Just done Maintanance.

15 June 2002
Boston, MA
Valve adjust
change spark plugs
trans oil
labor 480 and parts 235?

a3750mi interval maintanance labor 107 total 127??

labor is so expensive.

btw they told me theres 2 ways of adjusting the valves.

one is factory, quieter, but some customer complain of losing horse power.

second is more horsepower and ides rougher..

is it true?

but after all this..
car runs much better..

the art of chasing down my friend's white 3000gt at com. ave

NSXCA # 1690
The "valve adjustment" thing is the biggest crock of s*(t I have ever heard.

There are defined specs with a .001" variance allowed. Go to the on-line manual and check page 6-55.

I just do not understand why they dream up this BS. Did they offer you different pricing for each!!!!

In regard to Labor Costs:

At $75/hr thats 6.4 hours labor. This seems a little padded to me. This is at a dealer correct?

If the car runs great, use this as a learning experience. I would consider a second quote on additional work you may require in the future.

Parts Pricing:

You paid list prices for parts. Not out of line for a dealer to do so, although some do better.

All and all not too out of line.

My $.02

[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 10 October 2002).]
Originally posted by BostonNSX:
btw they told me theres 2 ways of adjusting the valves.

Yes, there are two ways to adjust valves:

1. Correctly (in spec)

2. Incorrectly (out of spec)
Acura of Boston states ( and I see the big big big notice ) flat rate labor is $80 per/H

any other places to do same maintanace in Boston? anyone?

the art of chasing down my friend's white 3000gt at com. ave

NSXCA # 1690