4 September 2006
New Orleans
Talking on the phone with a friend of mine about 2 of my P- cars, I got pumped up, and decided to just go "go around the block". Problem is I'm at work so this is a city block.
I jumped into my 86.5 928 S 5 Speed, with basically a straight exhaust and off I go. Sitting at the last turn to complete block and I decide to make worthwhile, so I dumped the clutch a lil and spun the wheels a couple of feet then racked out the pipes downs the strech. Just about to turn in to my building I see BLUE.
Long story short, I was very respectful and he strongly suggested that I took it the the DA, that his comments on the back of the ticket would reflect that a downgrade might be a good consideration in this case.
BTW: Please, No Lectures. Here is a pic. of the enticer to trouble.
Greg Z said:
Talking on the phone with a friend of mine about 2 of my P- cars, I got pumped up, and decided to just go "go around the block". Problem is I'm at work so this is a city block.
I jumped into my 86.5 928 S 5 Speed, with basically a straight exhaust and off I go. Sitting at the last turn to complete block and I decide to make worthwhile, so I dumped the clutch a lil and spun the wheels a couple of feet then racked out the pipes downs the strech. Just about to turn in to my building I see BLUE.
Long story short, I was very respectful and he strongly suggested that I took it the the DA, that his comments on the back of the ticket would reflect that a downgrade might be a good consideration in this case.
BTW: Please, No Lectures. Here is a pic. of the enticer to trouble.
Grrrrrrrr!!!!!....... seemz as if they have nothing better to do.... :rolleyes:

I just got my first Michigan speeding ticket...... I go to court next week. I seriously need to get some type of operation to reduce the weight in my right leg...... I seriously and honestly have tried (and tried and tried) to lighten it.... Alas, perhaps this is a blessing in disguise..... :rolleyes: :cool:

Good luck, buddy
MiamiMermaid said:
Grrrrrrrr!!!!!....... seemz as if they have nothing better to do.... :rolleyes:

I just got my first Michigan speeding ticket...... I go to court next week. I seriously need to get some type of operation to reduce the weight in my right leg...... I seriously and honestly have tried (and tried and tried) to lighten it.... Alas, perhaps this is a blessing in disguise..... :rolleyes: :cool:

Good luck, buddy

I think many of us have that same right leg problem. Maybe we should start a group buy for the operation....but the NSX loves to go fast so we'll have to live with the handicap. Ill take the smile on my face over the constant leg problem :biggrin:
MiamiMermaid said:
Grrrrrrrr!!!!!....... seemz as if they have nothing better to do.... :rolleyes:

"Nothing better to do"?:eek: That's what they're there for! The guy dumped his clutch and spun the tires! What do you EXPECT the cop to do? I'm not saying I wouldn't do the same thing... but you gotta be aware of your surroundings... not only for cops, but for the safety of yourself and others.

If the cop DIDN'T pull him over then there would have been complaints to the department that a guy "peeled out" in front of a cop and he didn't do anything about it. Don't blame the cop, he's just doing his job. :redface:

Sorry to hear about your luck with the ticket. There are MANY ways to fight a ticket and win VERY EASILY! If you need any help, shoot me a PM, or if antbody is interested I can do post on it...
ShiftyBob said:
"Nothing better to do"?:eek: That's what they're there for! The guy dumped his clutch and spun the tires! What do you EXPECT the cop to do? I'm not saying I wouldn't do the same thing... but you gotta be aware of your surroundings... not only for cops, but for the safety of yourself and others.

If the cop DIDN'T pull him over then there would have been complaints to the department that a guy "peeled out" in front of a cop and he didn't do anything about it. Don't blame the cop, he's just doing his job. :redface:

Sorry to hear about your luck with the ticket. There are MANY ways to fight a ticket and win VERY EASILY! If you need any help, shoot me a PM, or if antbody is interested I can do post on it...
Yea, I hear ya... I'm just talking about some officers (definitely NOT all) that just sit and give tickets because they see a red sportscar going 10 mph over the limit, in a stream of several SUV's and sedans, and decide to give the ticket to the "red" car and it's an easy writeoff..... but I am learning that the Law IS there for a reason.... Hence, my lead foot's gotta pay :redface: :wink:
I have 19 years in law enforcement. In your post you put the word "another". That should say enough. You are not real smart, are you Forrest Gump? We aren't the bad guys. Try to learn from YOUR mistakes. You want to know how many times I have been pulled over driving my NSX all over the country? NONE. Not saying I would get a ticket, I just don't do STUPID things to draw attention to myself!
Hello McFly!.!.!:biggrin: Seems real simple to me. :rolleyes:
P.S. Most of my co-workers love my cars. They just think if you are dumb enough to do the crime, you have enough money to pay the piper afterwords.
They pulled me over 3 times in 2 weeks when I got back home after finishing my commitment to the military. Apparently, they pulled me over for "Looks Fast". Looks like you were taking off fast, looks like you were going fast, yada yada yada.

