just venting a little....

6 November 2002
There was a car show here this past weekend. I usually go, but I just didn't this year. It's called the international auto expo. They have it every year around this time and showcase all of the 2004 models from just about every manufacturer. The place is about 238,000 square feet of cars. Admission is only about 8 bucks, so no big deal. I didn't go this year because I'm more into the concept cars than the cars that I'll be looking at driving around everywhere for the next year. While they did have some concept cars, it's not anything extraordinary like at the Detroit or LA auto shows. They always have an exotic car display with the Lamborghini's, Ferarri's, Panoz and what-not. That's always cool to look at. The news stations always cover the show with mind-blowing comments such as, "Wow! That car has shiny wheels!" Or "This new car has all the bells and whistles!" (What does that mean anyway? Who the hell has a car with bells or whistles? Who would want one?) Anyway, come to find out, there was an Enzo at the show and not ONE word was mentioned about it in any of the T.V. or radio commercials, Newspaper ads or the flyers hung up everywhere. That alone would have been worth the price of admission. I would have fought the crowds just to take a few pics of that car and leave! You'd think they would advertise the hell out of that car to sell more tickets. Anyway, just had to let that out.