Justifying buying a Nsx, wouldn't I be buying with almost 0 depreciation?

The most expensive USDM NSX I have seen sell to date at almost $120,000 was also the most drastically modified NSX I have seen to date. That's not to say every NSX whose function has been compromsoed with inexpensive parts has more value than OEM.... It only says there are vast differences in "modified" cars.
that was a unique car but also a unique buyer.Luck and fate facilitated that buy.
I have to disagree here, as long as you know cars, are patient enough, and you know the industry or market, they are NEVER a bad investment. I have never lost a dollar on any vehicle I have ever owned, including maintenance costs when sold on my clk 63 black series and 360 spyder.

Now I'm not one to be optimistic but as far as depreciation vs appreciation with these cars, I think a lot of you are underselling it. I would put money right now that our cars will almost never depreciate (as long as not ridiculously modified) at this point and it has nothing to do with the market, but the industry; extinction of the manual, NA cars, unassisted driving... As time goes on the NSX will be seen more and more as one of the last true sports cars. And more importantly, one that can be driven. If you don't believe me, this is also the same concept as the early M3s and air cooled porsches and look at their prices. Then it could potentially move to a pseudo 2000gt status, but i wouldnt put money on that. I will however to continue to put money on that in 5-10 years we will see the price changes along the lines of e-types and countach over that past decade. O and if you have the money, go ahead and grab you a diablo or murcielago now, jus mail me 2% of whenever you sell in the 2020s :smile:
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OMG, just find one and pull the trigger on it already! When I went through the (Can I afford it? How do I justify buying a 15 year old car for $50K? Will my wife kill me when I tell her I am flying cross country for a car?) stages, I finally realized the longer I procrastinated, the longer I wouldn't be doing something that would make me HAPPY. And to answer the questions I was asking myself, the answers were: yes I can, followed by what are you working so damn hard for if you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor?!?!, and no, she won't because she knows how hard you work. (Thank you honey…) After I realized that the disposable income I had didn't interfere with long-term goals for my children's future and didn't impact my daily living costs, I said why not? The longer you hold off, the more doubt you will have in purchasing. To this day, I don't regret it one bit.. Funny side note, the wife and I are looking at another property to purchase in the near future.. One of my first comments to her, "The NSX stays and is not being sold for added capital for any new house".. That should tell you something..
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OMG, just find one and pull the trigger on it already! When I went through the (Can I afford it? How do I justify buying a 15 year old car for $50K? Will my wife kill me when I tell her I am flying cross country for a car?) stages, I finally realized the longer I procrastinated, the longer I wouldn't be doing something that would make my HAPPY. And to answer the questions I was asking myself, the answers were: yes I can, followed by what are you working so damn hard for if you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor?!?!, and no, she won't because she knows how hard I work. (Thank you honey…) After I realized that the disposable income I had didn't interfere with long-term goals for my children's future and didn't impact my daily living costs, I said why not? The longer you hold off, the more doubt you will have in purchasing. To this day, I don't regret it one bit.. Funny side note, the wife and I are looking at another property to purchase in the near future.. One of my first comments to her, "The NSX stays and is not being sold for added capital for any new house".. That should tell you something..

Well said! And of course you already know but both of your ladies are keepers!
Back in 2003 I didn't give much thought on spending so much money on an 11 year old NSX. In 2011, I didn't hesitate one second on spending a lot of money on a 19 year old NSX. In 2014 I hesitated for about 1 second on buying my 3rd (1997) NSX. I still have no regrets buying any of them. Buy the NSX, enjoy it, and don't worry about how much it costs for an old discontinued car. The second you own it and drive off in it you'll forget about the money spent.
Agree with the above. Now that I own one I rarely even think about how much I spent. Just drive....