Just bought a 2001 Jaguar S Type 4.0

6 April 2002
Wrightsville, Pa
I picked up a 2001 Jaguar S Type 4.0 Saturday. I really like the nice ride of it. I am going to sell the Porsche C4. Does anyone else have a S Type. Trying to figure out any quirks about the car. Thanks

we have a 4.0 and a Type-R....both are beautiful cars.

The 4.0 is a great car...beautiful ride, great interior and just alot of the prestige that you expect with a Jaguar.

The Type-R is the same as above, with a better suspension, little handling package and, oh ya, a supercharger! :cool:

Both are GREAT cars though! congrats!

oh i should mention my grandmother has a 3.0 and loves it as well.

My neighbors must think crazy thoughts...we live in a middle classed neighborhood, have easily teh most beautifully decorated/landscaped house, the only one valued at over $300,000 and we usually have 2 or 3 jaguars (one being the R) and my NSX

You are either living below your means (kudos to you!) or WAY beyond your means.....
One day when all the cars are in the drive, i'll snap a few shots.

Right now, my sister totaled her car and was borrowing a friends and the alternator farted while it was in the driveway and my sis is too lazy to do something about it so I've got a 1996? Sunfire stuck taking up a spot in the drive!! So the X is on the side of the house and we can't fit anything else in the driveway besides a sebring, and our two jags.

As for living below or above our means, i'd say its below. My step dad is a pharmacist. He pulls a little over $120k a year and my mom is a nurse practicioner who pulls a little more than $70k a year. My step dad though had an old house he owned outright that he sold for a ton and I think thats where some of the $$ is coming from right now. Oh, plus I still live at home for now and I contribute as well financially and with the work (i landscaped the entire house).

I'll get some pics up soon :)
>>I picked up a 2001 Jaguar S Type 4.0 Saturday.

That is just terrible. Condolences to you and your family. It is so disheartening to hear of these tragedies in our close knit community. Doesn't Dali sell a kit to move the engine to the middle of the car? It's not much but it's a start.

Good luck. Maybe we should take up a collection for this poor guy?