Just stamp "SUCKER" on my forehead...

28 March 2000
Redwood City, CA
So, last year (2000) was a pretty good year for me, financially. In addition to allowing me to purchase my dream car, I also decided to give a little back to the community, and donated some money to about half a dozen charities that I found worthwhile.

Little did I know that doing so would put a great big "SUCKER" stamp on my forehead.

Now, not a day goes by without some sorry-ass charity calling me up and begging for money. I can't get rid of these guys. I keep asking to be put on a "don't call" list, yet they keep calling, at all hours of the day. The worst bit is that it's not really the charities calling me, it's some telemarketing outfit that they've contracted. If I ever do give again, it would be directly to the charity, and not to a telemarketer!

Aside from just canceling my phone service (an option I just may take), does anyone know of a sure-fire way to get rid of these @$$#Ø735?

-Bob ('94 #496, drivin' at 191 mph to get away from these guys...)
Our local news station did a test on that new product..."Tel-a-Zapper" (spelling?)

It these are computer dialed calls.. they said it got rid of 80 to 90% in there two week test. Actually they reported only one call got through. (I don't know the number that are blocked)

Anyway machine works by sending out a tone that tells dialing computer that the line is dissconected.. and thus gets you removed from computer.

Might be worth a try??
Originally posted by NSXocto:
Our local news station did a test on that new product..."Tel-a-Zapper" (spelling?)

It these are computer dialed calls.. they said it got rid of 80 to 90% in there two week test. Actually they reported only one call got through. (I don't know the number that are blocked)

Anyway machine works by sending out a tone that tells dialing computer that the line is dissconected.. and thus gets you removed from computer.

Might be worth a try??

The Telezapperworks by sending a SIT tone that indicates that the number is not in service. There is some speculation that you could simply add a special information tone to the beginning of your answering machine message but most people seem to think that this will not work. For more information look here and for an another version take a look at Diallerbuddy who have two models.
I have lots of links for privacy and getting yourself off lists and so on if anyone is interested.

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
I just never pick the phone up if it comes up Unknown Caller which usually is someone looking for $$$ or a sales pitch they never leave a message anyway.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory
I don't know about CA but FL has something called 'privacy director'.. If a call comes in that is not listing someone's name (ie. out of area, not available, blocked, private, etc....) then they must tell their name to privacy director to get through. Your phone won't even ring unless they go this far.(they usually will hang up at this point) If not, once they get through, you get a voice asking if you would like to accept the call....... and you can dexline at this time. Its' very nice. It cut out all the telemarketing calls from my house.....

Todd Arnold

Originally posted by Steven Spanbauer:
I just never pick the phone up if it comes up Unknown Caller which usually is someone looking for $$$ or a sales pitch they never leave a message anyway.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory

The problem with that approach is that some legitimate calls also show up as "unavailable". Anyone calling from an office that has a pbx style phone system or international calls would be just two examples. I don't like forcing my friends and business associates to go through an answering machine to reach me - although I have no problem making the relatives do it.

I've eliminated probably 90% of telemarketing calls with very little effort and no gadgetry. Need more info? Send $9.95 to... kidding...

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Originally posted by Nsxotic:
I don't know about CA but FL has something called 'privacy director'..

If your phone company doesn't have this there are gadgets on the market that will do this for you - even some where you give your friends an access code to get through. Yeh, it was such a struggle explaining to my in-laws why they couldn't get through on their cell phones (anonymous call rejection). I can just imagine trying to tell them why they need a pin to get through to us...

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
I do not know about other states, but here in NY you can have your name deleted from the telemarketers list. If they call you and your name is on the deleted list they will be fined two thousand dollars. The law went into effect in April of 2001. My phone has not rang from a telemarketer since. It has been to say the least very nice
I played the SIT from my computer (downloaded the .wav) into my answering machine. I believe that it has reduced the number of calls, but I can't prove it.

Most telemarketing companies use computers to make the calls -- that's why you have a pause and sometimes some clicks when you answer the phone. The SIT tone is interpreted by the computer as a bad number, it will often remove you from the database at that point.

97 Monte Carlo Blue / Onyx
Originally posted by steveny:
I do not know about other states, but here in NY you can have your name deleted from the telemarketers list. If they call you and your name is on the deleted list they will be fined two thousand dollars. The law went into effect in April of 2001. My phone has not rang from a telemarketer since. It has been to say the least very nice

Problem with telemarketers and a 50 state nation is that there is not one master list and not all of the telemarketers subscribe to the industry associations and organizations. I've been able to get off most national lists but still get the occasional call from local businesses. How is Florida's law enforced? What documentation do you need to have someone prosecuted? How do you track the calls?

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Originally posted by steveny:
I do not know about other states, but here in NY you can have your name deleted from the telemarketers list. If they call you and your name is on the deleted list they will be fined two thousand dollars.