Oh and i got pulled over for 3 mph over because I wouldn't play the game, "tailgate the cop" because everyone was too scared to go out in front of him on a multilane highway. "My needle RACED to 40mph to catch up to you." Speed limit is 35.

Oh and I got pulled over for making a Uturn in a court my friend lived in, but his car wasn't there. Beginning statement, "your wheels stick out past the fenders." Closing statement, "well you didn't look like a burglar anyways."

Speeding ticket at 2 am going home on my sportbike. On the ticket officer says "I heard a loud high reving sound from a motorcycle exhaust when I spotted suspect traveling southbound...blah blah blah". I was doing 45 in 40, so ok I was speeding. I was in 6th gear though... no loud reving sound there bud. Oh and ticket said 52 mph..BS

On my new sportbike still with dealer pieplates, going to the gym, leaving from my brother's house. 2 blocks away, pulled over, didn't do ANYTHING. Officer says "What are you doing in that neighborhood?" I said, "Uh, cause I LIVE THERE." Which I did.

This was in various cars, DD ford ranger, nsx, sportbike and just a sample of the things I've heard and gotten pulled over for.

So don't feel TOO bad. Sometimes you don't have to really do anythign at all to get popped by the man.
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It goes both ways..when I was young and dumber, I had a cop that arrested me, intentionally screw up the paperwork, he was also not in his jurisdiction and he didn't call the state patrol (who could have legally screwed me over)...so basically I had to go to court but all charges were dropped....he had to know what he was doing because of all the things he did that made it impossible to convict me.

I am fairly sure he was just trying to scare me...and it worked.
Serious question: Is it illegal to peel out when leaving from a redlight?? assuming you don't do an extended burnout?

I have my own negative opinions of law enforcement, which are all based on experience. Then again, I live in a tiny town with a highway that goes right thru it. Plus, a majority of the police are pretty corrupt... seriously. My negative feelings are well-founded. I appreciate the decent cops... I've just not come into contact with any yet.
Ski_Banker said:
Ahhhh how I love my silverstone.... :tongue:

And I love a nice plate of Thai cashew chicken 3 stars please...but what does that have to do with the topic at hand?

are you saying that because your car is not red you don't get pulled over?
zahntech said:
And I love a nice plate of Thai cashew chicken 3 stars please...but what does that have to do with the topic at hand?

are you saying that because your car is not red you don't get pulled over?

No, what I'm saying is that I just love my silver NSX. But what I'm *implying* is that it makes me much less likely to get lasso'd by a sleepy trooper.

j/k :wink:

BTW, some Thai chicken sounds delicious... thanks for helping me with my dinner plans. :)
rickysals said:
Serious question: Is it illegal to peel out when leaving from a redlight?? assuming you don't do an extended burnout?

I was in law enforcement for three years in CA. YES it is illegal to burnout from a stoplight! In CA it is considered an "Unsafe Start" and depending on your acceleration (and if the cop is an ass) he can also write you for "wreckless driving".

DonPablow said:
I have 19 years in law enforcement. In your post you put the word "another". That should say enough. You are not real smart, are you Forrest Gump? We aren't the bad guys. Try to learn from YOUR mistakes. You want to know how many times I have been pulled over driving my NSX all over the country? NONE. Not saying I would get a ticket, I just don't do STUPID things to draw attention to myself!
Hello McFly!.!.!:biggrin: Seems real simple to me. :rolleyes:
P.S. Most of my co-workers love my cars. They just think if you are dumb enough to do the crime, you have enough money to pay the piper afterwords.

It's reasons like THAT ^^^^^ that people hate cops and also the reason I am not a cop anymore. I hated the "holier than thou" attitude and the way cops ALWAYS talk down to anybody who is not a cop. Yes I had my fair share of tickets before I was a cop, and have gotten a couple since I quit the force years ago. YES cops do pull over the faster looking cars more, YES they do pull over the more expensive cars, YES they will pull you over and just "make up" a reason in hopes that they'll get a warrant or something, and NO they don't have quotas, but they are expected to "perform" and they do that by writing tickets... but on the other hand... cops also like to pull over the old "beater" cars because your more likely to find drugs or a warrant. So your best bet is to just drive an "average" car and don't do any modifications to it. But if your gonna do something to draw attention to yourself, and your speeding or burning out or whatever, then you can't complain...

