
Hey Pok8Rok8, sorry about my joke at your expense, I love to make jokes so much that I even do so at my own expense as well. But in all actuality, its your ride and therefore you can make it look like whatever YOU want! If nobody ever did anything to their NSX, it would be a less interesting car to me. As the saying goes, "variety is the spice of life", and thusly, mods are the spice of NSX's in my opinion. Sure its an amazing car stock, but it would be infinitely less intersting to be in a group of 43 of them if they were ALL THE F@CKIN SAME!!!!
where did they come up with the design of that diffuser? How was it tested? If it was modeled after the LeMans car or something I could tolerate the look... but I like the Taitec one a lot better even though its simple and a lot of people dislike it.

I'm not sure if my Taitec diffuser has any positive benefits either.
Black&Tan97Tnewportbeach said:
it would be infinitely less intersting to be in a group of 43 of them if they were ALL THE F@CKIN SAME!!!!

Actually, it's TONS OF FUN to be in a group of 43 of them - whether they're all the same, or not! Try it...
When was the last time a girl said you were ugly?

cant remember.

plus what does that have to do with it?

come on guys don't male a big deal out of it.
VampNSX said:
what does that have to do with it?

I was just using it to illustrate my point. As I mentioned, people who like something you have will be willing to tell you so; people who don't like something you have, won't. Not in person, anyway; maybe on the internet, though.
Hey Akudou, I think you're right. After looking at the installed pictures and then the piece laying on the ground, the shiney side looks like it is facing down where you can't see it and the unfinished part is the one you see.:rolleyes:
I did try it NSXtasy, at the canyon run this year, and my point is that a big part of the thrill for me is checking out the different mods and colors and accessories that various owners have.
Zipy said:
Hey Akudou, I think you're right. After looking at the installed pictures and then the piece laying on the ground, the shiney side looks like it is facing down where you can't see it and the unfinished part is the one you see.:rolleyes:
Zippy: I was beginning to think I was the only one that saw it installed up side down. I turned the pic around and it looks like it would fit and look decent. The exhaust looks like will fit perfect between the ribs,also looks like it is made for either stock or center exhust. What do you think?
It's upside down now that you mention it. Installation instructions: "Comes with all necessary hardware for proper installation. Wrong installation hardware sold separately"
Hi Mike,

Don't let all the negative comments get you down.....

I got the same kind of reaction from people when I re-badged my NSX from an Acura to a Honda using JDM parts. People were disgusted and told me I lowered the value of my car by $20,000.... go figure. :rolleyes:

Go ahead and do whatever you like to your car...... You are the only one you need to worry about :)
I personally don't enjoy seeing 43 cars that all look the same.....
Wow... I am getting a great laugh at this thread at your expense Sorry…I hope you realize that everyone here is just having fun with you and at the same time expressing their honest opinions, likes and dislikes. Take criticism constructive or otherwise lightly and continue to mod your car the way you want it. - IMHO - I think the rear diffuser looks like a 170mph “Pooper-Scooper” Sorry Mike had to join in! Can’t wait to see the Big Wing! Lol…
I have a question...Is that a Corvette emblem on the drivers side ''B' pillar? :D

The reason why the difuser looks out of place is because of the gaps the size of the Grand Canyon on the sides. I think that if it fit flush up to the bumper on the sides that it may look better.
Surprisingly, he does actually have the kit almost installed correctly. From their web page:


It does look though like it's about two inches too low (due to exhaust positioning?). It's supposed to come up against the bottom of the license plate area.

It's also missing a part on the side above the diffuser:


That makes it look somewhat better.


Diffuser aside, I have to say I like the look of Kawagen's "Eagle" bigass-spoiler-with-riser:



It merges pretty nicely with the open ends of the OEM spoiler mounts.

It might functionally be crap, but I'm pretty carefully driving at close to the speed limit, as I didn't much care for getting a ticket last month, so aesthetics are all that matter to me at the moment. ;)
I think maybe if you had an equally ridiculous looking body kit on the rest of the car it would look ok. Your car would have to look like a JGTC car though. As it is, it looks like crap... sorry. Is there a functional purpose to these diffusers? I assume it's to improve air flow? Downforce? We have a mid engine rwd car... doesn't that make the rear heavy enough as it is? How come i see so many different diffusers for NSXes and none for other cars that are in the JGTC series. Or even if they're available no other car fans really like them (understandably heh). That wing looks neat... guess i still have a little riceboy in me.
The pics from the web site look MUCH better. The triangular pieces he mentioned to be missing seem to make all the difference. The spacing and gaps need to have smaller tollerances for the kit to look complete. But the stock exhaust has got to go . Looks terrible with the kit he's trying to pull off.
dawggpie said:
How come i see so many different diffusers for NSXes and none for other cars that are in the JGTC series. Or even if they're available no other car fans really like them (understandably heh).

WRONG! You obviously have not been watching you Speed Vision, have you? Ever looked at the underside of a Viper? Lamborghini? Ferrari? BMW? Oh, wait a minute. Try every car appearing on multiple circuits. These little doo-dads can be more benificial than a spoiler on a tight track. I'm willing to bet this form of aerodynamics will soon cross over into the OEM market on more economical cars due to the benefits. Yes, they work that damn well. :)
Juice said:
WRONG! You obviously have not been watching you Speed Vision, have you? Ever looked at the underside of a Viper? Lamborghini? Ferrari? BMW? Oh, wait a minute. Try every car appearing on multiple circuits. These little doo-dads can be more benificial than a spoiler on a tight track. I'm willing to bet this form of aerodynamics will soon cross over into the OEM market on more economical cars due to the benefits. Yes, they work that damn well. :)

u're right. Ferrari's and other cars do have under body aerodynamics. And some more regular street cars already do. I know the G35 coupe w/ aero package has some under body addons. My question should have been, why are most of the NSX diffusers made to be seen where as most others are hidden. And, again, y only in the rear? Does it make the car less tail happy?
Juice said:
I'm willing to bet this form of aerodynamics will soon cross over into the OEM market on more economical cars due to the benefits. Yes, they work that damn well. :)

You're quite right. In fact, I've seen them on Civics, Saturns, and Cavaliers in my town. :D
Let's see...we drive NSX's which are renowned for their light weight and quality engineering. We put aftermarket exhausts on to save weight versus the heavy stock system (and also to make a little more engine sound...).

Then, the Fast & Furious syndrome sets in and you bolt on some fugly wings and diffuser, losing the weight advantages you had previously gained. Why don't you leave Honda's & A. Senna's development work alone and spend your $$ on driving school instead of reverse development engineering on the car??
Not sure if anyone else noticed that Chris's SOS car is shown on the top of one of the pages. I *assume* that is with his permission? Weird since I don't recall him mentioning that he had and Kawagen parts on his??

The parts they they have listed look like a hode-podge of other company's parts, or thier own knockoff.

Mike. IMHO, I think the Taitec version looks more integrated. The curved undersides meld well with the curves on the top of the rear quarter panels while looking from the rear. It follows similar lines whereas the Kawagen kit looks like an attempt to make an aggressive *looking* part using racing inspired ques.

If it was up to me I am with the previous poster, have someone figure out how to make an underbody tray that works like the 360's. They have *no* wing at all, all their downforce is designed into the underbody tray that nobody can see. That would be my preference.