This is proving completely ineffective in California. You can ask them to put you on a "Do Not Call" list, but they don't do it. If you try to find out what firm is calling you, they just hang up on you. I've had jerkwad telemarketers actually *laugh in my face* at my feeble attempts to get myself removed. My friend had a telemarketer tell him that he'll just call back when he's not home and talk to his wife. Telemarketers have always been evil, but there used to be honor. Now they're complete pond scum.

The SIT tone sounds interesting. I think I'll try it...

-Bob ('94 #496)
Originally posted by flaminio:
I've had jerkwad telemarketers actually *laugh in my face* at my feeble attempts to get myself removed.

The last time that I asked a telemarketer to put me on the don't call list the response was a derisive "yeh, whatever pal" and a hang-up. The very next night I got a call from the same company but a much nicer individual - boy did she ever get it with both barrels!

The key - for me at least - has been to get off the master list that they all rely on.
The biggest list supplier that I could find was Axciom. They are also known as Axciom Data Network. The information on getting out of their database is on their site but buried. Once I requested and filled out their opt-out form our level of telemarketing calls dropped dramatically.
While on their site(s) check out some of their products and services offered to companies and information on what data is collected and how they do it.
Another tip that works is to change your directory listing - if you have a listed number - so that no address is displayed in your listing. IOW - instead of 123 main st, anytown - your listing would just say anytown area. As the telemarketers update their databases your information will very likely get dropped because it is not complete. You also want to go to any of the online directories such as InfoSpace and opt-out of as many as you can find. Finally, contact everyone that you have an account with and opt-out of them sharing any information about you.

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Do a one-time change on your phone number, make it unlisted, and then never, ever give it out to anyone but your family and close friends. Absolutely do not give it to any business or organization under any circumstances. I made this switch and I never get telemarketing calls anymore. I actually switched to dial-tone on my DSL service which uses a different prefix, so it's not even found by the sequential dialers.
Originally posted by lemansnsx:
Problem with telemarketers and a 50 state nation is that there is not one master list and not all of the telemarketers subscribe to the industry associations and organizations. I've been able to get off most national lists but still get the occasional call from local businesses. How is Florida's law enforced??????????????
Im not sure I live in NY.

What documentation do you need to have someone prosecuted,. In NY it is now the law, You register your number with the gov. and you are then put on a DO NOT call list.

How do you track the calls? I have not had any calls since I put my name on the Do Not call list.

Here is a copy of the script I use to "sue" telemarketers that call.

"Questions to ask Telemarketers"
-Are you calling to sell something?
-Is this call based on a previously established business relationship
-Could you tell me your full name please?$
-And a phone number, area code first?$
What is the name of the organization you're calling for?$
-Is it a tax-exempt nonprofit organization?
-Does that org. keep a list of numbers it's been asked not to call?$
-I would like my number put on that list. Can you take care of that now?$
-Will your company keep my number on its list for at least 10 years?$
-Does your company have a written policy that says that on paper?$
-Can yoiu send me a copy of it by certified mail?$
-Does the comp. you work for also make tele calls for any other org?
-Can you make sure your comp. won't call me for any other org?$
-Is it clear that I never want tele calls from anyon?

If any question with a $ is answered with a "No" or not answered at all you can sue for up to $500 and I think $1000 for special cases.

There are a lot of things you can do, just try searching for sites on the web. Hope this helps.
There's a guy named Jim Florentine who put himself on every telemarketers list with the intent to get calls so he can turn around the conversation in humorous ways to the point where the telemarketer would hang up on him. Just search for "Jim Florentine" in any MP3 sites.


[This message has been edited by Vytas (edited 01 January 2002).]
If a telephone solicitor persists you should be able to remotely press a button on your phone that electricutes them.
If a door to door solicitor persists you should be able to shoot them at your door or atleast the area between the door and the sidewalk of your home.
Just a thought

Originally posted by Nsxotic:
I don't know about CA but FL has something called 'privacy director'.. If a call comes in that is not listing someone's name (ie. out of area, not available, blocked, private, etc....) then they must tell their name to privacy director to get through. Your phone won't even ring unless they go this far.(they usually will hang up at this point) If not, once they get through, you get a voice asking if you would like to accept the call....... and you can dexline at this time. Its' very nice. It cut out all the telemarketing calls from my house.....

I Also have the privacy director and it is AWESOME!!!! I received one call all year that came through (that is someone selling something
). Hardly ever receive crank calls, someone selling things. If it does go through, then you have options that the answering service will say or if you actually talk to the person, you will know their name and number. Between privacy director and caller ID you can't go wrong.


Kenji Ligon

[This message has been edited by Attitude Adjuster (edited 04 January 2002).]