MiamiMermaid said:
Yea, I hear ya... I'm just talking about some officers (definitely NOT all) that just sit and give tickets because they see a red sportscar going 10 mph over the limit, in a stream of several SUV's and sedans, and decide to give the ticket to the "red" car and it's an easy writeoff..... but I am learning that the Law IS there for a reason.... Hence, my lead foot's gotta pay :redface: :wink:

I was just giving you a hard time Miami.
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Ski_Banker said:
No, what I'm saying is that I just love my silver NSX. But what I'm *implying* is that it makes me much less likely to get lasso'd by a sleepy trooper.

Surprisingly, it's a myth that red cars get more tickets. In fact, according to Snopes, grey cars (including your beloved silverstone) inexplicably have a higher ticket rate. [nelson]Ha, ha![/nelson]
flaminio said:
Surprisingly, it's a myth that red cars get more tickets. In fact, according to Snopes, grey cars (including your beloved silverstone) inexplicably have a higher ticket rate. [nelson]Ha, ha![/nelson]

Interesting article, especially if the statistics are collected and presented accurately. Who knows? Maybe drivers of red cars know they are targets so they drive slower. What I DO know is that a red NSX receives far more attention than a white/silver/black NSX. Also, to the extent that Johnny Law is the jealous type, he is going to be more jealous of a flashy red NSX than a comparatively less flashy silver one. This could be the difference between a warning and a spiteful ticket.
I think the rate of tickets being higher with grey is because there are just a TON of greys on the road compared to anything else. I didn't read the link, so I don't know if they took the ratio into consideration. Just what I think.....

As for taking off from a light, in california you don't even have to break traction. Cop the pulled me over said just a fast start is reason enough for them to write you up for exhibition of speed, wreckless driving, racing AND impound your car for 30 days. Crazy huh? Just TAKING OFF FAST, no squeal, no spin, just acceleration. And he threatened me with that when I was lined up at the light with a semi on both sides of me. Obviously I'm going to "LOOK" fast taking off from the light. Don't even have to be speeding.....
KooLaid said:
I think the rate of tickets being higher with grey is because there are just a TON of greys on the road compared to anything else. I didn't read the link, so I don't know if they took the ratio into consideration. Just what I think.....

As for taking off from a light, in california you don't even have to break traction. Cop the pulled me over said just a fast start is reason enough for them to write you up for exhibition of speed, wreckless driving, racing AND impound your car for 30 days. Crazy huh? Just TAKING OFF FAST, no squeal, no spin, just acceleration. And he threatened me with that when I was lined up at the light with a semi on both sides of me. Obviously I'm going to "LOOK" fast taking off from the light. Don't even have to be speeding.....

The article seemed to take relative numbers into account, so I don't think that is the issue. And, frankly, in support of the article, there are probably more red sportscars than more benign vehicles. I still don't buy it though, unless someone can convince me of how getting MORE attention would be better in terms of cops' decision to pull/not pull you over.
I Love Thai Cashew Chicken. Mmm, Mmm Good.
Don't try to distract me from the subject with food, it works every time. :biggrin:
ShiftyBob said:
If the cop DIDN'T pull him over then there would have been complaints to the department that a guy "peeled out" in front of a cop and he didn't do anything about it. Don't blame the cop, he's just doing his job. :redface:

Sorry to hear about your luck with the ticket. If you need any help, shoot me a PM,
EXACTLY! Please everyone take NOTICE:
I'm not crying about this ticket in the least. All my associates have heard me admit hat I know how I drive and I will get tickets on an fairly consistent basis, and when I do I will pay the piper. Now, I'm still gonna try my damnist to get out of them but hey, that is human nature, right?
Sgt. Perry told me that I pulled that stunt right in front of the Mayor canidates, in other words, based on the witnesses he has no choice as weather or not to issue the citation. I'm not mad at him, the way I see it is I just made a new friend in life because before that incident I had never met Sgt. Perry and he seemed like a very nice guy.
johnny010 said:
haha, how much for the ticket?
200 for the reckless and 150 for not having a plate.

Come to find out the cop lied to me by saying his comments on the back of the ticket would reflect a suggestion of a lighter sentence. But, irreguardless, the reckless was tossed out, but I still had to pay the fine. And yes, all this was done without having to go to court.