, by definition, doesn't involve posting negative things in a public forum) - thats truly small of you and your cohort of volunteer ass-assins.

Please don't insult all the volunteers more by trying to defend your actions either apologize, "just shut up", or go away quietly.

Organization Team NSXPO 09
President NSX Club of Canada
President, Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame
Director, BMW Club
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I didn't agree with a lot of the things that were said by Ken, but had respect for all the work he did with the NSXCA and NSXPrime.
Stuart (Red), is much nicer than Im going to be.

Here is what I have to say:

If someone, anyone here, wants to crap on the efforts of hard working volunteers, people who donate their time, often their money, for the betterment of a group, THEY'RE A DOUCHE BAG. Shame on your parents for not teaching you adequate social behaviour. Shame on you for crapping on the donations of those who directly benefit you. Go away, you're destructive to this community.

Ken has been a significant contributer to the quality on PRIME for many years and a key driver for NSXCA. Whatever went down last week, no matter what, was ill conceived. Whoever brought this on clearly has no appreciation, nor understanding, about what it takes to keep communities such as this running.

Again, go away.

Head of Organization Team NSXPO 09
BoD NSX Club of Canada
Also much faster than Red and Peter Mills.
Sorry to read about this...

I have every issue of NSXTRA and that is where I first learned the name Ken Sax. Well I was lucky enough to meet him at ALMS Laguna Seca last year. He is a great guy and has given countless hours of volunteer work for the NSX community. I am very thankful for everything he has done. I have been on a board of directors as Treasurer in the past and can appreciate the time and effort involved. I'll bet he is looking forward to handing the books over to someone else for a change.

Good luck on your future endeavors Ken! I hope you stop by on prime once and a while.
everything i've ever heard or read about ken is that he's a quality guy and a wonderful person to have on your team. i'm sure nsxca will miss his leadership, participation and contribution to the nsx community.

ken, continued success and enjoyment in life.
Lets hear who this lynching mob was.

Id like to know about the retard behind the username myself.

There was quite a lashing out on the 2008 NSXPO thread. There were quite a few people who seemed unappreciative of the hard work that goes into planning the event and questioned the motives for specific outings and meal selections. At one point the NSXPO 2008 director even quit, but rescinded that very quickly. Whatever the case is, it is apparent that Ken does not see the need to get involved with such antics on a public forum, and I commend him on keeping his silence.
Ken - thanks for all your hard work and devotion to the club! We'll miss you!

(sidebar - Ken went out of his way to thoroughly inspect an NSX I was very interested in, wrote a 2 page description of the car, and gave me some valuable advice on it. Who else does that sort of thing?)

To all tards - stop bashing the talent that does all the work. It's like people bashing Lud, because their post wasn't up instantly. Just try to be grateful. Believe me, we have no time for this crap.
I believe my post took 20 nanoseconds longer than usual to come up.
Must be some kind of conspiracy!
I'm wasn't privy to the NSXPO exchange (thankfully) but consider it a sad day that whatever acrimony went on that thread resulted in the resignation of a valuable asset to the club (as well the temp resignation of the NSXPO 08 director?)

In the heat of the moment things get said that shouldn't. I hope cooler heads prevail and this turns out to be a minor fluff in the grand scheme of the community. Surely, there's a way to work this out reasonably.
There has been way too much negative sentiment posted lately, I have been commenting quite sometime on the changes that have been taking place over the past couple of years. Our cars are getting older, in some cases "more affordable", and in others it appears that they're "appreciating":biggrin:, the important thing is that for all the years that I've been an "owner" and member/participant, there have been a few "members" who have made themselves into "valuable resources" here on Prime, and out in the real world, Ken is/was one of them. I certainly hope that a few "bad apples" haven't taken him away from the community. Ken, thank you for all that you have done for the many people that have benefitted from your knowledge, I hope that you will continue to particpate in our community, and wish you well.
Let it die, this is the kind of stuff that caused the problem the other day in the Nsxpo thread. If you want to slam someone, make your own post, or just show up at their door step! lol
Now, lets get down to serious business, How bout those All Season Wal-mart tyres on my car that I won't be able to show Ken at Nsxpo.
Go Go Power Rangers!


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I am just shocked to say the least. I can't believe people believe they can bitch about something they are getting for free. I think it really shows where this country is headed. It sure doesn't look like the younger wise people or the older generation is doing any of the bitching either.

If I was a billionaire I would buy all the NSX's and control the price so no class idiots couldn't buy them.

I am really disgusted by the comments and actions of people who are in a group of people who I never expected to see such actions from. What a let down!

Lets hear who this lynching mob was.

Id like to know about the retard behind the username myself.

You don't know the whole story, and it's not my business to share.

I respect the amount of time he put into NSXCA/EXPOS,etc.
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No friends? Gee I wonder why...

Hey now....I have no friends either! :mad: I'm just not consistent or hard core enough for involvement in most of the NSX going on's to make some I guess. :rolleyes: But I don't bash people for having a different point of view or expectation. To do so is a waste of time, those people that do, shame on you! :mad: If you don't like it, go set up your own event. End of story, no need to throw people under the bus.

I for one unfortunately have never had the finances or time available to attend an NSXPO. Every year I dream, every year, I can never seem to get the funds or the time. I hope this fiasco doesn't sour future NSXPO's as I don't want to have nothing to dream about anymore. :frown:

Oh wait, just checked CDub is on my friends list. Sorry Chris, I forgot. :biggrin:
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Tytus, Ken's a straight shooter. If he took your CC information you'll be fine regardless. I suggest you call him direct if you want to feel better. NSXCA may change the treasurer but a tiger can't change his stripes. Your money and CC information is safe with Ken, I'm sure. :wink::cool:

I had no doubt about Ken's character and am sad to see he is actually leaving. He even PMed me to confirm his resignation and to asssure me about the confidentiality of the information I gave him. From everything I have heard and know, Ken is a class act and will be sorely missed.:frown:

I was never concerned about Ken having my info, it was more that someone else who would take his position would have access. As he and I discussed, I hope to see him at the Toronto NSXPO in 2009.

Best wishes to you Ken, thanks again for your help, I'll see ya then.:biggrin:
