Just opened Ameritrade account... what to buy?

supra2nv said:
HOLY crap, people take jokes too seriously this early in the day lol.
hahahahaha... yes, perhaps true... but it's the crack of noon here :)

have a good weekend.
steveny said:
Sounds like we should buy some stock in Purina?

it's either i feel them more kibble/starkist tuna or let them out to hunt the neighbor's dogs... these are BIG CATS ;)

(ok, they're not THAT BIG, but they eat enough to cause our neighbor that owns a 3-legged dog to keep the dog inside at night... just in case ;)
queenlives said:

it's either i feel them more kibble/starkist tuna or let them out to hunt the neighbor's dogs... these are BIG CATS ;)

(ok, they're not THAT BIG, but they eat enough to cause our neighbor that owns a 3-legged dog to keep the dog inside at night... just in case ;)

I need to ask...Where is the dogs leg?
Wow, what a great search engine we have...I was looking looking for iPod solutions into the OEM stereo and this is what I get:rolleyes:

Although, it made for some good reading to see who knows there stuff when it comes to picking stocks. I feel bad for the guy that sold his 5,000 shares of Apple at $24 now that they're almost $100/share.
I did the same friggen thing with OSIP. Sold calls on my shares the day before it went from the 30's to the 90's in one day.
Still made money but way less than I could have.

BTW all I own are semi auto's, no revolvers..:biggrin:

Jim Cramer's adage: Bulls and Bears make money but the pigs get slaughtered.

My Adage: You don't go broke making a profit. :wink:

Don't sweat it, you done good! Hindsight is always 20/20.